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RE: What is it about STEEM that its tanking so hard? // An open letter to STEEMIT.INC

in #steem6 years ago

"A Bernie without Bernies stake is a gray account in a week."

Being full of fury and scorn delivers no value. Stake is but a poor indicator of value in society, as I have long opined. We need a better, more useful reputation metric, because that is a far better tool to derive value in society, which potentiates leadership.

It is a stake-based society that has made the eruption of independent media and platforms like Steemit necessary, because acquisition of stake is more predatory on society than constructive. Since what we seek is successful industry, stake is but one factor that must be considered.

Social dynamics are far more complex and nuanced than any of us grasp, yet I know the feel in my belly when an endeavor is going well, or is going awry. I do not think Bernie can lead us in the direction we need to go, given his social skills.

" There is no community action without leadership. Without someone to get the ball rolling.
And with the social dynamics here as they are, all those in the position to do so are either incompetent to do so or are constricted by those same social dynamics."

It is the way of people, not merely Steemit. This is a large part of the reason Steemit has such great potential, because of decentralization.

We do not need a Fuhrer to lead a unified folk to victory over the world.

We need myriad of them to lead themselves and their ilk to their independence from banksters. I grant that my experience has soured me on the modus operandi of stake-weighted business (long before Steemit), but if there is not a plethora of successful routes to nominal business models, societies, and associations then Steem will just enable another empire, and we all know what happens to empires: they fall.

Someone pointed out earlier that there are no models of decentralized organizations that succeeded in the long run, and I must point out that there are no models of organizations that succeeded in the long run. What has succeeded to date is the freedom to organize at will and craft such society as may withstand it's enemies and utilize such resources as inure to it well, metaorganization if you will.

Life itself, in other words.


We do not need a Fuhrer to lead a unified folk to victory over the world.

I agree with most you said though i do not agree with this statement. We dont need a "Fuhrer" to pull all the strings and do the nasty things Fuhrers do, but we need faces and figureheads that act as a "loudspeaker" for the platform.
Every platform has those guys, but we dont.

Leaders aren't all brash and bold. Every cult of personality eventually dies with it's leader.

Worse than we presently endure is readily available, and would be leaders are lined up and willing to deliver. I can count on one hand those figureheads that didn't eventually prove liabilities to the organizations they led. I am far more interested in existentially valuable metrics than vanity and self-promotion, which seem to be the qualities you are endorsing.

While it is true there is something of a crisis of confidence ongoing presently, the appearance of confidence is no compensation for the real thing. It is in the baking that the pie is proved, and given the extant market, particularly the variety of UX and communities that are pregnant with potential to deliver value to Steem, I am not sure @smooth is wrong, or that @ned's focus on SMTs is wrong.

I am sure of one thing, that we are fortunate I am not in @ned's shoes!

"Every platform has those guys, but we dont."

Good. We are not every other platform, and for good reason we should not try to be like them. Steem is a paradigm changing crypto, among the paradigm change that is crypto. I note that the great power of Steem is to empower others, not to stand above everyone else and command.

The leader that makes folks feel they can do it better, so much so that they go out and do it is the leader Steem needs, because that's what Steem is: a platform to enable platforms to change the world.


We seem to be way off at perceiving the current situation.

No, im not endorsing self-promotion, thats a side effect that comes from being a "loudspeaker" for a platform or an idea.

....appearance of confidence

Ill take appearance of confidence over defeatism and inaction any day of the week.


No, thats not good. Steem is no paradigm changing crypto. Steem is a ship that is at this moment taking on water.
Steem is slipping into obscurity. We dropped passed no50 in market cap from being under 20 months ago.

No one will come here if we remain talking about how great we are among ourselves. How STEEM "is", how STEEM "should be", how STEEM "will be"...

No one cares. Thats a fact. Youre literally seeing it with your own eyes..
"They" will not come here, you need to take STEEM to "them".

The leader that makes folks feel they can do it better, so much so that they go out and do it is the leader Steem needs

Sorry. But no. Every single leader here is the kind of guy that "makes folks feel better", their whole modus operandi is based on making folks feel nice and those guys arent worth a sack of potatoes. (If wer talking about making something happen)

We need doers and action takers if this platform is to succeed.

"We need doers and action takers if this platform is to succeed."

the guy to do all the things.That's exactly my point. We don't need to @ned to be

You're quite in agreement with me, although it seems you dislike the particular way in which @ned is making it necessary for those doers and makers to act. I can see good reason why, but again point out that every figurehead I can think of off the top of my head has been a net loss to the organization eventually. It is those that build power into the organization, rather than taking it upon themselves, that prove to be the greatest benefit.

I am not meticulously analyzing Stinc, Steem, or @ned. Hell, I'm a carpenter and should be bending nails and detecting my thumbs today, but instead I'm here. I'm here because Steem is different than other cryptos, because it's potential is to change the world by enabling others to do so, not because my ROI is challenged.

Steem will not be long potential if it's no more than another of the thousands of cryptos, and there's a lot wrong with it from the get go, such as the ninjamine. If @ned were simply another Lee Iacocca or Warren Buffet, Steem would already be dead. I am not his herald, nor cheerleader, but can't fault his apparent intentions, as I can see no greater potential business opportunity in the world today than Steem.

Whether or not @ned is the equal of this opportunity I cannot answer. I sure can't say he isn't, however, and don't expect some kind of flawless business ninja to be at the helm of such innovation and paradigm change. Again, were such in charge, they'd have sold out to Fakebook, and Steem would wither away, just another crypto without a use case.

@ned seems to be seeking to enable the doers and makers, as well as the whiners and takers, to find a better table to take their meat at than we presently have. I'm good with that, and don't care about price or market position in the short term. Quarterly returns are the weapons of bean counters. Visionaries craft revolutions that endure for a thousand years. @ned may not be either, but Steem could be that revolution, and we'll see what comes of it, in due time.

Today, clearly, isn't that time.