
aww no i feel bad, email with all the info of your transfer so they can help you get it to your bank account :)

all good... ill let the wife know we are not getting new glasses after all...hmm probably won't be getting dinner for while either.. i got the old girl going and she never lets it go when i cock up.

awww no!!! haha don't worry they will fix it for you soon :) time for you to cook her some dinner haha!

don't be silly she would never let in the kitchen, where old luv we don't live like you young kids with all this fancy ideas lol that stuff won't keep you married as long as we have been...haha me cook dinner .. thats like me asken her to mow the lawn, she would never feed me again. you probably think im a silly old man but when you're married and spend your whole life together you know your place and what your part is. We might not be rich but we have something only time and compromise can,trust and knowing we will be holding each other when we die.

hahaha awww thats sweet! Well I am pretty traditional as well, I am the one who does all the cooking for my husband too, but of course I let him pay for dinner when we eat out ;) hopefully we can have what you have :)

it takes a lot of work love big tip for you ok...there is no you...there is no him... just us. only our money...only our kids...only our life...only our plans...only our pain...only our hope..never ever him pay, she pay, his fault her fault...only our fault. always "our" and us never you or me just us. ...then one day you become one person and even though when you get old and do silly things like bugger up the steemit account...really you know that it will be ok because the one that is your other half fees as good or bad as you do. When I tell her she will say "we" need those bloody glasses : o)

hahaha aww very sweet :) thank you for this