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RE: Open Discussion: Fix Trending & Stop Promotion Abuse

in #steem7 years ago

You can't solve the problem, since you don't impose stake-weighting. That's the essential mechanism that devalues all societal virtues by imposing stake as the sole virtue determining power on Steemit. All you can do is act to mitigate or exacerbate it.

One thing you can do is simply refuse to provide upvotes to posts that don't have 'promoted' or 'advertising' as the primary tag. This can help folks to sort posts that actually have value per their interests, but it won't be a profitable endeavor.

If all bots did this (which will not happen), things would be some better, but it doesn't restore the various actual true benefits of society that are vastly more important than money by rewarding them commensurately to their real relevance.

I don't think Steemit will fix this. I don't think @dan is going to make a platform that does either, from my assessment of his considerations of the matter. Dunno if you can, or even want to.

That's the real problem, though, and stake-weighting is the disease to be cured, rather than following the example of allopathic medicine by continually and expensively treating the symptoms rather than curing the disease. It's more profitable to treat the symptoms, and maximizing profits in medicine is an egregious example, notorious, universally reviled, and utterly endemic in the world because of stake-weighting.

This principle underlies practically every problem that confounds society and costs inestimable lives and treasure, from our legal system being the best money can buy, to censorship by Gargle, Fakebook, and Twatter, to the last profitable industry in America, surveilling people for fun and profit.

Basing power on virtues other than financial holdings is essential to functional society. That it is continually inversely done is why we're increasingly facing global war. It's also why trending sucks.