I think it's a war and in a war, their no winners every one has some losses
and I think it will never end people will keep paying for bots , and people keep downvoting people that paying bots and this game will never end it must have another solution an especially in a platform controlled by people, where everyone who got so SP can somehow controls the system
I talking about both sides the people that using bots
and people that downvoting for that
At least this self promotion had some effort
you told people that you using bots

but they don't care they don't look at your post!
and you have an original content I know I watch your video
Although I don't agree with their methods, they are at least trying something.
For that I give it credit.
People need to pull out their flags, I just don't believe it should be done blindly.
this what I talking about I agree 100% what the do but not the way they do it
well is there a way we can get them to unflag the posts or report abuse? I am just learning how to do things here, and the first time I payed for a resteem I got flagged. I go to the page and the account is brand new, only blank pictures posted and all his comments coming in are from people not understanding why their post was flagged. there was absolutely nothing wrong with my post?
Is steemit censored even worse than facebook, you tube and twitter? Whats even more ironic is thats what my post was all about. censorship.
save the drama for your mama
sure I will thanks captain Obvious

I will fly to my mama and will cry just let take out my paraglider
Oh, my god for me?

really I got a medal for crying?
oh wow I so excited right now
I think I gonna cry again because of excitement do you have another medal for me
that's two times crying
I do see your point but I think it's your own fault for getting downvoted.
Let me put forward another scenario for you. Imagine you created that post and it landed on the trending page organically. If you earn that spot after building a reputation from months and months of hard work. Now imagine as soon as you landed on the trending page, a brand new user who also had good content but nowhere near your reputation decided to spend some $ on his equally good content which happened to push yours down the page. Then over the next hour, good and bad content all paid to get on the trending page pushing your organically earned post out of sight. As a hard working honest contributor who earned their spot on the trending page, you wouldn't be happy about it and I don't think you would really care if it was good or bad content either. What you would care about is they paid for their listing while you earned it organically.
The bad content aspect of this issue is a direct consequence of being able to pay to hit the trending page. The real issue is being able to pay for the spot in the first place, good or bad content.
@heimindanger and supporters are downvoting people who manipulate the trending page by using bots. Unfortunately, this is what you did, regardless of how good your content may be.
The real problem is, people are looking for short-term gains by using bots and the knock-on effect of this is the trending page.
A position on the trending page MUST be earned for it to be a useful tool with long-term rewards for everyone who deserves it.
By paying for your position on the trending page, no matter how good your intentions are or how good your content is, is cheating the system because you didn't EARN that listing. You used a short-cut and effectively contributed to the problem people are unhappy about.
If you continue to post good content, you will eventually earn your spot on the trending page organically.
@richreeve I agree with you, but I just saying if you did something for the community and you have only 100 followers who will see what you did?
now if you first time on the trending page and you did just because how the system right now is managed is that a bad thing?
now as I said I think what they doing is a good thing just not the way they doing
and I did it not because of the earning but because I have not a large number of followers and I did work hard to create this tool, how else people will see and use it?
and honestly it's just for exposure not for the payouts and I did it only for this post
and I agree with you on most of the things
I get it, I really do but however pure and innocent your motives were, you still gamed the system to get to the front of the cue.
The Steemit trending post is a powerful tool where it is supposed to be the COMMUNITY who decides what is good content NOT us as individuals. What may be good content to you, may not be good content to someone else. This is how trending works.
So I know your motives were pure but you still attempted to stick your head above the crowd with $$$. None of us as individuals should be allowed to choose what should be on the trending page.
if I wasn't complaining I never learned that, so in my opinion, this is a good progress
and I think more people that got burned using bot votes need to put their emotions to the side and opened up to another side instead of looking at each other as a bully.@richreeve I was emotional since I worked hard on that project and maybe I was complaining at first but thru reading the comments I now more educated
and I don't know if people that downvoted understand that but when just downvoting without a person understanding why it's just using force, the true power is when you educate that person and next time he will not use bots, not because of he afraid to get downvotes, but because now he understands why it's a bad thing for a community.
and I think it's a win/win situation and most importantly now that I more educated about that I will continue the footsteps and tried to educate other, don't you agree it's a good thing that came out of all these comments?
" If you earn that spot after building a reputation from months and months of hard work. "
Lol, you think this still happens?
is there a possibility of making two trending pages, one with an organic only trending, or a limited amount of bid bots used, and another trending page with no limits on the bot? That way it would give the reader some control on which trending page to personally support and read, upvote or share, and vice versa?
Beware - he is a scammer who stole my 50 SBD I used on his service to promote this post.
You're a lying, manipulative cunt. Except, I told the truth about you.