Thanks for this service, it's very useful! Here's a small possible improvement, the two numbers overlap here:
I also have a favor to ask from you: could you please give a lift to my post about onboarding friends to Steemit?
Thanks for this service, it's very useful! Here's a small possible improvement, the two numbers overlap here:
I also have a favor to ask from you: could you please give a lift to my post about onboarding friends to Steemit?
Thanks for the feedback, what device / browser are you on? As for your favor, I kindly ask you to have a look here first:
I am on Chrome for Mac. I've read this post, thank you. Sorry if it looked like whalehunting, it wasn't my intention. This post could help invite more people to Steemit, that's why I thought it's worth asking.
Thanks for the feedback. As for getting friends on Steemit, yes, everybody is doing what he / she cans. I will look over your initiative and, if it's up my alley, i will support it. Steem on! :)
Thank you, I would greatly appreciate it!