Nether upvoting nor downvoting on steemit is fair nor does it help the platform. It is but a circlejerk of the people with power! I have long given up making a difference here as any proposal to actually make the platform worth something culturally run on deaf ears. why because the people in control don't care how they make their money, just that they make it . How is it otherwise that you have amazing posts voted up by hundreds of people that make mere pennies but shit posts that make hundreds with a few powerful votes.
All this talk about wanting to engage people is just a smoke screen, sure give the power trolls another way to further degrade the forum by making their downvotes pay - because we all know that no matter how we minnows try to downvote the power shit posts we would not even make a dent in it !
you want to make this place worth something make votes count equally! one vote per account with equal power to all ! like this the community would actually care and those who create quality content would actually be rewarded ... but i know this wiill just run on deaf ears again ...don't even know why I still try ...
Right because everybody from India is a scam artist is that what you are saying ? do you really think that anyone has the time to manage 1000+ accounts . That being said there could be an account verification process example anyone under 1000 steem invested that wants to vote would have to do an ID check or wait .. the current system is broken and mirrors our real world power dynamics that is literally killing humanity's future , this place was supposed to be better ...
Oracles prevent this.
I flag trash. You have received a flag.