What is based the value of the Criptomonedas and the Steem?

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Hello Dears Steemians

In previous post I have written of the Criptomonedas, this time we will talk about what is the basis of the value of the coins and why does it increase or decrease its value with respect to other currencies? According to the Director of the German bank, for something to be considered as currency must comply with some parameters:

“The parameters with which a currency is to be fulfilled are: to serve as a means of payment, to enjoy a high rate of acceptance, to have reserves of value and to be a transaction currency.”


Well, I will touch each of the parameters in my next post, for now begin to define what is a currency: A currency is any means that facilitates the exchange of goods and services, as for example in the category of goods we have all those tangible products such as food, clothes, toys, homes, vehicles, among others, and in the service line we can Explain it as all the intangible assets we pay for, such as insurance, banking services credit cards, haircut, among others. To obtain these goods and services we use something that we have called money, which up to 1971 had as back the gold, but within the Nixon government this took the dollar from the gold standard and became what we now call Trust Money (FIAT) , which is controlled by governments through central banks and private banking. Which condition their circulation, supply and demand, inflation among other economic factors that are managed according to So what's a Criptomoneda? The Criptomoneda appears as a means of electronic exchange, as a consequence of the FIAT money which has been represented by paper currency or currencies, but that mainly have been exchanged in electronic form, by means of debit cards, credit, Cheques and transfers, becoming this means of exchange in approximately 95% of the forms of transactions of FIAT money, and only 5% is mobilized through coins and banknotes. This is where the Criptomonedas take advantage of this gap and do not need printed money or metal coins, but they become a purely electronic means of use, controlled in the network, on the Internet and through processors with Internet access (computers, Smart cellphones, tables, etc)

The security of the exchange and use of these criptomonedas is based on the BLOCK CHAIN system developed by SATOSHI, which are a kind of digital accounting books which record all transactions that are carried out from their origin to their final outcome, and They are endorsed by witnesses who are the famous miners who certify in different books that the amount of coins were debited from an account and were credited to the account destined, In this way anyone who uses a crypto to make a purchase or a sale will be enrolled in his block, simply between the buyer and the seller, without intermediaries, or controlling banks, or anyone interfering.

This is why today the value of any currency at the national level is based on the CONFIDENCE they may have on them, on universal acceptance and mobility. It is an intangible value and difficult to measure.
According to Armando Blanchar:

“The case of the dollar is notable and arises from the contribution to the victory of the Allies in World War II, where the United States emerges as a hegemon country in the world, despite not having suffered great human casualties.
The rest of the coins dance to the are the dollar, are measured by the daily contributions that the dollar suffers in its supply and international demand.
The US imposes its dollar, through financial tricks, with no accumulated or visible support, and with the manipulation of central banks or the American Federal reserve.
A crypto currency, does not base its value on Mirages, but on direct realities between users, without being manipulated by anyone.”

Bitcoin y monedas.jpeg

And it is by these bases that can be considered as currencies according to the parameters established by the German bank

1st parameter: *** The Criptomonedas must serve as a means of payment***

The crypto are serving as a currency, so there is worldwide an exchanged, which buys a very high percentage of currencies from most countries of the world without leaving out the dollar, Euro and currencies of the world's major cities , and you pay with these virtual currencies.

Also there are products and services that have started to be paid with Criptomonedas as for example:

The Bitcoin Street
The domain service Njalla, of the Pirate Bay that accepts payments in Criptomonedas

Another great company like Microsoft allows to pay its digital contents by means of Criptomonedas.

Amazon recently launched an offer with the Criptomonedas in which offer discount on the service if they pay with some criptomoneda they are promoting

These are strong evidence that the Criptomonedas is a means of payment, therefore complies with the first parameter, imposed by the German bank in Madrid, Where you can pay in more than 20 establishments with Criptomonedas, as in Barcelona in the http://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/noticias/la-segunda-calle-bitcoin-del-pais-en-barcelona Ciutat Vella Area http://www.diariobitcoin.com/index.php/2017/09/21/fundador-de-the-pirate-bay-lanza-njalla-un-servicio-de-dominios-que-acepta-pagos-en-bitcoin/ Dell accepts payment at Criptomonedas in its U.S. online store. http://www.dell.com/ Currently you can go on a trip paying with Criptomonedas in Destinia. http://destinia.com/ And among many other companies that accept payments in Criptomonedas as they are OK Cupid, Namecheap, MEGA, Expedia, among others, this information can be supplemented in MUYPYMES https://www.muypymes.com/2016/03/10/empresas-pagar-bitcoins just like that https://xapo.com/es/card/ Xapo offers a finger card which you recharge as a Bitcoins purse and you can use it as a regular card in the establishments

And its value is based on confidence acceptance and mobility, so if we keep buying and using the Steem as transactions its value is going to increase in time.

I invite you to follow me and be aware of my next post in which we will continue to deepen on these parameters, for @ticoin Thank you for your attention!