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RE: Monero took the lead from Steem - we need More Votes

in #steem7 years ago

Valid points @acidyo - first it sounded really weird to me as well they select a currency based on Twitter Polls that indeed could be manipulated - therefore I am not sure what really will happen with the Final round results are in. I would assume they analyse data and come to a decision after that. But who knows?

Agree in general we need to grow the platform fair - we might want to grow at a lower pace though and then the exchanges come. The poll now at least gives some brand awareness which should at least attract new users if we should not win.


I would assume they analyse data and come to a decision after that.

Yeah hope they at least check for abuse on the vote counts - monero rising like that considering how small of a community it is in general/compared to steemit was a bit surprising.

The poll now at least gives some brand awareness which should at least attract new users if we should not win.

True :)