I think @themarkymark absolutely nailed it with the comment "you can move forwards by powering down"
This repetition of "we want to power down fast" is ridiculous to me. Whoever powered up the funds from the exchanges should live with that fact - if they lose customers because of this then thats their problem in my opinion - it sounds like misappropriation of funds to me.
This is absolutely relevant here https://definitions.uslegal.com/m/misappropriation-of-funds/ but I'm unaware of the implications regarding locale and duristiction in this example. I really dont think the exchanges should be bailed out in this way - and for what its worth, I think there should be legal review of these actions.
The response "maybe we can find a way to make it work" actually makes me cringe - its frustrating to hear such stubbornness dressed up as cooperation. This seems to me to be nothing more than a demand dressed up in fluffier language.
"I hear what you're saying - we're on the same page" - well if thats the case then why the continued insistence on finding a faster way to power down? Just get on with it.
I haven't got to the end of this yet and will keep listening for now - but it seems like quite a frustrating conversation to me.
That's the whole thing pretty much. Witnesses offer to make public statements stating not to re-do the softfork, assuring Justin's and anyone else's funds are safe and then it comes back to "But can exchanges power down faster?"