
All we do is make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

Everyone can see that for themselves.

If you dont like us then leave.

But harassing us online and in the real world is criminal.

The Michigan Mouseman evading the questions once again with a "cut and paste" answer!

as a highly valued member of steemit I think its time this community put out the trash. Trog needs to leave for abusing our rules. 4 accounts and renting steem to stop other members from expressing our right to downvote his utter crap.

Pretty Polly throw him a cracker

what is see is a steemit member (obviously not in good standing with the rest of the steemit community plagiarizing another member's content and calling it his own- the soap making video. Why do you think you are getting such a bad reception here? Its because you have been outed as a fraud.