There are "awakenings" on many levels.
This week's news about Facebook is certainly getting the masses to realize what is truly happening with the data mining on social media sites. The accuracy and neutrality of the mainstream news was questioned by many and appears to be expanding.
Overall, information is starting to get out there which is causing people to consider alternatives to what they know.
One area we also see people starting to consider is the world of the "invisible".
For centuries, most people took the approach "I will believe it when I see it". This was a mindset that is aligned with the physical reality. When what we see is all there is, then it makes a lot of sense. If I cannot touch, smell, taste, or see it, then it does not exist.
People always had religion yet, as many of us who researched the topic, the main religious bodies, even if they were not this way at the start, ended up being a part of the control system that we operate under today. @wwf wrote a number of posts detailing what the Church really is and how it was set up in a similar manner at the monarchies. In short, while there are many noble people involved, there are control structures.
Of course, with information, this is waning. Membership in organized religions is declining, especially in the West. Many started to question the practices as compared to the sacred texts. When people write about the disconnect between the two, it is natural for some people to begin investigation.
This brings up the esoteric realm. These groups of people were always on the outskirts. Depending upon the time period, they wavered from being ostracized by society to being killed. The mainstream had names for them which further isolated and demeaned what they were saying. Certainly there were (and still are) an assortment of kooks, scammers, and misfits. However, we are starting to see many of the messages they professed to be validated.
The bankster run system is wrought with ideas that strayed from the physical. Whether we believe in the illuminati or conspiracy theories, the bottom line is we see symbolism all over the place which ties into this realm. It cannot be denied that symbolism holds great impact with us as human beings. This takes on greater meaning when we consider the subconscious.
Most of the information we process is done without our knowing. Our senses pick up more than we can consciously comprehend. Our eyes focus upon one or two items yet we "see" everything. This is imprinted within us although we cannot recall it. When I watch something on television, my eyes see the entire picture. However, my focus is on the main action in the middle of the screen. I am not consciously aware, most time, of what is going on in the background.
Before you go calling this horsehockey, consider the fact that advertisers know this. Companies spend millions putting their products in television shows. Most are not aware of it. Did you notice the laptops they used in House of Cards? Most did not notice yet Apple, I am sure, paid a pretty penny to have their stuff on the screen throughout the show.
Mind control is something that is often discussed. When the topic comes up, usually it is referring to the CIA making people into assassins without them knowing about this. Outside some Hollywood movies, I am not sure how accurate this is (although I do not put it past them). Nevertheless, mind control exists albeit not at that level. We are all programmed how to think. This starts from when we are young and continues right up through today.
Our parents are the first leg of the indoctrination system. Their beliefs are transferred to us. Our early years are spent learning what they tell us. After that, we enter the professional indoctrination system called school. Here we can certainly see the agenda begin to emerge. Free thinking is frowned upon. Most schools reward obedience and rote memorization. This becomes a factory for producing a nice stream of people who will not question things and mindlessly obey. Sure some will say they think and ponder things but when you consider how much is at the subconscious level, most of us are nothing more than puppets on a string. If stimulus is applied, we respond.
Sadly, the main tactic in all this is fear. We are conditioned solely to be afraid. Some call it biological, it is not. Yes we do have the biological fight or flight, but our fears extend far beyond that. The programmers take this biological state and build upon. Instead of fearing for our lives when confronting a dangerous animal, we are stressed out about whether we will get reprimanded at work. That is not cause for fight or flight yet our bodies react the same. The tension and stress builds within us. Unfortunately, for most, it remains there until is causes physical problems.
We are starting to learn about the effects of decision. Many still want to deny there is anything to it. The problem is there is an entire field that is producing repeatable results in experiments. Of course, this was a field of science which was ridiculed for more than a century.
The observer theory in quantum physics is alludes to a perplexing problem. Basically, researchers are realizing that the act of observation affects what is being observed. In other words, by watching, the observer affects reality.
Then we also get quantum entanglement which is the idea where a pair of particles cannot be described independently even though they are physically separated. Experiments have seen a second particle affected at a distance of 7 miles (I believe, I am going from memory) when the first particle was altered.
Science uses the term "quantum field" while some of the esoteric traditions call it ether, consciousness, or universe. Whatever label one chooses to use, it is hard to deny they are all referring to the same thing. Some traditions talk about Karma which is basically you get back what you put out. Again, many might not buy into the philosophical concept yet, intuitively, we know this is true, at least to some degree. When one puts out anger and acts like an ass, that is what others tend to give back. The flip side is those who give out kindness tend to see it returned.
The findings are creating a wealth of information for us if we will only pay attention. As I said in the title, it is my view that the banksters and other elites are fully aware of this stuff. They were into it decades ago. Their erected an elaborate system which we believe in with the sole goal of controlling us. Fear is so prevalent that people cannot think past it. I mentioned in my last post about beliefs. These are so strong within us that people offer knee-jerk reactions without even knowing why they are doing that. Heck, in most cases they are not even aware of what they are doing.
I wrote yesterday that STEEM is much more than just a social media platform. It is a trial run at freedom. Most claim to want freedom without knowing what it truly means. On here, we see freedom applauded until someone does something we do not like. Then there are calls for someone to step in. The knee-jerk belief that big brother has to "fix it" takes place. Conditioning at its finest.
At the core of freedom is our beliefs. Are we willing to look at this stuff to create our future? We do create our reality, quantum is proving that. It is a matter of focus. If all we see is negative, nothing will change.
My posting on here accentuate the positive. We are all creating the future of STEEM each day. We do more than just post, comment, and upvote. When we put things out there, it is read, internalized, and repeated by others. Whether you believe it is in the ether or not, the fact is that it is traveling around the world wide web. Others will latch onto what is said. We are all impressed upon by others. This is why the media is so powerful. It can take a message, even if inaccurate, and spread it to millions. Unfortunately, 99% of the people who receive that message internalize it as true.

We see the same thing here. When people are on STEEM promoting the scarcity mindset, that comes through. I can recognize the fear behind people's posts and comments. It is not that hard to find. And those who are espousing that are the ideal students of the bankster system. Congratulations, A+ for your learning.
Personally, I believe there are much bigger forces in play. Blockchain is just part of a larger transition the world is going through. There is a new energy that is taking over this planet and about to explode. Decentralization is about to release that in a big way. The old centralized, controlled system is starting to show cracks. Sure, we are at the early stages but we are a lot further along than we were.
Nikola Tesla, who might have been the smartest man alive in the last few hundred years, said if you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. That is quite a statement for a guy to make in the late 1800s or early 1900s. Today, we have devices that can measure all that but, at that time, it was rather novel.
Tesla, by the way, was a big believers in the power of the "invisible". He credited all his inventions to tapping into the power that was connected to his mind.
The power that resides within you was suppressed. This was a deliberate move by the establishment over the centuries. The banksters just took it to another level. If we, as humans, realize what we are capable of and the power available to us, the entire scarcity run system would collapse. Sadly, few have any inclination. While we might have a larger percentage on STEEM, most of the population is completely unaware....and that is by design.
Nevertheless, my optimism is based upon the understanding of the energetic shifts that are taking place. This is affecting many at the cellular level. The technological advancement we are making are a stepping stone that are allowing us to access what is available. A characteristic of the Age of Abundance is great technological advancement which will help to assist humanity in ways it otherwise could not.
Looking out into the future requires one to size up where scarcity and abundance fit in. For those who are naysayers and doubters, it is easy to see how their conditioning comes into play. The power to affect others is within each of us. In fact, we all impact those around us. The question is what are you spreading? What is the message you carry? Throughout our day, both on and offline, we encounter a multitude of people. Each situations leaves an impression. What are you putting out there? It is easy to believe that it does not matter. This is what the banksters and other elites want you to think.
You are more powerful than you know. It is up to you to choose if you exercise that power or not.
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Conscious creation is much more powerful than folks are led to believe.
Following you anyway but upvoted and resteemed you to my feed too 😊
Wishing you infinite abilities to create wealth and abundance 😊Every word of this article i resonate highly with @taskmaster4450 very well presented 5 stars 😊
I agree with so much of what you have to say here! It feels like things have been shifting for the last decade, getting stronger over the past 5 to 3 years really. It seems like people are slowly starting to wake up, and to open up, and so many of us are ready to not only receive this power that is a greater truth, but to give to it. So much of our lives have to do with taking, taking, taking! So few of us really recognized the strength behind giving of ourselves, even if it's something as simple as opening a door, smiling in the stranger, or reading incredibly intellectually stimulating things like this.
💚 let's enjoy the ride, my friend!
Deep and insightful post! Thanks for sharing! Hope you've been well! :)
I totally understand indoctrination and school. I am 19, so I was just in school. I remember how in history class we learned about World War II, but never learned any of the bad things the the United States did. The last two years, I went to college. In those history classes, we focused on the bad things America did and not the good. They both tried to indoctrinate us into believing something by only showing us certain facts.
The world is too complex for the school to try to teach history. The winner writes the history books. You don't even know if you can trust anyone if you haven't experienced it yourself. The world is running on a lot of momentum so much stuff gets glossed over. Too complex and takes too long time to tell the full story of life.
Exactly. At the same time, if we don't study history, we are doomed to repeat it. Quite possibly one of the biggest dilemmas ever.
I’ve read The Secret. I’ve learned there’s a lot of truth to the law of attraction.
It's pretty common sense actually if you consider the universe and all the beauty that there are no limits here in potential. Things tend to balance itself out in the long run. You attract what you are and what you need for the moment yes.
Yes, the power of positive thinking. There’s a reason why successful people are positive.
I would say it's more about smart work + hard work. Positive thoughts comes when you see the results rolling in from the first steps.. But what tend to happen is people get stuck on cloud thoughts and only want to think and not do work.
You've got a post chock full of goodies here @taskmaster; so many in fact, that by your second paragraph, I grabbed a good ol' fashion pen and paper and started jotting my thoughts down! So...here they are in bullet form:
Thanks for the thought-provoking post! Thoroughly enjoyed it...again ;)
It wasn't meant to "control" as in an evil way if that is what you mean (not sure if you did). It was a good system for the time since lots of horrible things have happened. The bible is a beautiful book with deep universal truths. People needed it. People that follow many of the universal teachings are having amazing life since they have great guidelines to live by. It's amazing and timeless.
Even the bible states that the kingdom is within. They are talking about heaven so all people could understand it in a beautiful way. Fear is a thing that they have seen that if people learn to be fearful of certain things then they will behave in amazing ways. They all point to the same universal truths but just in different ways.
The Bible does contain many truths, but during the Middle Ages, to which @lynncoyle1 spoke to, it wasn't readily available to the people. That didn't start to happen until the period of the Reformation, which came after. So, the Church did have primary control over the interpretation of the Bible and, at least according to the reformers, not all of what they taught was biblically based.
So, I would say you could debate either side of the control issue, whether it was actually good or not and probably have a fairly long list on both sides. I believe some pretty good people went to their deaths as heretics because they dared to interpret the teachings in the Bible differently than the prevailing doctrine of the Church.
And the fact that the peasants in the Middle Ages had no idea how to read, and that bibles weren't printed en mass yet, it was pretty easy to alter the writings. Your point about heretics is also a poignant one.
As always @glenalbrethsen, I appreciate your input.
I should have clarified, but no I didn't mean "evil" per-say , but I guess people can view the intentions behind the word 'control' how they see fit. I also didn't say anything about the bible, because the bible, and the church's use of control in the Middle Ages are two completely different entities. I respect your beliefs and appreciate your comment though.
What a stunningly powerful post. Lucid and very well written.
There is so much to say and so little room. The first 'product placement' contract that I am aware of was 'Psycho' in '57 (I think), Ford paid to have their vehicles featured. A long time ago....
Why is it that 98% of people that know the true religion (doesn't matter what religion, long as they believe it to be 'the one') got it from their parents? Easy answer.
It's all about command and control. At any level. Personal to governmental it's all command and control.
Thanks for a terrific post.
The power and authority rests within each and every single one of us. Despite all our efforts to give it away to somebody else to govern or make decisions, it always remains within. Many people call it different names. I believe that power and authority is rooted in spirit and it is now up to us to bring forth spirit within our lives to make the changes we want to see. But that requires a lot of work to bring spirit in balance and harmony with our physical vessel. We have much work to do. But I see more and more people willing to do that work so that we can do this through peace, prosperity and love, rather than violence, scarcity and hatred. Nice article my friend. Thank you for tagging my work as well. Much appreciated!
What an inspiring, powerful post - thank you!
For many years I have tried to spread such thoughts. But most people are so stuck in the system that they are not prepared to look behind the scenes - or are afraid of it. That didn't help anyone, and I was just frustrated.
Then, years ago, I decided to just do my thing ... and realized that living authentically makes you very happy on the one hand and on the other hand it makes a lot more people think about what´s going on than talking :)
The rise in energy that is hitting the planet is fostering in a new era. Those who ignore what is happening are going to suffer until they change. The old models are cracking and will collapse in the ensuing years. This is not something that is just taking place on a physical realm. There are energetic reasons for it.
We are going to see massive changes occur over the next couple decades. There is a lot underneath the surface that few are aware of. It will become more apparent as things start to change.
As they say facebook has programmed our mind, nothing is secure nowadays, all seems to be so pathetic with your data never safe
These two pdfs delve a little deeper into the cia's monarch programming, just so you have the option of knowing.
Fritz's webpage.
universemultiverse is a complicated place. Just when we think we've figured something out 100 more questions are raised.Dropping out school apparently doesn't mean one is stupid. Obey in this system, and you ll be a potential drone but you don't have to leave major consensus narrative. Leave it, and you ll lose friends, reputation, even your girlfriend if she was programmed that way... But gain something, that will never want you to come back.... That's why: departed ;)
Wonderful posting! :-)
Welcome to Steemit! :-)
It's nice to meet you. :-)
excellent...see my posts on "the markets" thanks.
Nice broad story. When you say:
Are you including the bearish predictions for altcoin markets and cautionary articles from people who don't believe this is a bottom?
Not sure which scarcity comments you are referring to.
Remind myself to come back and read this, looks awesome
Never saw that documentary...I will certainly check it out....thanks.