I am guessing there was some knee-jerk reactions following Mark Zuckerberg's announcement yesterday. Sounds like he's feeling a bit threatened by cryptocurrencies. It won't be long before he prohibits Steemit posts on Facebook. (Some of us are already increasing our use of Google+ as a response.)
I'm still new to this, but I'm guessing that cryptocurrencies will remain a bit unstable for awhile still, bolstered or depressed by news items regarding who is (or is not) accepting them.
Great article, all the same, thanks for sharing.
Cryptocurrencies DEFINE unstable. That's a feature..not a bug.
They are free market...unhindered by guberment censorship.
That's a good way to look at it. I figure that anything that goes down has to go up again unless there's something fundamentally wrong. Hence, one may as well dip into cryptocurrencies because it's certainly not going away any time soon!
my opinion (hope and wish) is that crypto currencies will replace fiat.
Hmmmm. I guess if we start using cards backed by cryptocurrency, it could happen. I can imagine it running side by side with fiat currency, but not replacing. But it will definitely be a good thing for cryptocurrencies to be more acceptable.