The fact that your are willing to post countless of senseless post and don't support any action to get spanish users informed of what's going on, speaks a lot about what kind of person you are.
You claim others to be sellfish, but it is you who actually are. You care about "community" at Justin Sun levels.
porque los podcast que se hacen no son informativos no?
zona witness donde pgarcgo explica la situacion de steem no es informativo no?
que se grabe y se suba a la cuenta de youtube de cervantes no es informativo no?
deja de intentar hacer creer que te preocupas por la comunidad, cuando no sabes nada de la misma.
You are the one shitting on my translation work, I don't have an opinion of what others do outside of STEEM nor I have to ask for "permission" to participate on STEEM.
You wrongly accused me of being sellfish when the ones being sellfish are others by means of passive-agressive attacks.
I understand some large STEEM stack owners want to keep the privilege to DUMP on uninformed users. My actions are to protect Spanish community users by informing them of what's going on.
It's clear now you are on the opposit side. You want LESS people to know so to become a frontrunner of events. That's sad, sad on you.
Apenas revise el primer párrafo y veo innumerables errores hechos por claramente un traductor automático.
No usas tides, no sabes construir frases, incluso te inventas expresiones que no se usan en español.
Basta ya de tus mentiras, todo lo que marque en amarillo está mal!!!
I did my part and the "help to regroup the Spanish community" is still MIA.
Festeja @news-today lo que no se han metido con él jajaja
@news-today is an english news service for STEEM chain. They will need a translator to understand how some spanish whales are undermining the move to HIVE by not supporting the @blocktrades message to reach the Spanish audience. They aparently prefer to procrastinate on Discord. Feel sorry for them, I don't have time to procrastinate.
Deja de mentir tan asquerosamente, puedes decir que soy agresiva si te da la real gana, pero esa traducción es mucho peor que la de un traductor automático, como esperas que nadie apoye esa bazofia infumable.
Haztelo mirar porque estas mal de la cabeza.
You are actively trying to boycot the HIVE move with false claims.
I have bad news for you: STEEM is going to 0. There is no value left on this chain since the takover.
You probably bought yourself sometime to dump before every Spanish user knows what's really going on. Either way, it's done.