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RE: My Personal Thoughts - Steem/Tron Saga

in #steem5 years ago

#1 you deserve respect for putting yourself out there.
However, you devoted most of your arguments in defense of the need for centralization and regulation. I recommend truly understanding the difference between centralization and decentralization .
#2 yes Ned and Dan started with an advantage, they created the damn thing!
we should at least respect them for that.
#3 Ned had legal ownership of the Ninja mined stake, YOu even mentioned that they resisted the idea of making 100% for the community, Its 12 million dollar! That shit uses lots of lawyer and legal documents. IF no document exist thats a clear indication its his, not the communities.
#4 The community support is based on a false narrative , you started this conversation with "Tron hostile takeover" thats your narrative. The only hostile action was the freezing of Justin Suns account. YOu wont except
" hack" but you should talk to a lawyer first. IT was justin Suns legal property which was frozen. SO if illegal, its a hack. Justion many lawyers say it was illegal, what do the witnesses lawyer say? Thats right , they didnt think to ask. Well they should! Lets end that debate.
#5 The community should first understand the legal stance of what occurred.
This was not a community decision, the decision was made before the community even knew what was going on. Then they banded together under a false narrative of whales and voting bot accounts.
#6 Justin and his lawyers, are not stupid . They understood they where only buying 20% of the company. They knew they could not fully support any of their ideas with a majority which would have to include the community. They where attacked , hacked! , by the witnesses. The community was never given a chance to decide.
#7 Decentralization is risk of big and fast change, big ideas! Thats what we agreed too. Justin Sun was the biggest investor steem has ever had! HE clearly believes in steem. IT was $12 million of his money he invested. That got the attention of other investors. Rather then welcome our new family member, we attack. We make sure no other investor will invest. We destroy our relationship with our largest exchanges which we need.
Wake the fuck up!

I'm a steemian willing to go down with the ship.


Did you say they only bought 20% of Steemit Inc or are you saying that they do not own all of the Steem blockchain itself or what does 20% mean? Where and what is the 80%?

" IF no document exist thats a clear indication its his, not the communities."

I suggest you cite case law that supports your position that representations of company principals to investors have no effect. This is not the fact, and if you do any research into corporate law you will find numerous examples of contractual obligations being undertaken with nothing more binding than words and handshakes.

Many times, from before Steem was even mined to immediately prior to the sale to Tron, Stinc and it's principals stated verbally and in writing that the founder's stake was not going to be used for governance, and it was to be used for development of Steem, and for four years Stinc and it's principals actually did not use that stake for governance, and did use it for development.

If Tron's lawyers believe that does not constitute obligation to investors in Steem during the last four years, they're shitty lawyers.

Wait. You're so uninformed you haven't even heard @ned say these things, and yet you're offering your opinion on the stake in question? You are a bit rash, son, as well as biased in the extreme.

Do catch up.