I appreciate deeply your highly rational analysis. I feel the lack of additional value metrics to the economic prevents full exegesis and development of truly comprehensive rewards solutions for Steemit, just as the focus on finance alone does the real world of which Steemit is a microcosm.
SOC (SMTs, Oracles, and Communities) will provide a virtually unlimited suite of mechanisms for valuing social interactions, and potentiate extra-economic rewards that have been suppressed historically by a predatory class. A paradigm shift is nascent, born with Steemit, that further development will bring to fruition, and I hope dearly that your insight and careful thought will be availed of those seeking to better value society and the rewards social interactions produce beyond mere finance.
There is a proscription that appears to operate in the West that precludes non-financial values from being considered, and reflecting on your comment makes it not only obvious, but glaring. It is clear that folks seek those values and rewards - this is why we consider purely gaming the system for profit an inadequate mechanism - and such better minds as yours can grant far preferable understanding and make possible improved rewards mechanisms than we are presently endowed.
I look much forward to reading such thoughts as you may effect when you consider more than economic aspects of society, as the economy is sadly become practically the sole metric for measuring value. My mother passed away last year, and no encomium can compensate me for that loss. Society has so much and greater value than mere money. I can hardly wait for minds like yours to wrap themselves around SOC and create new paradigms of valuation that might better Steemit, social media, and, indeed, our world.