A few weeks ago, I ran the first round of the Steem Shilling Contest. Users were tasked to "Shill Steem", and the winners who did the best job were awarded STEEM. The results of the contest can be seen here.
This is "round 2" of the contest, and there are even more prizes!! Thanks to @jerrybanfield for donating an additional 200 STEEM to the contest :)
The purpose of this contest is to incentivise users to promote the Steem blockchain and STEEM currency to potential investors.
I want to emphasize that while recruiting more users/bloggers to the platform is really important too - that is not the purpose of this contest. This contest is focused on INVESTORS.
Why investors?
When a user earns STEEM from the platform, that STEEM has value. Users can buy things with it, hold on to it and hope it increases in value more, or trade it for US dollars (or other local currencies) using exchanges.
THE ONLY REASON that these tokens have any value, is because investors are willing to pay for them. If we didn't have investors willing to buy the tokens, they would not have any value.
The more value that investors see in the STEEM token, the higher the price can potentially go. The higher the price goes, the more rewards there are to pay out to users.
Bottom line: More investors buying STEEM = more money to pay out to users.
Contest Rules
- To enter the contest, you must "shill" (promote) the Steem blockchain and/or the STEEM currency to potential investors in some way.
- Whatever you do must take place after the creation time of this post. (You cannot submit stuff you have done in the past.)
- Whatever shilling you do must be honest/truthful.
- Your entry should consist of a reply to this post that describes what you did, include some sort of proof/results of what you did, and have an explanation of how it will attract investors to the platform.
- I will review all of the results and pick the "winners".
- The winners will be selected based on my subjective feedback of what I think is "best", although I will take upvotes and comments from other community members into consideration.
- Proposals can be made up to the time of the post closing.
- The winners will be declared and paid within 48 hours of this post closing.
- First place will get 75 STEEM.
- Second place will get 50 STEEM.
- Third place will get 25 STEEM.
- 15 honorable mentions will get 10 STEEM (each).
Here are some resources to use for your shilling:
- Steem Bluepaper: https://steem.io/steem-bluepaper.pdf.
- Daily transactions and blockchain utilization statistics: https://www.blocktivity.info/
- Steem has zero transaction fees.
- Steem transactions confirm in three seconds.
- Steem is an open source blockchain protocol that any developer can leverage to build social applications that reward users in cryptocurrency.
- Steem content is stored in the immutable ledger of the blockchain.
- Be creative, these are just suggestions.
Hi again. I have prepared an analysis of Steem as an investment opportunity. It includes massivley positive points regarding Steem blockchain including its top performance among all the blockchains, mass adoption, dApps successfully running on it, and the host of profitable ways of earning more Steem from the investment.
I have so far shared it in a crypto group of Suppoman which has 29k members and with a lot of money combined there. The title is such that this article will start appearing in Google search results soon and bring some serious eyeballs to Steem. I'll keep a tab on it. I've made a Medium draft and just need to be near a pc to publish it there. Reddit is another potential source of attention so I am figuring it out as well.
Best Cryptocurrency to Invest in? Analyzing Steem from an Investment Point of View and Sharing The Multiple Profitable Opportunities Presented by Steem Blockchain
Please, have a look from a contest point of view but also help it be visible on the trending page so that it gains more visibility within and outside Steemit. Thank you!
Great job! The more people you can share with, the better :)
@timcliff I have to vouch a bit for @ilyastarar, "sales presentation", I really liked it, also the part about the high security of the steemit wallet, that is something I have been thinking about, but never seen much hype about...
I just read your article. Great piece of work buddy
https://steemit.com/cn/@maiyude/ezyqh-steem https://bihu.com/article/77590 https://beta.ivery.link/IA/149861
I wrote the article,Publicize steem value.Use Chinese,Attract Chinese investors.
with your rules in mind , i am trying to guest post an article about steem , it's advantages and from an investment point of view.I am now in the process of writing and by reading some comments i have understood that i need to convey steem as crypto and steemit as just a platform on top of it.
I am really hoping that my article gets accepted by http://cryptoknights.io/
I am attaching a respone to my proposal from the ck team
Also @timcliff guide me whether i am heading in the right direction.
Sounds good!
To be honest, your shilling contest rules are quite easy.
Finally I like to see a contest without massive restriction on how to participate.
...I enjoyed reading your post for the "gotcha" or fine-print issue.. But there was none..
You've proven that anyone can participate in this.. with ease actually.. I like it.
Is this still on?
The terms of the contest say that submissions can be made until the post closes.
Cool @timcliff , I am going to listen to some good music to get my freakin frequency up, and write something... =) Do I acctually have to "shill" like send the post to some CEO of an AI-company or a super rich Wall Street guy that I am friends with or something like this???
The goal of the contest is to attract investors.
One question before the "shilling" I heard a FUD about how STEEM or maybe it was SBD could just be created if needed, kind of like how the fed, creates more money? Is this true? Or is this FUD?
The witnesses have control over how much SBD is printed using their price feeds. If they report an accurate price, then the amount of SBD printed is fixed based on the defined inflation rate, and the marketcap of STEEM.
Technically the witnesses can provide intentionally high or low price feeds to cause the blockchain to produce more or less SBD, but this is not a common practice.
More information on this is available in the bluepaper and whitepaper.
This is such an awesome idea Tim. I've been shilling Steem on a daily basis since discovering it and most people are begging me to shut up now ;)
Still working on my millionaire brother in Virginia... nearly there!
Resteemed for the extra coverage
Hehe, that's the problem we get when we shill it too much. People almost starts to believe that we have been brainwashed or something.
I'm crossing my fingers that you are able to get your brother to invest! I believe he will come to regret it if he decides to not listen to you.
My brother is in the stock market and still believes the crypto market is too volatile for him and his (media induced) brainwashing seems to prevent him from seeing the bigger picture...
Which is in part why I made this for him:
That's a great graph! It's very unfortunate that crypto and Bitcoin is getting so much bad publicity in the mainstream media, because even this "Bitcoin crash" that some people have called it is far from a crash if compared to just a year ago.
I think we all need this reminder sometimes;)
Participating in @timciff contest is always wonderful. Its always a great innovation towards steem. @timcliff keeps his promises attached to any of his contests. Another side of it is that when you participate, you directly gain training too. I wish i would be able to meet up with time to share in this development, not only for contest sake, rather for the progress of steem blockchain. @samstonehill, please still do well to convince your brother to invest.
Doing my best ;)
Well, if you're gonna shill, best shill Steem!
I can definitely vouch for this being a great contest to participate in. It's one where whatever you do benefits you and everyone else, regardless of whether you actually win. Of course, winning is nice too. 😀
I am going to be part of the contest but I had the idea in my head already.
This is once again a great contest, @timcliff! I believe it is a lot more difficult to get investors to join than bloggers and users of social medias, but it is probably even more important.
I don't really know anyone from the investment scene, so I will pass on joining the contest, but I will be reading the comments here, and join in on upvoting some good entries. It's not like my upvote is worth a lot, but I guess it is a nice bonus for those who enter ;)
Best regards from @valth
Hi @timcliff, I posted an entry in @apolymask's Information Finding Championship about how we could use Listserve to promote Steem, but I don't think it was targeting the investors in particular. But it gave me the idea to reboot something that I tried in my early days on Steemit, which was to create a StackExchange site for Steem. You can see the full post here: https://steemit.com/makesteemitgreat-again/@plushzilla/want-a-better-q-and-a-for-steemit-the-steem-stackexchange-site-has-been-proposed-on-area-51-again
I don't think it is particularly original, but as far as credibility is concerned I think it would be a pretty good initiative if we can get it up and running. It wouldn't even be about trying to win the contest as much as trying to get people to join and so we can get some questions and answers from the community rather than relying on just the Steemit team (because Steem is now a lot bigger than Steemit.com).
Let me know what you think :)
A StackExchange site for Steem would be amazing! I would definitely spend my time answering questions about nature, animals and biology if you get it up and running. Best of luck!
Absolutely! We must never forget that Steemit is just one of very many apps, and there are more apps every day.
Hi @valth, the StackExchange site that I am proposing would only be for Steem related questions and answers, but I noticed that there wasn't anything in particular on nature or animals (there is one for biology: https://biology.stackexchange.com/). I saw your many animal posts so I am also going to follow you and add you to my Steemitopia Network of Learning if you like sharing and teaching people about these topics :)
Ah, alright. I was kind of imagining a big "clone" StackExchange based on the Steem blockchain that would have questions for all topics. But a type for only Steem related questions would of course also be a nice project, just a bit different than I imagined ;) I guess that's what I get for not investigating the post you linked to! Hehe
Oh, that's great! I have never heard of Steemitopia Network of Learning before, but I will check it out :)
Well, that would be a pretty cool idea and maybe something for the @utopian-io people to look into?
Here's the link to SNL if you are interested: https://steemit.com/makesteemitgreat-again/@fibrefox/the-steemtopia-network-of-learning-update-connecting-people-and-ideas
Seems like a cool idea. Might be hard to fit into the scope of the contest though.
Actually, this made me think of another good idea...
Judging by some of the questions that I see on Quora about Steemit, it seems like many people are looking to either invest or earn some money from the rumours that they hear about it:
So maybe the best thing to do would be to answer questions on Quora to dispel some myths and misconception about Steemit, especially questions like this:
As someone of reasonable reputation on the platform, it can help build confidence for people who are skeptical or unsure about the platform to provide personal experiences not just as someone who is a user, but someone who also has good reputation in other areas/topics on Quora.
I think if more people who are on Steemit can do this then it becomes another good source of information for potential investors and users to consider.
Sounds good. Will you be doing this?
I posted that answer yesterday and it had 17 views so far:
Hopefully that's 17 more people that don't think Steemit is a scam :) I will look for more questions to answer as I come across them.
Under a different topic (Steem as a cryptocurrency) there are also some very relevant questions that investors would look at:
Cool, keep up the good work! If you have any more conversations before the contest ends, be sure to post details here.
42 views and one upvote now...
The other answer also did okay

I also just saw this: https://steemit.com/funny/@jga/steemitnopoly-monopoly-for-steem
great i'll make amends to my slide for my upcoming event to shill steem blockchain with info from this post https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-blockchain-train-series-tickets-43164889346
I am glad that I did not do the post earlier. I have an idea about shilling Steem to investors and participation in this contest is an added advantage of the idea that is already formulated in my mind. See you soon with my entry.
Great contest.
New idea too.
And investors would also mean new members willing to commit money to the platform? Right?
All the Steemit Official announcement were issued in English. Steemit is global, there are so many users could not understand English at all and some of them might be the protentional investors. There are so many different language translators did contributions for Utopian-io. I would like to suggest that if there are some important Steemit Official announcement, it should be translated to different languages as many as possible! People would not invest something they did not fully understand, once they understood it and will decide if it is suitable for them or not.
I like the suggestion! Can you make it happen?
Yes, Ned's team needs to decide which official post or message needs to be translated, and then pass the information to Utopian-io. Utpian-io has many different language translators and translation moderators. I think they can help on it.
Do they need to submit it themselves, or can they just give approval to allow the community to translate any posts they create?
By the way, could you allow me to translate this post to Chinese? I can collect some feedbacks and suggestions from Chinese users for you.
Yes, just be sure they know they need to submit their entries here and not as a reply to the translated post.
Sure, no problem!
as in every head yo cut off, 2 more grow back. IE : busy, d mania, d tube, utopia , the list goes on and on.
Steem is not just a coin, nor is it just steemit.
Hi @timcliff
this is my participation: https://steemit.com/steem/@javicabrera/por-que-invertir-en-steem-analisis-para-futuros-inversionistas, dedicated especially to the Spanish-speaking community, I think that many future Spanish-speaking investors, still do not have enough knowledge about the cryptocurrency, what it represents, and the potential it has in the market, so they doubt to realize the Next step, great idea to promote investments.
I saw an interesting opportunity for people to contribute articles to a Cryptocurrency Magazine that might be of interest to some people:
Cool idea. Did you submit an article?
I had to contact the editor first so will need to see what the response is :p
such a great offer as contest, I'm new or else would like to participate. Finding investors is not easy for me when i'm new on steemit, but good luck to all expert bloggers who can convince investors to this awesome platform.
Shilling is a competition to write about the positive aspects of Steemit.com, sir? And to make the investors agree that it is a platform worth to be invested in?
"make the investors agree that it is a platform worth to be invested in"
Sir @timcliff, after shilling once and submitting proof of shill, can i shi again before the contest ends.
I would like to shill steem to my polytechnic after shilling tomorrow on my social media platforms. So can i submit two entries for my shilling activities
Sure, but you can only win at most one prize.
This is neat, but so far it doesn’t meet the requirements of the contest.
this is an wonderful idea Tem. i have been shilling steem on a daily basis since discovering it and most people are begging me to shut up now still working on my millionaire sir in virginia.. nearly there . resteemed for the extracoverage.
It Really an honor to follow a guy who is trying his best to Promote this amazing platform by Rewarding the community.
It's really a great initiative, As steemit is changing the lives of many, Sharing it more will change the lives of more people :)
Resteeming to my 1900 followers.
A very helpful effort of the general public and its special steem shareholder, we should be grateful to @timcliff for making a very useful contest for everyone
This is my contribution to the contest @timcliff:
Enjoy /FF
This is neat, but I don’t see what you have done so far having any influence on potential investors. Can you please explain how what you have done will will actually attract any investors to the platform?
Stage 1/
The lyrical part is finished published readable and ready for use, including concept.
(People can read the riming verse and get inspired to invest in STEEM, not impossible).Well @timcliff
Stage 2/
People like to be entertained and they skip traditional commercial breaks,
making a funny potentially viral-music-video incorporating STEEM (and so creating an incentive to make an investment) publishing first on Dtube and then on multiple other platforms would be the next step, and this would potentially bring a lot of attention to STEEM and further establish the brand, and also if done well encourage multiple investors to invest!
I understand that it would be better if I had the finished video, but it takes more then 7-days to hustle something like that together... Maybe I miss understood the competition a bit, but you wrote "be creative", so this was my best!
Thanks for your time
Sounds good. Yeah, the completed video would have “sold” it more, but what you have is still a valid entry :)
/FFOkay, thanks a lot @timcliff. Let's see if an actual video will come out of the woodwork... 😊 Strings have been lightly pulled... (Anyway looks like you have the most crowded comment section I have ever seen, so enjoy ).
(If not please do and you will understand better, and I can explain better).Hello @timcliff: I am assuming you checked/read the linked post?
Yes. I’m assuming you read mine? ;)
The requirements of the contest require that explanation as part of the entry.
Sorry this is different from the original topic. Someone just said votes less than 0.01 sbd are not counted anywhere on the blockchain, that most minnows with low sp votes are just loads for the blockchain. Please how true is it? Can I please get more lights on this?Hello @timcliff
It is partially true, but not 100% accurate.
If a post or comment’s total payout at the end is 0.01, it does get rounded down to 0.
If a post is at 0.04 and close to 0.05, and a minnow’s vote is enough to push it over the edge to 0.5, then they will have added 0.01 to the total payout. So in this case, it ‘counts’.
Oh wow... Thank you so much for this @timcliff I understand now. Thank you
Hello....i am a dedicated steemian who buy steem and sbd,and i also promote steemit through my whatsapp group that i created.

Some transaction done yerterday
Past transaction proof through my whatsapp group
Through these means above, i think i am promoting steemit to show so many investors that steem/sbd can be exchange to their local currency any where in the world. These will also proof to new steemians that steemit is real and it coins can be exchange to any currency
Please make sure to read the terms of the contest. This is about promoting to investors. It sounds like you are trying to recruit users - which isn’t bad, but is not the point of the contest.
my friend entrance updated
This is a good start. I will challenge you though - how will this article you wrote bring in any potential investors? How will they see it?
wow I understand, my English level is very basic but for your dedication to explain now understand the central theme of the contest, well my brother is a radio announcer, we will make an advertising idea for my article and I will add it to complement it, thank you very much for your correction and help ... :)
Sounds good. Will you be able to do this and submit proof before the end of the contest?
clear brother, in the radio program we will make a wedge for Monday morning, plus a capture of the entry that will upload in Spanish for facebook followers with a welcome link to the platform, on Monday I upload everything, greetings
what is promised is debt, here is my entry updated with the ideas of publicity to our currency, I hope it is to your liking and help to move forward to our community, greetings and continue with the work of making our steem known
Can I make my entry even if I haven't participated on the round 1?
Here's my entry number one. In 2064, I tell my grandchildren how the Steem revolution happened and how its value shot up people found out that Steem blockchain was the most outstanding blockchain and had the most significant real-world use cases, which created massive economic opportunities. SMTs augmented that benevolence and the world of online media was transformed forever.
Please find the link below. Regardless of the competition, I hope you will find the content refreshing and enjoyable. Thank you!
Dear Grandchildren, Your Grandpa was There When The Steem Revolution was Taking Place!
It is a good article. So far it falls outside the scope of the contest though. Can you explain in a meaningful way how this will actually draw investment to the platform?
I agree with you. It may have some content inside which promotes Steem but it is not sufficiently directed at investors. Luckily, this is not it for me, as I am going to do something very direct today.
Thanks for your contest, I like it.
if the people who have the ball must be number one kan.karena police is the protector of society
Saya sangat senang membaca shalling contest ini di mana tulisan dan tata cara menulis yang baik dengan di steemit ini saya sebagai pemula dapat mengambil contoh untuk membuat hasil karya sendiri dengan baik di mana agar mendapat kan nilai Upvote yang bagus dan tidak mengecewakan.
Di mana dalam steemit ini membuat investor jadi lebih bagus dalam membangun sebuah komunitas steemit ini tetap berjaya terus dan dapat bertahan selama nya.
Saya sebagai pendatang baru dalam steemit harus tetap semangat dalam hal apapun itu semangat akan selalu ada asalkan ingin berusaha terus untuk mendapat nilai yang memuaskan.
Interesting contest, but I do not understand the problem, re-steam license maybe there is my followers who want to follow-up later.
Well at the actual price it's a bargain, no shilling needed :)
Good contest. I am intesrest, but i dont know how to play.
very nice post
Very interesting writing also teaches me how write well especially as I am beginning in steemit successful greeting @tincliff
hopefully this becomes a great contest filled with great competitors as well and produce a good champion.
Strong people do not put others down ... They make them high ... just as you.Thanks for the contest 😊
I am promoting Steemit to the rest of the community in coworking space but only on 15th March 2018: https://steemit.com/teammalaysia/@legendchew/free-coworking-day-new
This is neat, but can you explain how it fits into the scope of the contest?
Here is my solution to the contest. Thank you.
It is the right thought process, but I will challenge you - how will this article you wrote here on Steemit bring in any potential investors?
Because this is a blockhain and this article will remain here forever. To foolproof it, if they need evidence we may collect after the 7 days payout and transfer it into our real bank account. Show it to them it is real.
Aren’t there already thousands of posts like this?
Investor will have a lot of questions even we proof them with facts. Isn't that better when there is thousands of us already proven it instead of one.
Siap bersaing.... happy steem
happy shiling to you <3
So how can i submit my entry? Do i have to do it as a comment or submit a topic and send you the link?
I am reviewing the comments to this post as the entries. If you create a post that meets the conditions, and put a link here as a comment - that will qualify.
Okey sounds awesome
Created post on Facebook to more then 1000 friends on two languages.
This is neat, but so far it does not meet all of the qualifications in the rules to the contest.
That's ok.
My hope steem will bring good luck to the steemian.
Good news 🙋
This is really wonderful. Its a big act of envouragement to make steemit a better place.
greetings to @timcliff parents in steemit from seed beginner steemit please help her to be better again.
The more value that investors see in the STEEM token, the higher the price can potentially go. The higher the price goes, the more rewards there are to pay out to users.
Flagged for repeated abuse. More information HERE
It's another blatant copy paste from the original post. You really are scum.