Read my response to @ats-david. It’s not a coin or an ico. I’m not making a token for people to buy. It’s a platform for developers to use to create their own dapps. We take a very small % of the post payout as a beneficiary, much like utopian and dtube.
Hey man how about mentioning teem likle ONCE in your shitty instagram page? Your pages on instagram are the worst types! Go learn from a real Instagram user like myself who only has 2000 followers but they're all organic REAL cryptocurrency related followers
see how my instagram is actually growing? Yours just seems to have a bunch of fake traffic and stolen memes that you didn't create lol one day instagram will block users who post content that isn't theirs, and youll be stuck having to create original content.
But I do respect your hustle and your money making but I just wish youd tell us more about the instagram drop shipping thing!
Your instagram has potential to be a MASSIVE portal to bring people to steem!
I use Instagram as a miniature blog and as another medium to show off my writing. I might make a post about Steemit one day, but if it becomes a “massive portal” it will only be by coincidence.
It’s all good brother. Those aren’t the people I write for. People tell me all the time how they love my style and devour everything I write. If it doesn’t appeal to you or homeboy here, that’s just fine because you’re not the people I’m trying to reach anyway. I’m looking for people who enjoy my articles.
Granted this one was little more than an update post on a few projects, but I have a lot going on and couldn’t fit all of the updates in the main post so I decided to separate them.
I find it funny how so many people will go out of their way to not read my posts, skim to the bottom and leave a comment about how it’s too long and they didn’t read it. Sounds like just a bunch of haters to me. And i love my haters. Keep it coming boys.
I feel you. I definitely like your style. TBH I didn't read the whole post, but skimmed through and focused on the parts that were of the most interest to me. I think it's great that you've developed "your style" and am not surprised a lot of people like it. Ironically, the fact that it's polarizing is a good sign. Anything some people are going to love, some people are going to hate. If no one hates it, it's not very likely anyone will love it. And with respect to your token launching protocol, it sounds interesting and think it will be a great addition to Steem. That being said, I wouldn't say ICOs are a major focus of SMTs, they are just one feature. In fact, it would seem that your aims are largely the same as ours, with the key distinction being that we want everything to be done on-chain, which requires making a lot of adjustments to the Steem blockchain while yours has to do with sidechains and seems more geared towards leveraging the Steem blockchain as it exists (not being capable of issuing new Steem-like tokens). Regardless, as you say, competition never hurt anyone and our primary objective is to make Steem better, so if someone can do that better than we can, all the better. More likely, we will all simply focus on what we think is most important, and nobody else is working on, so that entrepreneurs have even more options for how to integrate Steem into their application so as to maximize success. Best of luck!
All good, I won't take it personally. This post was really just an update, but I can't let my standards slip just because I'm not creating a work of art that will stand the test of time.
Anyway, I agree with what you say about polarizing. I think that's something that's missing from this website. It was my original gripe with Steemit and why I coined the term "circle jerk" - people are scared to piss someone off because it will mean less upvotes and less money. So they all just echo each other and give each other pats on the back. "oh wow I really like the part where you said that completely forgettable universal statement." Lame.
To tell you the truth I can't really comment on the whole SMT thing. It's tokens for Steem, a la ERC20 tokens for Ethereum? Sounds like ICOs to me. Utility tokens galore, which have unfortunately fallen out of favor especially since the latest news by the SEC that says that all ICOs are now security tokens.
I don't understand the technical nuances so I could be wrong. Anyway, nice to see someone from Steemit Inc who isn't a troll. Props.
I would say that the key difference is that ERC20 tokens are claimed utility tokens, not actual. They don't have the features (fast and fee-less) nor the capabilities (decentralized distribution) to actually become useful for applications. SMTs will launch with these features and capabilities thereby immediately becoming useful so long as they are incorporated into a valuable application. In addition, Ethereum isn't built form the ground up to integrate with existing applications or new applications that use mature and rapid web development technologies. We already have multiple valuable applications running on Steem and SMTs will give them their own native currency whose price will reflect its value, regardless of whether they ICO. Finally, because all SMTs will have the option to leverage decentralized distribution, it's actually the only token launching protocol that isn't all about ICOs. In fact, I personally feel that the benefits for launching a token with only decentralized distribution (a/k/a proof of brain) are superior to ICO-ing. SMTs will offer ICO options because we integrate the feedback of entrepreneurs and developers, not because we are advocating for or against their use. Of course, time will tell on all of this, as with everything we do, it's really an experiment!
Its just too much. If he really needs to write in such a emotionally taxing way he should probably write shorter texts. The amount of self-aggrandizement in these posts just drains my will to read further.
If the texts were shorter it might be interesting spending a few minutes on having a giggle because these kinds of "characters" seem to work well in TV and movies, assuming hes just playing a character.
Hes a good writer, but gdammit, you need to have at least a bit of understanding of how the audience will react to your post. Who is he trying to impress? The Trending spam commenters, and small accounts that dont understand how it is he is in trending or whales, influential steemians and real audiences that actually mean something for the growth of your blog in terms of support, community acknowledgement and interactions....
Heres some feedback, take it as you wish. @yallapapi
Thanks for the feedback, but I am thinking bigger than that. Steemit is where I host my blog. Yes, I am part of the community but my account here is only one piece of the machine I’m trying to create.
It sounds ridiculous, but I believe that one day when I am famous people will google me in an effort to read everything I’ve ever written. I don’t know when but I believe it will happen. Much like I believed I would have a small audience before I even found steemit. And look at us now, here we are communicating because of a post I wrote.
I don’t know when or how, but I believe it will happen someday. I am writing with that in mind, not to impress anyone on steemit. I guess long posts don’t appeal to most people here because they’re in a hurry to comment and “network” or whatever, but I’ve managed to find a fair amount of people who like what I write and that’s enough for me. Sorry if you don’t like it brother, but it’s not going to change any time soon.
All the luck to you sister 😉😉. We have a saying in Croatia:you need to crawl before you can learn how to walk...
Youre trying to skip every step that comes before your goal.
All of the bought upvotes, and the over the top self aggrandizement all comes off as fake, making you look like Steems "Great Pretender".
I dont think you will be able to earn respect this way but its your blog to do as you wish.
Brother, if you have read any of my other posts then you would know that it’s all an act. I’m the first one to admit that I’m steemit great pretender. In fact I may even make that my official title.
Without paid upvotes I would have gotten nowhere. I owe all my success on here to them and the trending page and I have admitted that frequently. In fact I even detailed it as a strategy in some of my earlier posts.
It isn’t not cheap, but it is what has enabled me to grow so quickly and get eyes on my writing. That is why I stick around. Not for post rewards or to raise the value of the token.
This is the first time I have seen one of your posts, personally I don't scroll the feed much simply because I find most of it to be crap about which I have no interest. I have sat here and scrolled for ten minutes non-stop not finding a single post to pique my interest.
I only clicked on your post to see what you did to earn that grand in upvotes and quite frankly was relatively surprised at the writing, the wit and what made the length easily manageable was the layout. Too often people cram too many words together as if in one giant crampacked paragraph. The eye appreciates empty space.
As for the alleged self-aggrandizement you have been accused of by some, I found it entertaining and not so much self-aggrandizement but just funny word play from someone who has a few projects on the go. I say (put prefferred consonant here)uck-em .
So, I am going to follow you, something I do not do willynilly, while I wasn't so when I first joined steemit I most certainly am now. I most certainly do not do the "I follow you you follow me" scenario. One must prove to me that they got something worthwhile for me to follow. And you seem to have something going on and perhaps I can learn to adapt what you are doing to make my own posts a little more attractive.
Instagram killer 💰💰💰
The social network that pays crypto currency, for the fact that you just live
Install the Nimses application and start saving your time right now!
Use the code ( uk9wle4yzr ) to register and get bonus nimes instantly on account of 1440 Nimses
when you bet, you get a crypto currency, if you are not active you still get the crypto currency, even if you open the application in half a year, you will already have enough Nimses token to buy a motorcycle or a cup of coffee. Every day, your balance is replenished for 1,440 Nimses tokens simply for the fact that you live. It is interesting, is not it?
I wish I read your comment first. Because now I’m asking myself, what did I just read?
Read my response to @ats-david. It’s not a coin or an ico. I’m not making a token for people to buy. It’s a platform for developers to use to create their own dapps. We take a very small % of the post payout as a beneficiary, much like utopian and dtube.
Strange how nobody seems to actually read posts.
I just told you, I didn't have time to read your ridiculously long post.
so you are launching a security?
Hey man how about mentioning teem likle ONCE in your shitty instagram page? Your pages on instagram are the worst types! Go learn from a real Instagram user like myself who only has 2000 followers but they're all organic REAL cryptocurrency related followers
see how my instagram is actually growing? Yours just seems to have a bunch of fake traffic and stolen memes that you didn't create lol one day instagram will block users who post content that isn't theirs, and youll be stuck having to create original content.
But I do respect your hustle and your money making but I just wish youd tell us more about the instagram drop shipping thing!
Your instagram has potential to be a MASSIVE portal to bring people to steem!
I use Instagram as a miniature blog and as another medium to show off my writing. I might make a post about Steemit one day, but if it becomes a “massive portal” it will only be by coincidence.
I'm just glad you included a ToC, @yallapapi.
Too bad we can't use the
attribute on thea
tag so ToC's can be made clickable.It’s all good brother. Those aren’t the people I write for. People tell me all the time how they love my style and devour everything I write. If it doesn’t appeal to you or homeboy here, that’s just fine because you’re not the people I’m trying to reach anyway. I’m looking for people who enjoy my articles.
Granted this one was little more than an update post on a few projects, but I have a lot going on and couldn’t fit all of the updates in the main post so I decided to separate them.
I find it funny how so many people will go out of their way to not read my posts, skim to the bottom and leave a comment about how it’s too long and they didn’t read it. Sounds like just a bunch of haters to me. And i love my haters. Keep it coming boys.
Wow! You have a different spirit..
I feel you. I definitely like your style. TBH I didn't read the whole post, but skimmed through and focused on the parts that were of the most interest to me. I think it's great that you've developed "your style" and am not surprised a lot of people like it. Ironically, the fact that it's polarizing is a good sign. Anything some people are going to love, some people are going to hate. If no one hates it, it's not very likely anyone will love it. And with respect to your token launching protocol, it sounds interesting and think it will be a great addition to Steem. That being said, I wouldn't say ICOs are a major focus of SMTs, they are just one feature. In fact, it would seem that your aims are largely the same as ours, with the key distinction being that we want everything to be done on-chain, which requires making a lot of adjustments to the Steem blockchain while yours has to do with sidechains and seems more geared towards leveraging the Steem blockchain as it exists (not being capable of issuing new Steem-like tokens). Regardless, as you say, competition never hurt anyone and our primary objective is to make Steem better, so if someone can do that better than we can, all the better. More likely, we will all simply focus on what we think is most important, and nobody else is working on, so that entrepreneurs have even more options for how to integrate Steem into their application so as to maximize success. Best of luck!
All good, I won't take it personally. This post was really just an update, but I can't let my standards slip just because I'm not creating a work of art that will stand the test of time.
Anyway, I agree with what you say about polarizing. I think that's something that's missing from this website. It was my original gripe with Steemit and why I coined the term "circle jerk" - people are scared to piss someone off because it will mean less upvotes and less money. So they all just echo each other and give each other pats on the back. "oh wow I really like the part where you said that completely forgettable universal statement." Lame.
To tell you the truth I can't really comment on the whole SMT thing. It's tokens for Steem, a la ERC20 tokens for Ethereum? Sounds like ICOs to me. Utility tokens galore, which have unfortunately fallen out of favor especially since the latest news by the SEC that says that all ICOs are now security tokens.
I don't understand the technical nuances so I could be wrong. Anyway, nice to see someone from Steemit Inc who isn't a troll. Props.
I would say that the key difference is that ERC20 tokens are claimed utility tokens, not actual. They don't have the features (fast and fee-less) nor the capabilities (decentralized distribution) to actually become useful for applications. SMTs will launch with these features and capabilities thereby immediately becoming useful so long as they are incorporated into a valuable application. In addition, Ethereum isn't built form the ground up to integrate with existing applications or new applications that use mature and rapid web development technologies. We already have multiple valuable applications running on Steem and SMTs will give them their own native currency whose price will reflect its value, regardless of whether they ICO. Finally, because all SMTs will have the option to leverage decentralized distribution, it's actually the only token launching protocol that isn't all about ICOs. In fact, I personally feel that the benefits for launching a token with only decentralized distribution (a/k/a proof of brain) are superior to ICO-ing. SMTs will offer ICO options because we integrate the feedback of entrepreneurs and developers, not because we are advocating for or against their use. Of course, time will tell on all of this, as with everything we do, it's really an experiment!
Great conversation and thanks for the response.
Nothing special
you are right
I am try to this
Its just too much. If he really needs to write in such a emotionally taxing way he should probably write shorter texts. The amount of self-aggrandizement in these posts just drains my will to read further.
If the texts were shorter it might be interesting spending a few minutes on having a giggle because these kinds of "characters" seem to work well in TV and movies, assuming hes just playing a character.
Hes a good writer, but gdammit, you need to have at least a bit of understanding of how the audience will react to your post. Who is he trying to impress? The Trending spam commenters, and small accounts that dont understand how it is he is in trending or whales, influential steemians and real audiences that actually mean something for the growth of your blog in terms of support, community acknowledgement and interactions....
Heres some feedback, take it as you wish. @yallapapi
Thanks for the feedback, but I am thinking bigger than that. Steemit is where I host my blog. Yes, I am part of the community but my account here is only one piece of the machine I’m trying to create.
It sounds ridiculous, but I believe that one day when I am famous people will google me in an effort to read everything I’ve ever written. I don’t know when but I believe it will happen. Much like I believed I would have a small audience before I even found steemit. And look at us now, here we are communicating because of a post I wrote.
I don’t know when or how, but I believe it will happen someday. I am writing with that in mind, not to impress anyone on steemit. I guess long posts don’t appeal to most people here because they’re in a hurry to comment and “network” or whatever, but I’ve managed to find a fair amount of people who like what I write and that’s enough for me. Sorry if you don’t like it brother, but it’s not going to change any time soon.
All the luck to you sister 😉😉. We have a saying in Croatia:you need to crawl before you can learn how to walk...
Youre trying to skip every step that comes before your goal.
All of the bought upvotes, and the over the top self aggrandizement all comes off as fake, making you look like Steems "Great Pretender".
I dont think you will be able to earn respect this way but its your blog to do as you wish.
Brother, if you have read any of my other posts then you would know that it’s all an act. I’m the first one to admit that I’m steemit great pretender. In fact I may even make that my official title.
Without paid upvotes I would have gotten nowhere. I owe all my success on here to them and the trending page and I have admitted that frequently. In fact I even detailed it as a strategy in some of my earlier posts.
It isn’t not cheap, but it is what has enabled me to grow so quickly and get eyes on my writing. That is why I stick around. Not for post rewards or to raise the value of the token.
This is the first time I have seen one of your posts, personally I don't scroll the feed much simply because I find most of it to be crap about which I have no interest. I have sat here and scrolled for ten minutes non-stop not finding a single post to pique my interest.
I only clicked on your post to see what you did to earn that grand in upvotes and quite frankly was relatively surprised at the writing, the wit and what made the length easily manageable was the layout. Too often people cram too many words together as if in one giant crampacked paragraph. The eye appreciates empty space.
As for the alleged self-aggrandizement you have been accused of by some, I found it entertaining and not so much self-aggrandizement but just funny word play from someone who has a few projects on the go. I say (put prefferred consonant here)uck-em .
So, I am going to follow you, something I do not do willynilly, while I wasn't so when I first joined steemit I most certainly am now. I most certainly do not do the "I follow you you follow me" scenario. One must prove to me that they got something worthwhile for me to follow. And you seem to have something going on and perhaps I can learn to adapt what you are doing to make my own posts a little more attractive.
Thank you my brother. And you’re right, some people just can’t hear the humor in it I guess.
Upvotes are virtually all purchased as well. Don’t believe the numbers.
Instagram killer 💰💰💰
The social network that pays crypto currency, for the fact that you just live
Install the Nimses application and start saving your time right now!
Use the code ( uk9wle4yzr ) to register and get bonus nimes instantly on account of 1440 Nimses
when you bet, you get a crypto currency, if you are not active you still get the crypto currency, even if you open the application in half a year, you will already have enough Nimses token to buy a motorcycle or a cup of coffee. Every day, your balance is replenished for 1,440 Nimses tokens simply for the fact that you live. It is interesting, is not it?
Use the code ( uk9wle4yzr ) to register and get bonus nimes instantly on account of 1440 Nimses