Steem, You Have Got a New Soldier

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

I stop searching blockchains. I stop at Steem. I trust in its future.

The World of Blockchains

Steem isn't the first blockchain I've met.


Actually, when I heard of Bitcoin the first time, I was engaged with something else all in my time, so I didn't pay attention. When it was around the bubble, it had so much hype it reached me again.

I started to study it and the concept was so disturbing, I liked it very much. After I heard the first time that the technology, called "block chain" could be used by other means, I blew my mind! It was the start of a new age, and like that kind, it was unnoticed, misunderstood, hated and prosecuted.
Nakamoto knew that he touched a very dangerous area; if you want long life, don't innovate in two sectors: finance and energy. Therefore he remained anonymous. He did that very well. I think he and especially his idea could not survive if he shows up to the public at the start. We should thank him that now we could announce big time things to the public without being the #1 enemy.

First Altcoins

I didn't pay much attention to them. I've known Bitcoin is an open-source project, so I was prepared to copy-pastes and rebrands. I wasn't interested in a simple fork of BTC. Much childish. So money. Wow.

Proof of Stake

The ASICs were already a problem. I've heard about Peercoin and Litecoin that time, but I didn't join. They tried to solve the mining issue, and it's a big thing, but not enough big for surviving long-term. I'm a person who is interested in the whole f...g world, so I'm lack of time all the times. I couldn't dedicate myself to an idea that doesn't stand the time.

And then came NXT. Wow, that was something new. User issued tokens was a great idea, something, that could stop the meaningless BTC blockchain replicas.
There was a lot of distrust at there (somewhat for the same reason like here: distribution of wealth), but it was more promising than any other project that I've met. I've tried their test chain and it was easy to use. I've almost starting to pay more attention to it.
However, then came Vitalik with his idea about the Ethereum.


It's used proof of work which was a step back in my eyes, but it showed a load of use cases. It promised "decentralized Web", a thing I'm fallen in love. But it was slow.
How can I say it's slow? It is, because it promised without delivering fast. It was a very big mistake. However, I've waited for what they could achieve. And they showed the DAO scandal...
Lesson learned, we couldn't say that the code is the law.

My trust was falling, but I could wait for how things were forming. There were promises, marketing, a lot of project announcement that couldn't show up with a minimum viable product. Đapps concept was interesting, but many ideas born because of they could be made, not because they are viable. Also, when I read about the fees (which was difficult to find), developers said that it could be a real issue in projects with frequent transactions. Where is my decentralized web?

Observed Chains

  • I continued to keep my eyes on Ethereum.
  • I watched how BTC struggle with every decision.
  • I heard of Tau chain, but I even don't know if is it a scam or something that will deliver.
  • I started to use and study Steem. I tell more about it in the next section.
  • I looked into NEM. Fees. The user experience is not bad, though.
  • Stellar. Just money, requires banks.
  • Waves. It isn't ready, and I cannot see any radical change vs. NXT for example.
  • Lisk. The concept of personal blockchains is not bad, but it couldn't deliver in the near future. Tau could do the same and more, if...
  • MaidSafe. It's interesting, I keep watching it. I don't see it as a destination but a tool for reaching one of my love, the decentralized Web.
  • BitShares. It's for traders, not users.

Arrived at Steem

Interestingly, I've joined in the dump in August, and I didn't have time for study or using it actively until October, when my initial starting stake (provided by Steemit) collapsed by a very high percent. That was my first experience.

You could say "the decentralized Web" about it more than about Ethereum already, without positioning itself like that. That's the first point, why I didn't leave it.
I had studied the chain and it's absolutely my favorite. However, I didn't want to dedicate myself to it, because one have to engage something more time to find out its errors, which are hidden under the fog of hype.
Yes, Steem has errors, but those errors don't cancel out the fundamentals of the idea.

Why I Stop Searching of Alternatives

It's a decision that I wanted to make before the New Year.
Steem offer me or would be capable of that I want. It has so much opportunities that makes other blockchains obsolete.

  • 3 seconds block time
    That's just insane! Have you ever tried to transact BTC with 3 confirmations required? That's about 30 mins. It cannot compete with VISA or MC payments that are instant. Steem can!
  • No transaction fees
    Did I mention it's insane? Variable fees are the worst when someone want to plan their costs, static tx fee is better, but it makes some use cases impossible (like Steemit).
  • Future distribution
    While there are concerns about the distribution (I think capital has its price), the future distribution is genius. It's not just because the social media thing, but it makes it flexible (see @steemsports for example).
  • Governance
    Voting with your stakes. Electing witnesses. It offers security with flexibility. We won't stuck with a question of block size years...
  • Community
    It's the first project where one could talk not only about cryptotech, but "how are you", "your culture is interesting", "you have great painting skills"...

Have Done

I didn't do everything that I can "full steem ahead". I just wanted to get know how things goes first, to be able to make the decision I've made. However, I did some stuff so far:

To Do

  • Continue what I was doing so far
  • Reading the Steem White Paper (I'd better like an updated one, but I could start with what I have)
  • Dedicating more time for this project (it means more of everything I do).
  • Support projects that use the Steem blockchain
  • Improve myself to be able to do more
  • Getting ready for conflicts

It's Me

Obviously, I also hope private gains in the process. I was an idealist who was selfless and helpful, but I had to learn that this type of man dies hard. Therefore I want to live with this project more in a symbiotic connection than a one-sided one. I hope it will be a working relationship.

I don't want to write an autobiography here. If you are one of my followers, you could know me from my writings with time. However, I'm not hiding my identity as someone may believe. I wouldn't do that in an amateur way like this. I just use this name as a pen name, and the avatar as profile picture to be more universally acceptable than my civil identity.
As you may know already, I'm a Hungarian, and in that language we use vowels like é,á,ú,ű,ü,ó,ő,ö, and double consonants like ny,ty, sz,cs, so my pen name is just simpler to look and pronounce. Also, the name is just a name, the person behind the name, who matters.
The main reason behind using an avatar is to avoid judging by how someone looks like. I don't mind if one judges by my avatar, for I made it myself, a part of my real inner self is in it that way, I think.

For the Ones Who Must See a Face behind the Words

Since I didn't make a classic introductory post, you couldn't see photos about me. I upload this one for the users who have a demand for a user profile picture to determine that someone is not fake. :)

the face behind @tibonova
(Yes, it's been taken with a potato.)

Image Credits
Own photo

Click on my name to follow, on ⮹ to like, on ↱ to share on Steemit.


No transaction fees
Did I mention it's insane? Variable fees are the worst when someone want to plan their costs, static tx fee is better, but it makes some use case impossible (like Steemit).

Actually the idea came from Bitshares - previous project, where Dan was a lead developer, (where that was never implemented)

I was on this Mumble session, check this out: 22m50s

and then @dantheman (aka bytemaster on bitsharestalk forum) said:

Could we imagine a scenario where the blockchain had no fees, at all?

Actually I need to finally make a t-shirt with that phrase:


Thanks for your added info!

I put the video to my watchlist. ;)

was a pleasure to read your words

Thank you!
I'm happy it is actually read by someone and they like it despite I'm not a native English speaker and while I do my best, I think it has a lot of errors I don't even know about yet. I found some spelling errors that are annoying and that I'll correct all at once after some sleep.

I'll correct all at once

It's done. There were about a dozen of them I've found.

Grammar Nazis are welcome to correct me on every of my posts! :)

Very ambitious goals! Wish you a lot of power for this !!!

Thanks for your wishes!
I make decisions hard and slow, but after a decision I can be persistent.

(Like when I decided to learn English. It was taught in school and I was a good student, but the level of knowledge was barely enough for ridiculously slow reading with guesses. Now, I can translate texts confidently from EN to HU, and with some errors backwards – putting together an English sentence correctly is way harder than translating it to my native lang. and putting together a sentence from it with perfect grammar.)

Thank you for this post. It was really insightful and your writing is clearcut.

My pleasure.

Very informative and interesting blockchain journey you've shared. Liking the ambition and skill level. Also, with regard to your longer comments. If you can rub a few minutes together, just turn those into separate blog posts. Add a few more bits, get a couple pictures, and post it. Comment, Create, Curate. All three. Best formula around.

I'm glad you like it.

I had never have problems with ambitions. :D Maybe it's a problem after all for I'm a no one despite all of my ambitions. Maybe I should accept the fact I cannot be anything that I want... Or maybe not 'cause I couldn't do that.

I should have more and better skills, but I'm working on it. ;)

Good post mate. I am too very interested in the future of BTC and the others. Still very new to the game and still finding my feet here on Steem. Will just keep on writing and work things out as I go. Have a great day.

Thank you!

You can find me here or at if you have any questions. I either know or learn the info you needed. For me, it's a way of helping & evolving.

Thank you. I will also do my best here to contribute.

Nice intro. I like the way you cut through the story of cryptos and mining matters to get to the core. I, for one, will be very interested to read how you see this whole world developing as it develops. And I look forward to more posts - no better way to grow your strong English (and before long we can see a Hungarian chapter too). Good luck.

Thanks for your words!

Yeah, I'm learning a lot while I'm writing. When I don't know how could I express myself, I start to search and study example sentences and rules. Making a post take longer for me because of that but I feel progress here. ;)

That is a good approach - your learning will accelerate. And the same applies the more you read, especially from different people with different styles.

At the time of this comment post is 23 hours old, value 102.75, 92 votes, 14 replies and 129 views, not bad at all! Happy New Year.

Yeah, and I thank to everyone who thinks that this post and/or my efforts are valuable.

Happy New Year to you, too!

I innovate in finance and energy before I read your post ! damned !

As I've written in the article:

To Do
Getting ready for conflicts

Sorry, but I don't like your business scheme.

As recruiting multiplies, recruiting becomes quickly impossible, and most members are unable to profit; as such, pyramid schemes are unsustainable and often illegal. – Wikipedia

It's harmful for the people at the end of the chain, they would get only empty promises (they couldn't invite new users and we know what that means), therefore I downvoted your comment.

Try crowdfunding instead, if you really want a business for long-term. ;) Just my 0.020 SBD.