
Hi again. I've pushed new updates to the plugin. You might want to update your copy. No worries, I've made some adjustments to it and made it more efficient. :)

Please let me know if you find any issues . Thanks. :)

Absolutely, nothing wrong with it yet. Good job man.

Thanks for helping test the plugin.

Here's a screenshot for how the Steem transaction details are laid out. :)
Screenshot - Proof of Payment

Look me up when you have other things to beta test. I love doing stuff like that, and yeah I am a hobbyist programmer at best, but I do know enough.

Cool. Thanks so much for helping out! Greatly appreciate it. Yes, I'll let you know. :)

Cool. thanks. :)

I don't have any liquid steem on me right now, could you test mine that is in production, just updated it. The book is 2.50 but I can send it back to you if you wish.

Cool, no problem about that. I'll make a test now. :)

Also, billing address GONE. I guess I could have googled that myself.

Have you updated the plugin on your WooCommerce shop with the new one?

yeah, just a few minutes ago.

Cool, I've made a purchased. Please wait around 5 minutes for the WooCommerce order to reflect as paid. I'll post screenshot for my official receipt in a while. :)

Awesome! Love it when shit just falls together real nice like.

Just got the confirmation email. It's all yours.