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RE: Post-Hardfork 19 whale vs current whale visualized

in #steem8 years ago

As a minnow this is awesome news! More power to the little guys just like it should be but i fear it will affect the steem valuation because in thenpast whales have been stockpiling it and inturn raising it value if that's not the case the price might plummet.


Not really, this will make the platform much more appealing to the mainstream. As a result, the price should go up by a lot, as millions of Average Joes and Janes can see an impact of their $1,000 investment. A majority of whales weren't actively curating, so the few whales who were may want to exit the platform. Or they could be wise and see their $ value of their stake go up, even if their stake itself goes by a lower amount. You may not know, but there has been a pact between the whales to not vote and let dolphins and minnows do so over the last couple of months. Doesn't seem to have affected the price :)