😱 wut.

Now I have only been a Steemit member since April this year but I am feeling ripped off!!
When I first joined Steemit, I had to research, find and discover all the different formatting rules for myself - from making text bold and italics to bullet points and quoting. Now to find out there is a "toolbar" right below the title!!? wut.
Please tell me this hasnt been here from the very beginning. 😤

I was about to make a post today and had accidentally clicked the "Editor" - to discover that there was a full formatting toolbar and I am feeling really ripped off!!
Am I that blind?!
😡 Please help - my dignity cant cope. 😡
UPDATE: Yep, I am that blind. This shits always been there. Damnit.😣
Please note
"Ripped off" being in the sense of feeling left out.
No relation with monetarily being ripped off. Steemit is awesome in that fact.
It has definitely been there since I started haha
Condolences on the sight loss! If you truly are blind, rest assured at least you are very pretty.
Oh stink!! 😪 Thats rather disappointing haha How long have you been a steemian for now? lol
Thank you for the little pick me up, I appreciate that! haha am definitely looking into laser eye surgery more seriously now though! Cheers @kissthebottle
I have only been a member for a few weeks but lurked for a few months and it always seemed there.
Another veteran can probably fill you in if it was around prior to 2017.
Save the eye surgery and just use this as an excuse to get a guide dog. I love puppies!
Haha touché 😍 Puppies so cute!!
The upside is you found it :) better late never and. you can formate pictures too, I can send you the link for formatting pictures and adding cool dividers. Or you can check my older post, I resteem it a while a ago.
Thanks @kubbyelizabeth What do you mean by formatting pictures though - Is there more to adding images? lol Exciting stuff!! Like I know how to upload and centre images and divide columns but if theres more I'm up to learning 😁
Check out my post, see out the pictures align with the text? There are codes for that. So much fun information to be learned with formatting.
this post of mine but is that what you mean??Hey @kubbyelizabeth, I have checked out your most recent posts and cant quite find what you mean - I can see you've divided your columns, which left aligns or right aligns your image and text around it... is that what you mean?? I have done abit of that myself, if you wana check out
You got it with the images check this post out too. dividers
Oh yeah, the dividers are kinda cool - some are a little too attention-diverting for my liking but the simple ones look nice. Thanks for that @kubbyelizabeth
I agree, someone else made them move. Looking at them was cool, but I thought they were a little to flashy for me to use. .
I like to keep it simple. Glad you like them!
Oh No... It has been there. lol :)
bloody hell!! ...I suppose on the plus side, I know how to manually format with Markdown but damn, thats still annoying haha Cheers @whatsup
thanks great post - i didnt know it was there either :/
Yay!! I wasnt alone then haha