Why Steemians Need To Be Positive, Post Quality Comment, And Not Whine!!!!

in #steem7 years ago

Being a trailblazer comes with some responsibility.

The people who are on this blockchain now are laying the foundation for all that follows. In other words, we are the ones who set the tone that will be applied going forward.

One of the issues I hear with Facebook (since I am not on there) is that it is a cesspool of negativity. People use that platform to whine and complain. It is stunning how people feel the need to publicize all that is wrong with their lives yet they do.

Part of the reason for my optimism with STEEM is because this community is very strong. People are starting to embrace a new mindset, one that looks out for others. Sadly, we still see some of the bankster instilled fear which results in some less then enviable behavior. It is my hope that we all can move past this while elevating ourselves to another level.

I must state that legitimate issues about the platform and discussing them in a proper manner need to be done. This is not a post saying we all need to stick our heads in the sand pretending everything is alright. There are some challenges with Steemit that need to be addressed by the community. However, raising an issue in an effort to start a discussion towards resolution is a big difference from the whining and complaining we see elsewhere.

Most of us are well aware of the opportunity that is before us. There is a lot of money available along with the ability to start changing the world. For this reason, I believe Steemians need to take this responsibility serious. When viewed from this perspective, we can see this is more than just a social networking site.

It is hard to understand why people are upset when they are making money posting, upvoting, and commenting. Even newer people who have little SP have the opportunity to make a lot more than is given on Facebook or Reddit.

We are embarking upon a new era due to the technology of blockchain. Steem has more activity than any other network providing payouts on a daily basis to tens of thousands of people each day. This is an incredible development considering Steemit is about 18 months old. I am going to hypothesize that over the next 18 months, this number will grow into millions of people positively affected.

That said, people are not going to be attracted to a cesspool of negativity. From what I can tell, many on here are happy to leave that behind. Let those who are interested in that reside on Facebook. For those who seek to elevate themselves and others, this is the place for them.

It all starts with quality content. Of course, the term "quality" is relative. What is quality to one might not be to another. Nevertheless, we each need to focus upon raising the standard of our posts. It is easy to attack a garbage post of a pic or video that hits the trending page. Yet the question is how many of them do we see on the New page? Even more importantly, how many of those appear on our blog?

The reason we should do this is simple: newer people are watching. People tend to follow the crowd. If we put up negative or empty posts, we are training the new ones that this is acceptable. On the other hand, if we take the time to put up posts with the intention of making this place the best possible, others could well follow suit.

Another aspect of this is that, for many, STEEM is the first entry into cryptocurrencies. We are going to be moving into a tokenized world meaning that everyone is going to be dealing in them at some point. The earlier people get involved, the greater chance they have to alter their lives and their families. STEEM is a sensational entry point since it requires no money to get started.

The STEEM blockchain is special. It is up to each of us to make sure it stays that way.

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Don't be upset using steemit, thay just start their progression, all our steemian should maintain privacy and control the quality of content and opinion about steemit, this Blockchain make a new challenge for recent world, where world citizenship make uniqueness, also like make us as a familly, so we would be alert our condition, thanks @taskmaster4450

Recently I came across some whine posts here too. There seems to be some FUD around EOS vs STEEM (I just wrote a post about it here) Some people seem to believe, that @dan is building EOS and abandoning STEEM - so there will be social media competitors built on EOS and people will move on there - because it´s faster, better and shiny ;) It´s interesting to see, how some veteran users blame the bot and self-upvote situation on STEEM as being the social media apokalypse, while using exactly these features for themselves. So yes, I´m happy to see many excited posts with positive energy, but on the other hand, there are quite some veteran whiners here too....

I couldn't agree more. I think the key is to get people to start posting content that is of value. Be that comedic, informational or emotional value, it should help the community in some way.

I have just announced a new blog series with the aim of getting more people to post quality content on the platform, and have more time to contribute to the community.

My aim is to spread the word about cryptocurrencies to everyone who wants to get involved. I am working full time in cryptocurrencies and can not wait until mass adoption occurs, as this is when we, as a society will truly reap the benefits of decentralisation.

Thanks for the great post!

Hey @lukebrn, nice to see you here at @taskmaster4450 comments. In my opinion you are an example of what Task is talking about here. New to the platform and already adding value.

Anyone interested in crypto and learning about the different companies in a brief, straight forward way should check this guy out. Lots of positive energy coming from this guy.

Hey @summertooth, thank you for the humbling comment! Glad to hear you're liking my content.

Thank you too for directing people to my blog, I am striving to spread the word to as many people as possible! Thanks again!

Yeah man, hope you pick up a follower or two.

There can't be a perfect platform. The World is a place of so much imperfections and that is why you will have different kinds of people. When they come, they come with all their baggages. So we must expect negativity every now and then.

I say bring on the whiners! Here's why: it's a sign of good health. Steemit is growing and it's going to attract all types of people. That I can see all these types of people reaffirms for me that Steemit is still decentralized and open. When I see a monotony of "well tailored" content I get suspicious. That sounds like TV. On Steemit we will have to learn to live with some bad quality in order to enjoy the freedom of choosing quality content, and not having it spoon fed to us.

Thte title has a little typo but it could hold true nonetheless.

Facebook doesn't give, it saps... I don't use it anymore, only use its messenger app to chat with friends who use it and I know that is the easiest way to reach them.

I just can't handle all those ads, the fact that pages have to pay to reach their own fans and stuff like that.

Nice post man, definitely agree yet again!

BTW can't wait for Manna to send the mail this month.

Yeah I am excited for Manna too...each day I check for an email or some type of update....it will come.

My problem is I have been waiting since they stopped a few months ago...I am ready to get going lol.

I believe once we start distribution, the sign ups will come rather easily.

Yeap! Plus I want to see how many refs convert... I have a few, though I have NO clue what refs do... do you know?

The referral put you in the bonus pool. There is a 12 month payout on any direct referral.

It is all based upon how many people are in it and sharing the rewards.

So far there is just email sign ups...they have to follow through once the email goes out telling them how complete the sign up process. With a time lag, I imagine some will be lost....although they will be getting emails each time they are sent out and are tied to you...so hopefully there will be later conversions.

Changing mindsets takes time and effort, so nothing will happen overnight. From educating people about spammy comments to encouraging meaningful conversations, it will all take time and a lot of work.
Negativity is not the greatest issue, rather the amount of meaningful interactions is the key to any social platform.

Thanks for setting the tone for "quality" on your posts. I immediately noticed the increased quality of content, coming from Facebook.

Most of us are well aware of the opportunity that is before us. There is a lot of money available along with the ability to start changing the world. For this reason, I believe Steemians need to take this responsibility serious. When viewed from this perspective, we can see this is more than just a social networking site.

I've spread this amongst my friends and family and try to show them the value and potential of this platform. Most have been receptive, but a few are hesitant and say they don't have the time for it. Don't have the time to put in the effort to make some crypto, in its beginning stages that could potentially change the realm of social media as we know it?! Cmonnnnn man! In the end it comes down to self-interest and motivation.

I have been lucky enough to only meet great people here on Steemit. The community around me is amazing and so far Steemit seems a positive place. I know that it's just me living in my small bubble at the moment and there have been huge dramas here as well, but those are just people that envy others.
But I agree. Quality is the key and you can always remember that you can make your blog, comments to qualify for that. Start from yourself and then the world around you changes too.

Yes, you're right @taskmaster4450. This is exactly why it matters for us Steemians to be executing various beneficial projects that not only can help to grow the STEEM Blockchain, but ultimately to build STEEM Blockchain as a reliable figure in the blockchain technology industry.

More users should come together and work on more awesome projects, likewise those who are not capable of doing the work can always support them from behind (by upvoting, spreading the word around etc.)

you explained that very well! Your contributions are very valuable for the platform, I love to hear your vision on all this :) + you are very positive about steemit, they should make you an ambassador officially :)


The Steem ambassador to Syria....pack your bags, head out tomorrow.

Excellent article. You are right, I did not pay much attention to it at first, but on steem there are many positively thinking people. Here they are more than 80%. And that's fine, because they infect us with their positive things, than they teach us to value life. Good luck to you and Good.

Отличная статья. Вы правы, я сначала не придал этому особого внимания, но на steem много позитивно мыслящих людей. Здесь их больше 80%. И это прекрасно, ведь они своим позитивом заражают нас, чем учат ценить жизнь. Удачи вам и Добра.

Your posts are always so meaningful and full of positivity. FB is so full of negativity these days.

While we don't want any of that negativity, we will still have to face it here as it's a human emotion which is bound to be expressed here as well.

It will be interesting to see how Steemit grows as a community and continues to add features which are both beneficial and fun (to negate the negativity)

It is hard to understand why people are upset when they are making money posting, upvoting, and commenting.

For whatever reason (jealousy seems to be a good candidate), a lot of people are bothered by the fact that some people make a lot here by posting crap. Whine about Member A, get that out of their system, move on to whining about Member B’s big haul.

That way lies madness.

Very good point @preparedwombat.

I agree...jealousy does seem to be at the core of a lot of the negativity on here. Yes it is frustrating to see what you described but it is still going to take place. There are some which have the follow where they can get $300 for saying Good night.

"Even newer people who have little SP have the opportunity to make a lot more than is given on Facebook or Reddit."

Right? I don't understand why people shit all over Steemit, but will spend hours+ on a Reddit thread? Perhaps it's a form of stockholm syndrome.

You are right though, we are laying the groundwork for the future of this platform. Find a curated community, connect with people, be yourself, and have fun; let the rest fall into place. Instead of learning and educating ourselves through centralized, productive-oriented systems; we can learn from each other's experiences, skillsets, and free-thought - which is much more powerful, rewarding, and sustainable.

We are all leaders, we just have to behave/lead through example and behavior.

I think you're right, sometimes I think it's not wrong to make a short publication by making a joke or publishing an image, but the most valued content should be one that requires effort and brings something to the people who read it. It is very important, that this is the direction that the page should follow, Facebook became an extremely banal site, in addition to censorship, that's why many people do not like it, however, here in Steemit we are not interested in that, Here we are interested in hearing what you have to say, Steemit is a platform to express our ideas, share and discuss them.

People are starting to embrace a new mindset, one that looks out for others

EXACTLY the way I think. I guess I always have thought that way, but steemit has definitely brought forefront my way of analyzing my writing, commenting and sharing.

Odd you say the word embrace - my favorite word on Sundays when I announce the new steemian of the week that I am Embracing with SOG (@fulltimegeek) love.

thank you for the post. Great way to start my Sunday morning, full of positivity. I am one of the ones that complained about some of the content posted that was not to best of the ability of the user, while at the same time I did that a few times and am guilty of it. However, you are correct, this can be a great place to come write and be yourself. We should credit @steemit for what it has become or better yet, what lies ahead. I do hope with time and maybe a coin of it's own, this brand will add actual tangible benefit and really attract some great writers and bloggers. I am a little gun shy to start my own Dtube videos of myself, but in time, I will do so. Thank you for the inspiration and by also letting everyone know, do your best and promote quality, and own it as if this was your company or brand that you stand behind. I will add you to follow and look for future great content. Thank you @taskmaster4450

The negativity part was one of the reasons I left Facebook. Everyone is simply whining all the time, it's a horrible place to be now... I agree that we set the tone for the future users. The examples we give now, will be the future of steemit. I always try to do my best no matter what I'm doing because I always want to improve myself and show a great example to others. We should definitely be positive here, because we should be thankful to even have this kind of technology. It changes lives for so many people, so why whine all the time? I don't see Facebook changing anyone's lives... What we have here is something amazing and we should keep this place positive and awesome!

Very well said @trendo.

I cant add a single thing to what you wrote here...you summed it up perfectly.

I am glad you made it over here from FB...I enjoy your comments.

New studies have shown that negativity desintegrates our complex energy system and that harms our health. We have nothing and no vallue from being negative. Steemians are special people so in order to send the message, positivity is highly needed.
In your post, you wrote:"We are embarking upon a new era due to the technology of blockchain. Steem has more activity than any other network providing payouts on a daily basis to tens of thousands of people each day. This is an incredible development considering Steemit is about 18 months old."...and much more.
This brings us huge responsibility to do the job in a right way and that can only be done by positivity.

I agree! I tend to just skim over/ignore the posts that are obviously just throwing out whatever cool meme/info they can cut and paste from google... but I have found some amazing communities and writers here that I love to follow.

Although I may not make a fortune, I am loving this platform. It has so much more possibility than the facebook type places where it seems that everything is 'small talk' or surface level. This reminds me more of a 'livejournal' type thing where I used to write and post daily (for 13 years!) and made many close friends with people that I still have to this day. Livejournal pretty much died out a few years ago, all of my friends jumped ship and I have been wanting a community like that for years now. So glad that I found it here!

Welcome @byn.

We are glad you are here...it is a wonderful community and something that we can keep building upon. With newer people coming in each day, we will see how it unfolds as it gets larger.

The community is the most valuable aspect of this platform.

The negativity of some people blows me away.

The other day I posted a rather dank meme on dmania and it didn't make much. It did however make more than every meme I ever posted on zuckerbook.

Then this guy comments on my post with a link to his own post telling me how voting bots are ruining it for me and everyone else.

I didn't care for the comment spam. I didn't care for the negative content. And what really blew me away was the hypocrisy. His wallet was full of transfers to a group dedicated to boosting posts for a certain group of individuals.

Be aware that this is the blockchain. Your negativity and hypocrisy are immutable. Do you really want that following you around forever?

Thanks for the post

Keep Steeming!

Very true....they cannot get away from their own words. You are right, the blockchain is forever.

STEEM is a sensational entry point since it requires no money to get started.

This is a super attraction and I tell you that this platform will witness an explosion, bursting at the seams in a moment very soon.

I agree with you that facebook is full of pointless negativity, and completely useless content, i thought all social medias are like that, but apparently i was wrong. Friend told me some things about steemit, and i gave a shot. Steemit is completely different than other social medias, and i would like to keep it that way. Any advise for steemit newbie?:D

i agree completely your post .....i love your posts .i thank you very much for sharing with us. i hope you share this kind of good post in the future with us and give us a chance for poders

Indeed sir! :) People in facebook usually post something that is very rude and mean. They tend to post something towards their enemies and it is way too different from steemit, steemit help people not just to earn but help the ones who want to help others. Since technopfy is fast growing in our world, so let’s also grow with it. And in that way, we will able to solve major problems like poverty.
To more steem! ☺️☺️

I agree. Being negative never accomplishes anything. I have been so amazed at how stemit works. I cannot get over how only after 10 days I have met so many people and have learned so much. Cannot wait to see what the future hold for it

I think I am very positive about Steemit ans Steem as well, and I believe we will see something amazing here in the near future.

I agree completely! Steemit is going to be a large part of the WWW in the future It has the potential to replace so many technologies! Well said.

This is so extraordinary. You got the colossal point here.
Upvoted and resteemed

Absolutely Steemit is a high-level platform. Post here, comments must be positive, thank you.

While I agree with the majority of your post. I think you'll find that if Steem ever becomes a widely accepted platform, negativity will exist here as well. These things tend to happen as soon as the mass finds out, and the trolls come out.

Complaining is like a blindfold we put on ourselves. It hides opportunities and saps out strength.

I prefer to wine🍷, join me with some good cheese 🧀 and we can have a party. No one knows how to properly argue. I may do a series on the art of argument to educate myself☺️

You got me there steem is my first entry into the crypto world and iam going ti keep living inthat world like its not going to end of course it won't

The platform is encouraging me to make and effort to create good content! I'm discovering an outlet for writing and can feel I'm getting better by the post. I can also post video content on dtube it's awesome!

What would be your tip in the days when the SBD is going down? Also how to increase Steem power during this time?

I agree with you

Good post friends

Good post friends

i love cryptocurrency....i must appreciate you because this post is worthy to be embraced.

This is a great,
I upvoted you as a witness :) good luck!

This is so great! You got the great point here......

I don't know how relevant this is, but re:quality control, I was JUST having a conversation with some friends about how a lot of media sites (esp YouTube) have seen mega decrease in content quality. I came to steemit in part because I really want a close online community of creatives and deep thinkers who want to focus less on monetary gain and more on creations and conversations. While a lot of topics aren't pleasant to discuss, nor should they be, the way we engage can at least be less self serving. Same in content. I have a lot of hope for this platform. I'm new, but I'm hoping I can contribute to a positive space here.

I think it can be easy to become negative seeing other people rewarded for content we don't deem worthy. People just need to see it for what it is, some of these people getting paid big invested big, or were on the platform early helping it grow. For us newbies we just need to crank out the best we can and not worry about rewards or the markets fluctuations

I really love your post, however I think that asking for idealistic and honest behavior doesn't work, because this platform even works if you create bad content and concentrate on self voting. Steemit's entry slogan MONEY TALKS invites basic human instinkts of survival in a world were money rules.

Informative article.
Thanks to @taskmaster4450

I agree fully with you about posting quality comments am kinda new to steemit but i realised i make more money in comment tan even my post cos comment is short and you wouldnt have to think alot