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RE: Sold a Car for STEEM!!! Anyone Accepting Steem as Payment?

in #steem7 years ago

Personally I wouldn't hold steem without a steemit account. This gets it off the exchanges account and IMO much safer. So not really sure the answer to your question. I have some steem on bittrex to play with, but unless it's for active trading that just isn't smart IMO.


howdy sir thedarkhorse and thanks for your answer, yes I agree with you, well there should be enough steemians in every area that would enable people to do business just on this platform, perhaps.

It will take onboarding more people in any given area to make it work. IMO there are maybe 50,000 active accounts based on numbers I've seen so spread that out over the world and realize the odds of bumping into someone with a steem account are very slim.

But if you start offering the option to purchase with steem and people know this and hate carrying cash they might consider setting up an account. Exposure over time peaks peoples interest IMO.

howdy again sir thedarkhorse! yes sir I agree and hopefully the signup changes coming with the hardfork will help more people join.