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RE: Hilarious: Justin Sun calls the cops over ‘stolen’ Steem funds

in #steem4 years ago

Sun is such a narcissist he probably didn't even consult a lawyer before involving police - if he did. He's far more stupid than he looks if he did, because he blatantly took those funds from users of Steem, not his personal blockchain service, just like so many white collar criminals embezzling funds have done before when working for a company made it possible. Calling the cops because your criminal proceeds have been stolen has precedents, but not many, and none I can recall off the top of my head. He'd certainly make that Stupidest Criminals TV show roster for it.

He's literally insane if he did call the cops. He's got to be insane anyway, to think he can just take money out of accounts that aren't his. He's not a f'ing bank, and those people didn't deposit those funds with him. Given his statement that he personally wasn't involved in the fork his sockpuppets undertook, what reason can he put forward to have basis for complaint without invalidating that statement?

He must have investments in a law firm, that's going to make so much money off of his troubles that the investment will pay off.

Personally, I suspect the CCP may sadly discover he has committed suicide by shooting himself twice in the back of the head with a single shot shotgun. He's not producing very good PR, didn't manage to censor the Steem community as they must have wanted, and is in fact enabling Hive to really benefit from all his frauds.

I imagine Xi Jinping on the phone to HRC, asking for advice.

Given the disastrous PR, she might even recommend a triple tap.