When Bitcoins value drops it usually means people are cashing out, sell orders start being triggered by those that brought in late usually trying to avoid any loss as well as exchanges always crashing making it hard to make sales or buy in.
I really think Poloniex is controlled and have taken all my investments out of the centralised exchanges in hope that we will be able to trade in a decentralised exchanged platform on the blockchain.
Bitcoin is down to $2500 (-3.61%) Ethereum down to $269 (-12.1%)
Bitcoin is the tide and all else are boats trying to stay afloat as the tide goes in and out
Where I come from we wait till the tide is out before we go fishing and diving for treasure
Time to buy buy buy
FOLLOW @tuakanamorgan
Thanks for the tip
No problem, hope all is well
very cheap, buy them you must... Rich you will be
Buy I will, at purchase limit I am
The enlightened HODL, and buy when prices drop. Zen.
HODL kung fu mater