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RE: Open letter to a future Steemian

in #steem6 years ago

Dear @meno,
Thank you for writing this letter. I am not a future joiner, having joined this year, but I want to reply anyway :D

All of your words are very true.


That is all.

Sorry my reply letter is short.

Um, I guess if I should add more things to say is that I managed somehow to grow my account, truly by networking and being engaged. Like, I pay attention to what other people are doing and saying, and I take active interest in them. This is basic, but yet I see a lot of people fail to do this. Most authors do not even venture outside of their own Steemit blog to visit other Steemit bloggers' blogs, let alone venture into discords.

I understand. It is hard. Is daunting, or unnatural, or you just donno who to look at or what to say. But if I can do it, anyone can! Cuz I started not knowing ANYONE on the platform, and now I have heaps and heaps of friends :D

And I'm really ordinary :)

Anyway, thank you for great letter. Oh, but I do acknowledge that Steemit post-HF20 is a bit more difficult for newcomers to grow and interact with. The RC is a bit stifling for newcomers these days. I had no such barriers when I joined in January 2018. I used my unlimited commenting abilities to expand my spider web and commented everywhere :3

Okei. That's all from me.

Hope you have a great day,


I agree with you regarding RC being a barrier, I found steemit just prior to HF20 and had quite a bit of commenting and voting freedom at the start. After the HF, it was difficult to find that I couldn't vote or comment as freely due to low RC, however, I believe it was around this time that I started interacting A LOT more on discord and I feel as though I've met some really good people there (very supportive and encouraging people) so I do recommend engagement via discord or chat especially since commenting there doesn't eat up your RC. Besides, it's a great place to find like-minded people who may be interested to see and read the things you're posting,