For those who missed it, Kodak announced this week they are getting into the blockchain game. This had an impact upon the stock which doubled on the announcement. Kodak is now going to issue a token that it will use as the currency on its new platform which allows people to upload their pictures while also scouring the Internet to see if anyone else is using them.
This would have been a wonderful plan about 10 years ago. Today, not so much.
The challenge these corporations have is the decentralized horse has left the proverbial barn. I believe, that while we are at the early stages, we are already seeing the power of blockchain unleashed.
While some might take exception to this, I believe for something to qualify as a blockchain, part of the equation is that it is decentralized and open. That is what makes it revolutionary. That is what spurs innovation. Without these two components, we are simply left with a database.

It is also the reason why I do not give Ripple high long-term prospects. It is a controlled, centralized system. Again, what is revolutionary about that. The idea that you are "blocking and chaining" might have some effect, as long as you do it. Of course, what is to say they have to carry on with that method?
This is the same challenge we face when looking at countries issues their own tokens. Like the corporations, governments are not about to cede control which occurs when something is decentralized. Hence, we are basically operating under the same system. As one candidate said, like putting lipstick on a pig.
STEEM is revolutionary because it is decentralized and open. Yes, the blockchain can be forked which appears to be the case with the Vice Token. However, it is also the same thing that provides the power against corporations with a lot more power and money. In truth, they cannot take it over. At the same time, they cannot stop it. People all over the world are responsible for running the system (called witnesses). They can be voted away at any time if the community desires that. Like with hacking attacks, there is not an area where a "competitor" can pinpoint. That is the power of decentralization.
We are going to see a lot of corporations embrace "blockchain". Of course, we are going to have the scams like Long Island Blockchain Company where they are just adding a word to the name. At the same time, we will see legitimate corporations getting involved with this. Do not be fooled. What they are creating is not revolutionary.
Last week, Mark Zuckerberg made news when he said it was his goal this year to fix Facebook. One of the areas he is paying attention to is cryptocurrency. This sent shivers down the spines of many people on here. To start, it isnt likely that Marky Mark is really concerned, at this time, about Stemmit. Multiple billions compared to 600K users is nothing to worry about. Plus, if you really look at it closely, Steemit is modeled to after Reddit. Let's be honest, Facebook has a ton more features that promote interaction than are on here. It will be a long time before we see Facebook in Steemit's cross hairs (if ever).
That does not mean Steemit cannot be great. Reddit has 250M daily active users. So what is to prevent them or Zuckerberg from pulling the plug on this place by issuing their own crypto?
The answer lies in control. They are not about to give that up because it also means giving up money. These two entities are making a fortune under their present system. To turn to a system like Steemit, requires giving up control along with profits. I cannot see that happening.

In addition, the innovation is not there. Facebook came up with some amazing stuff in the 13 years it is around. The problem for them is that a blockchain will come up with the same level of innovation in a few years. Facebook and Reddit have paid employees who are hacking away at code. These people are good at what they do yet it is their job. They have certain hours they keep which limits the breakthroughs.
In short, a centralized system will never compare to a decentralized one when it comes to innovation.
Steem has thousands of people hacking away at code designing all kinds of things. There is even which was created to lay out basic code for developers to take and use for their own creations. You do not have this at Reddit or Facebook. Everything is closed and controlled.
While Reddit might be far ahead of Steemit at this point, the gap will close quickly. Reddit is on a bicycle while Steemit is in a Ferrari. That is the best way I can describe the difference in innovative power between a centralized versus a decentralized system.
So the next time you hear about a company like Kodak with their big blockchain announcement, remember that it is a centralized system. Then also ask yourself, could or is something like that being done on an open blockchain? If it is not, chances are it will be.
We entered the age where the power of the establishment is an illusion. What is really power is when the abilities of hundreds of thousands of people are unleashed on a blockchain. On steem, we are moving towards realizing that reality.
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Centralized “blockchains” will be hacked. Especially government “money” ones. What a tempting target for highly-skilled hackers!
Great point @preparedwombat that I didnt mention.....the central access point will mean that their databases will get hacked...the same as they always do.
Ironically, hackers might end up being our best friends.
I agree with you. In the 90s, all a company had to do was add ".com" to its name and it was rewarded with a lofty valuation, but eventually, most of the companies failed. Nonetheless, the internet itself not only survived, but transformed the world's economy and how business was done. Some companies like Amazon survived the meltdown and emerged stronger than ever.
The companies that truly put blockchain technology to use in a way that harnesses its strengths and adds value will be long-term winners. I think's CEO gets that and is appropriately positioning his company.
Disclosure: Long OSTK
Interesting news! Thank you for sharing.
I totally agree, i just would't bet be so bullish with Steemit platform (yet).
There are many problems it needs to face, such as, the reward pool distribution and people usability. In the second aspect, people will take care to educate new users, but in the first point, there are articles that makes... oh, lets breath $2000 SBD and have 50 views, and anyway, that stays in the trending page good content is still invisible, and its easier for minnows to get discouraged than involved with the platform.
Rigth now we are experiencing (in my opinion) a big jump from bloggers to the platform, with the promise of money and descentralization, but, Steemit is deeply centralized in terms of its reward pool, and will get worse and worse over the time becouse of its structure.
Anyway, i totally agree with the KODAK crap, and so FB... this previous issues maybe will be fixed by SMT, and @ned, already promised that.
As always, thanks! great content!
I agree with some of the problems you alluded too...however, that is Steemit, while the flagship app, not the only one (not going to be the biggest one in my opinion). D.Tube and eventually Zappl also could be major apps on this blockchain.
SMTs are really going to change things...I am very excited to see them that comes about.
Zappl! i'll take a look... :) i'm also excited by the SMT's... just courious... do you know how exactlly they will relate with the STEEM coin? The whitepapers says: if the demand in A increase, also the demand in B (steem) will increase... but i dont actually get how, becouse for that to happen, SMT's must depend on steem in the market, which is not the case.... im sure im missing something!
D.Always a pleasure, @taskmaster4450, keep it up with great content!
I concur with you. In the nineteen,s each of the an organization needed to do was include com" to its name and it was compensated with a grandiose valuation,
however in the long run, the majority of the organizations fizzled. In any case, the web itself made due, as well as changed the world's economy and how business was finished.
A few organizations like Amazon survived the emergency and rose more grounded than any time in recent memory.
The organizations that really put blockchain innovation to use in a way that saddles its qualities and includes esteem will be long haul victors.
I believe's CEO gets that and is properly situating his organization..
Carry on dear......
It will be interesting to watch it all get sorted out.
Trying to explain Steemit to a few friends was crazy. Some of them understood right away and others are more in the facebook mindset.
Zuckerberg is in a position to make a true change . If he can help educate people on their contributory worth which is what makes Steemit truly special.
The corporate moves like Kodak's are encouraging. I have a little warmth in my heart to Kodak. They were a visual revolutionary! If they can help the blockchain "movement"in the same way, it would be incredible!

This is a great lesson in differentiating between centralized and decentralized blockchain. The general masses need to stop feeding on the hype of 'blockchain' and really dig deep into what it truly means to be a blockchain technology.
Best quote from my man, @taskmaster4450:
Excellent article. You are absolutely right. And the drop in the price of Ripple is a confirmation. Corporate Crypto currency is doomed in competition with decentralized. I believe in Steem for $ 100
Nice comparison!
I had a visual of an older gentleman huffing and puffing to pedal up a hill.. while a group of us cruise by waving and giggling.
Facebook is nice but steemit is amazing. There are so many adds on Facebook and it is really hard to search for anything unless you know a persons name. Steemit is very easy to search topics and getting paid to post comment and vote is great but the people on here is what makes steemit superior. So many great people writing great stuff.
Zuckerburg creeps me out. In addition to the new cryptocurrency, Facebook wants to change the format so everyone has cameras in their homes, not just posting but everyone becomes a vlogger. I prefer that people judge my words and thoughts, and not necessarily my appearance.
Wow! I didn't know about this at all (just googled it). No thanks. This continuous reach into our homes is the reason I decided to sell the two Amazon Alexas I had. After the novelty wore off and most of the music I liked was no longer included in my Prime membership, I realized it was not worth having let alone allowing it to be "always on, and always listening".
Always listening is correct, even on your cellphones. Run a little experiment, have a conversation about buying something, anything and then go online, see how fast ads pop up for the item you were talking about.
I've been thinking about that too, because I felt as though it has definitely happened already!
Just because I am paranoid does not mean they are not out to get me!:)
Yes, centralized systems will never be as good as decentralized and we can already see that because of what decentralization has brought to us up until today. And I agree that steemit is not really a competitor to facebook, not only because of the user count, but also because they are way too different. Yes, they are both social medias, but they have different features and different usages. I'm really looking forward to seeing companies like Kodak trying to implement the blockchain onto their centralized systems, because I think it's more of an illusion than an actual thing and I just want to see how big of an illusion it actually is.
You and I see this the same @trendo. Centralized blockchain isnt really a blockchain but a controlled database.
So what Kodak is doing is no different than what was around for decades.
I just wish people really could understand how powerful decentralized computing is and the innovations that spring from open source compared to centralized one. It is no contest yet people thing centralized systems are a threat.
Well, sooner or later everyone will start to understand the power of decentralization. It's just so complex that the average person wouldn't put the time to investigate what it actually is all about. But, there will definitely be a time when even the average person will understand about the blockchain and decentralization. Everything takes time to build and create :)
Indeed when I heard Kodak issuing their own token I had the same reaction of bleh.
It's exactly how Nokia and Blackberry behaved during the advent of smartphones and they did not adapt early and when they did it was far too late with Apple and Samsung and other android phones already had Lion share of the market.
Same with governments and bankers trying to stop the winds of change by creating their own Cryptocurrency and tokens and centralization. I already sold all my Ripple and is a believer of the decentralized model of the block chain.
Although we have a different opinion on Facebook and Steemit as I believe that Steemit will do better than Facebook because of all different applications being created for it in the same blockchain of rewards.
I like the analogy of Reddit being a Bicycle and Steemit is a Ferrari that it will not be too long that we show that we are faster, better and more powerful than Reddit.
In the end there will be a planet Steemit gifteconomy going on .
Yes I think that Steemit will close the gap quickly on Reddit. In the end, Reddit has little to offer. Facebook is more formidable thought.
That said, my point with Facebook was at the moment. I do not know what the future holds and someone might develop an app on here that has many of the features of FB.....
Until then, FB isnt really on the fact, a write by the developers I read from the Spring talked about Reddit when they are discussing the communities idea.
Thus, I think that is the target...for now.
Corporations are starting to realize the power of blockchain and will continue to embrace it as long as it makes them money. They do not care about the meaning behind it or how big it truly is. Steem is a Ferrari that is not stopping anytime soon, it is constantly getting updated and there is just higher quality content here than on Reddit. It's wonderful to see corporations embrace blockchain but they don't truly understand it and only see it as a means to make money. They are decentralized for a reason there is no one person controlling everything rather a community. How long do you think it will be for companies to embrace cryptocurrency and accept it as payment such as Monaco, eth, steem, ltc, btc, etc...? Keep up the amazing content, you have given me inspiration for my next post :)
The corporations might start taking crypto here shortly...but that is a side issue. How to get paid isnt really their is blockchain. In fact, many are expecting a big announcement by Amazon in the beginning of February regarding BTC and ETH (it got the domain names from what I read).
In the end, with DAOs coming on-line in the next few years, you will see the traditional corporation hit...many industries will feel the power of blockchain....some will benefit, others will be destroyed.
Corporate coins, those to be issued by real sector corporations, and their blockchains are a good news for crypto. Every new corporate blockchain is a move that makes the crypto world steps closer to the real economy.
Blockchain can help people without privileges do value-adding things, from blogging, like here on Steemit, through making various products, generating services and many other. They can now earn from the community-based blockchain initiatives and use blockchain as a mean to promote themselves and their work.
Lots of talent never get a chance, just because they sometimes lack social skills, or fail to impress recruiters at first sight. Blockchain does not know for privileges. And with time, blockchains will become even more sophisticated.
Appreciate that because kodak are mixing with blockchain do as decentralize, it will be it for the year and rising up, thanks for your real infornation @taskmaster4450
Great way to put it @taskmaster4450. If you're talk about centralized currency, WeChat pay and AliPay has been using in production for years now.
Entering something to do with financial has a lot of rule and regulations, and decentralization was able to bend many of those . Here we are experiencing all the crazy crypto boom. Everybody want a piece of it :)
As I was reading your post, immediately Ripple came to my mind. I read, that supposedly the founders can pretty much manipulate it at will and if they decided to pull out all of their money, Ripple would collapse.
As much as all you say about real blockchain and decentralization makes sense I'm still a little worried, that those in power will find ways, to wrestle it all down. Sure, its probably not possible to shut down the whole internet for that, but what value is a crypto currency for instance going to have, when trading it becomes illegal or all the exchanges get shut down?
I heard about the facebook attempt. I have been wondering what their strategies concerning blockchain might be. Now, this probably sounds stupid, but isn't there a steemit, inc? Someone who also maintains the steemit interface and all? What if Zuckerberg bought them, how he did with other "competitors"?
I don't know much about reddit.. actually, I don't know anyone around here who does and think in Germany its about as popular as steemit. So, not such a big gap there ;-)
Clicked on your manna link the other day and gave my email address... no response or verificaton so far. Am I missing something?
These corporations are just old. Their thinking is old. Their business model is old.
This system is a one trick pony.
Discover / Steal something new.
Wall it off / Control access.
Begin rent-seeking.
That is literally all they know. Bad news guys, you can't wall off the blockchain and still call it a blockchain. I mean you can, but none of us blockchain believers will buy it.
Sure you can pump Ripple or whatever other shitcoin you come up with and scoop up the people interested in fast money. But your corporate shitcoin will always lag behind the rest of the pack.
It will lack the things that gives this movement its power, the sources of its innovation.
Freedom. Openness. Decentralization.
Dear banksters and corporate cronies, get with the program or give up.
Thanks for the post.
Keep Steeming!
lol, so dang slow of them i'm surprised that kodak was the first of them though honestly. Talk about a shit coin though :P
Heyy taskmaster I hope you can tell me your opinion about the crypto currency called Petro, which was created by the corrupt government of my country.
I think it’s a way for them to hide the money they stole.
I think they proved themselves to be inept with the currency they had so creating a new currency isnt going to make them any more adept at managing the money.
Crypto is the best thing for Venezuela but not the Petro but crypto for the people.
By the way, is Bitcoin still used a ton down there?
I know there are some miners but it’s all clandestine since using currencies that are not the local one is illegal. I have heard there have been people going to jail for mining bitcoin here.
This is good to here, all i know is that Kodak is here and more are still coming so also we will encouter the real and scam crypto but we need to be wise towards investment
Steemit still got plenty of problems need to be resolved but the recent surge in price makes the fact of 'writing for money' become too obvious that's why we see a rise in ne users.
As things go on and more tweaks to be applied in this platform, I dearly hope our social experiment on Steemit could ended up a huge success.
I think most of the corporate coins are doing the trolling with their own coins. I think they are trying to replace stocks with the coins. And that is going to affect the market. I hope that we get more clarity as more troll coins collapse.
I'm working at the Steemit, I'm sure I can achieve something better now. Not comparing with anything else. Thanks for sharing the nice article with us.
OMG! This is SUCH an AMAZING post! Thank you for sharing! I give you a vote !!
yes friends you say right. i liked the word of myself. i agree with you. just carry on bro.
Everyone is interested to join blockchain world. They know the worth of it. After BTC everyone is interested in digital currency field.
So informative! Great explanation to clear the air about the differences between centralized and decentralized blockchain!
Thanks for this informative post @taskmaster4450
I laughed.
This post very nice..i like this post.thanks for sharing this post..
Likely the most competition will come from inside the decentralized community. As you see with Ethereum vs EOS. Both will not live forever in the same niches. We will see a serious Steemit competitor in good time.
lol, so dang slow of them i'm surprised that kodak was the firs
i understand your post..its important..
thanks a lot....
facebook is a social cumminaction.almost 2 milloin peple use facebook.we get news by it.we connect to other one country to another we say that it is very important for us
thanks for blog
For kodak it was more of a stunt to bring the company back in the spotlight and not let it die. And it worked, but this kind of maneuver won't fool investors for long
Interesting news! Thank you for sharing.
It's a great idea to really think that Kodak's 10 years ago, and I'm very happy to see you share a blog with us like this.
I agree with you any coin will not do the millions but only selected once
maybe facebook should just launch theirmtoken using steem smt that would be amazing for both platforms
I strongly believe Steemit will surpass facebook in the future. The platform is growing geometrically. I so much believe in the future of this platform. Infact, I made a post on why I feel people should invest in their Steem Power on this platform.
100% agreed, I heard about something solo app as well where you are paid in solos (Not sure if it's centralized or decentralized) and we will see many copies of steemit in the next few days but no one can beat steemit for sure.