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RE: YouTube Demonetizing Videos Bring Vloggers To Steemit

in #steem7 years ago

I know a lot of homesteaders that have left or are leaving YouTube. Even pewdiepie said he was considering leaving at one time.

I will keep making my videos but its not going to be my main source of income anymore.

You just cant trust them anymore.


Its you that can't be trusted. Do you think its ok by youtube rules to try to sway viewers onto a competitors site? It is not. You should just delete your youtube account since you feel they are not being fair to you.

Actually I think that steemit and YT work well together. I post my videos on YT and then share them on steemit.

Both grow due to my work.

Its a win - win for both.

Troy doesn't follow rules that's why he has four accounts on here! And his wife's name mommy and daddy's name

Your sentence does not make sense but yeah, what if my family have accounts and I help them?

Is that evil of me?

They have nothing to do with the accounts and never were meant to. You told a viewer to find people and use their phone # and email acct and open several steemit accts. You did exactly that and have admitted that its against the rules. You are the only one that handles all these accounts so they are fraudulent. You lie and scheme and make up the rules you want to follow. The is very evil of you. Did you also notice you just brought your family into this when you have been telling us to leave them out of it?

Nope you want to make the rules and mooch off one while dogging the one that actually supports your family. You have yet to see a dime of steemit money.


We make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

There is no begging in our videos.

Anyone can see that for themselves.

And who are you to tell me where I can and cannot work?

I like my job.

You have a donate button on your channel. You have a donate button on your website. You have asked for donations before in your videos. That is begging. And while we don't have the right to tell you where to work, it IS our right to draw conclusions. One conclusion I have is that you're lazy because your family lives in squalor and you refuse to do something about it. That makes you a bum.

I have donate buttons like YouTube told me to do.

I was at the creator academy. YouTube suggests people do that.

Funny thing is that doc, the man you worship, has a donate button.

I dont see you harassing him for his donate button.

And you will NEVER see me ask for donations on video.

We are happy here.

And I like my job. I work hard for my money. Harder because you guys try to destroy our lives in the real world and brag about it.

Gee, it's one of the few times in your life someone told you to do something and you actually did it. AMAZING. Did YouTube also tell you to put a donate button on your website front and center? Did they suggest you shake down your viewers for donations to buy a new house? Did they suggest you beg for money to bring Melanie back from the Phillipines? As for Doc, I don't know who the hell he is. I bumped into him in a conversation once, and quite frankly, I think he is an ass. I don't need "Doc" to think you're a bum. You do quite nicely on your own, Troy. You're a fraud, a beggar, and you contribute very little to society. I truly feel sorry for your wife and kid.

no @thediyworld there is NO donate button on my channels. in fact there is only a button. it does not say donate. so once again you are FALSELY ACCUSING ME AGAIN! despite your claims of never making accusations!
here is PROOF:


No begging ? Are we watching the same videos that you're making? Or are we talking about different videos

No, I dont think you are on the right page.

your memory sucks. Remember the chicken fence, the get Ming home, buy Ming clothes? That is all on video.

you like working for peanuts? As a family man that is a very self centered attitude. Ever thought about getting a paying job and using this as a hobby with a tiny income? The begging is what made you famous on youtube. To now say there is no begging in our videos is pure crap and you know it. The begging got your chicken fence and lots of toys and bought your wife and paid for clothes once she got here. Those are the big ones but anytime you wanted something you hinted at it in your videos and poof, it came in the mail. Your memory sucks.

Not one homesteader has left. You think by dragging them into your problem you will sound bigger than you are. No homesteader wants to be associated with you

You of all people using the word TRUST is precious. You are the least trustworthy site of steemit or youtube.

Don't get me wrong, I'm 101% on decentralization. But is not there yet. It has huge flaws right now, there are some alternatives like lbry(more like vimeo tho) etc and they have their own flaws. I hope someday someone will come up with a brilliant solution. I don't like steem's strategy for now, whale's can easily make their own whales. If you even create good content it might not get what it's worth here right now. Maybe and probably steem develop in time. With bots, with pools, with other weird stuff going background, they can't be a home for creators.

I tried d-tube and not much happened. My only complaint is that you only get 7 days of earnings and then nothing.

I do love steemit though. I understand the system and know that there are whales. But, like America, anyone can grow up to be a whale. Who am I to deny them that?

I want to grow up to be a whale one day.

It is hit and miss here. Some of my stuff gets voted up nicely and some of my work gets nothing. But I think its about building community. The more you grow, the more consistently your work will be up voted.

I am working on a video sharing platform where I will share half of the income like YT used to do.

I will be writing about it when I am ready to release it to the public. It think there is a lot of need for it now.

You could call your new platform, perfect name as it will be full of shit and then to follow you will have!

or toilet tube because if anyone is stupid enough to follow trog on to it with their videos it will be like flushing them down the drain. I hope we can all follow him to his new site to help him get started.

You are correct because all you trolls will follow me.

@thediyworld......... WOW , you must really be a popular dude , i want to be more like you Troy. I mean if all of these people are always everyday coming to watch your YOU TUBE videos AND also coming here everyday to your STEEMY and commenting both at youtube and steemy , then you must be like the PIED PIPER OF TROLLS

No, its just a public service we provide for free- call out troy on all his deceit and lies. It works great for the community and has sucked his paychecks to the bare minimum. A win win for everyone. On any other site when you have a conversation with the creator you don't immediately get labeled a troll. troy overused the troll tag and it has bit him in the paycheck. Love how that worked out.

Is Rose still breathing on her own or has she finally passed on to the fairy meadow in the junkyard in Pine Bush? That was always her dream- to be planted with the junk and chicken carcasses troy left for the elderly landlady to clean up.