Steem Docker images are updated to version 0.12.2
Getting wallet up and running in 3 minutes:
Docker is the most popular file format for Linux-based container development and deployments. The dockerized software always runs the same, regardless of its environment.
Docker engine can be installed on
- Linux (Arch Linux, CentOS, CRUX Linux, Debian, Fedora, FrugalWare, Gentoo, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise, Ubuntu)
- Windows
- MacOS
Automated Builds
The binary images are built automatically on Docker Hub. Automated Builds are one of the best features of the Docker Hub. They allow you to automatically re-create your Docker images on source control push, and they allow other people to find the Dockerfile used to create an image to inspect and play around with before pulling, running, or modifying it.
Quick start
Download an image with Steem wallet software from DockerHub
docker pull teego/steem-wallet
Create a data folder
mkdir -p ~/.steem/witness_node_data_dir
Launch a wallet container
docker run --name steem-wallet --rm -it -p 8090:8090 -p 2001:2001 -v ~/.steem/witness_node_data_dir:/witness_node_data_dir teego/steem-wallet
Once you have a wallet container running, you can run a command line interface
docker exec -it steem-wallet /usr/local/bin/cli_wallet
Or you can run any command inside a running container, e.g. /bin/bash:
docker exec -it steem-wallet /bin/bash
One very serious request from my site: please make this docker-automated build.
Right now this is very hard to analyze what actually was pushed as last image.
and.. don't let me wrong, but:
Reminder for users:
docker build -t steem_wallet .
commandFork it on GitHub
I know I can do that (and I will ;)), but "automated builds" on dockerhub are always more transparent :) And on Steemit, it is always good to be transparent as much as it is possible :)
Let it be :)
Haha, awesome stuff. Thanks for putting in the effort to do this!
Nice ツ
Super cool. Love containerization.