So my biggest fear with this is essentially abuse, whoever makes the most bots wins. With cheaper account creation coming and laxer signup processes. This will lead to the same issue Facebook, Instagram and twitter will have.
Obviously it's the projects choice, but we all have to deal with the complaining and bloat it might cause depending how popular the new apps and networks are. I have seen some idea's that say why not calculate cased on replies to topics and up votes, i still see the issues of abuse that will come with it.
I'm all for the freedom of choice but someone with 100,000 accounts is very dangerous for all apps. No account vouching system can be very dangerous. I'm also concerned about the spam it will bring. I believe if people know they can spam then self up vote their comment's, well they can abuse the system. It's much harder now to do so because of stake weighted voting.
I agree democratized voting is a cool idea, but when money is involved its easily abused. I understand we want more options for smt's but we all have to share this chain. For now we are using very little but if 1,000 plus sites are being used and farmed like they will, it could turn into a huge issue.
I'm interested in how people feel about these features or any of the new features. As a side note i'm not 100% against this updates. I just think the abuse cases need to be looked at an more options should be made to pair with this to cut the abuse potential.
The Steem ecosystem might want to implement some kind of cost to following people if they are following too many, too quickly. Maybe some kind of logarithmic burn rate to your personal Steem or Steem Dollars. Perhaps another way is to make newbies allowable by invitation only?
Yeah, a punish system for abusers would be a good idea. Also track rate of how many new followers they got in a short period of time. There has to be a way to deal with the issue and keep fast signups, that will allow people to earn decently.