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RE: Operation Clean Trending

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

You are quite correct in your criticisms.

I also point out that I would sooner expect the pope to convert to Islam than I would expect Stinc to seek to limit votebots. It's their bread and butter.

Yet, the alternative is the eventual destruction of any socially redeeming value Steemit has. Bots suck the value of upvotes out of the users and increasingly concentrate it in the accounts of whales.

This is ongoing, but there is a limit to how much longer it can go on. Presently Steemit has a ~10% YOY retention rate for accounts. 90% of users give up before a year is out.

The bots are getting worse, and making the problems that are already insoluble for 90% of folks worse.

Bots or people. Steemit can live without bots, but it cannot without people.

While I mentioned captchas and 2fa, I am no specialist in botproofing, and others may have better ideas on how to manage it.

As to impediments to additional interfaces to the blockchain, again, you are correct. These impediments aren't necessarily insoluble. Impediments aren't roadblocks or unbridgeable chasms. Dunno why Chainbb gave up, so can't comment. 90% of new accounts gave up too, though, and that might be why.

Even without you, as long as the bots were gone, Steemit would be a better place.

I'd miss you though!
