Had this idea I wanted to try out in After Effects. I couldn't get it to display at 640 (full post width) without a lot of compression which I wasn't happy with.
Really wish Steemit supported gifv
Feel free to use the gif as you please.
Why you should vote me as witness

Witness & Administrator of four full nodes
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such an honor to had a witness that can work hard and deep thinking..thank you for the best hard work you made for us sir Markymark
sir markymark you for the best hardwork,really wish gif format thanks.
$50 and counting for a GIF, impressive.
I want to watch Top Gun now
One of my favorite movies
Have you been watching Puss-in-boots? The one where he get's fairy wings and nose fire.... lol.
I like the TG gif. That's awesome for us old farts, sadly my kids probably wouldn't get it.
Steemit is all about caring for each other so witnessing you is not a big deal .
It''s my favorite military aviation-themed movie of all time! And as one who wanted to become a fighter pilot at the time that movie was being shown, I watched it for more than 50 times in 1986 alone. Then another 30 or so, in the years that followed. :)
Nice, classic movie! I had the soundtrack on cassette and wore more than one copy out. So sad that Tom had to get all weird and creepy!
Great GIF you created there. I don't know if its the "right way" but can you tell me how to display a gif in the thumbnails?
I just came here to say that Firefly and Serenity is probably the best sci-fi series and move made! Complete fan. :)
And that's how Ray-Ban Aviators became a hit