I last reported the numbers in a post that covered through January 31, 2018.
It was a follow up to a post I put together showing the shift on a 90 day basis.
Special thanks tho @arcange who runs these numbers everyday.
Now that we are past the 15th of the month (granted in a short month), I figured I would post the numbers again.
Here is the breakdown at the end of January:
The total MVests here is 382,412.
On a percentage basis:
Whales 63.72%
Orcas 17.54%
Dolphins 10.55%
Minnows 5.21%
Red Fish 1.28%
Inactive 1.685%
The total MVests here is 377797.
On a percentage basis:
Whales 62.73%
Orcas 17.86%
Dolphins 10.85%
Minnows 5.44%
Red Fish 1.32%
Inactive 1.78%
The change over that time period is as such:
Whales -1.5%
Orcas +1.8%
Dolphins +2.8%
Minnows +4.6%
Red Fish +3.1%
Inactive +5.9%
Let us take a look at the breakdown of users:
So what does this all tell us.
The rich are not getting richer. In fact, more of the pie is going to the smaller accounts.
On Jan 31st, the Whales and Orcas has 310,770 MVests; on February 15, 2018, 304,488...a decrease of 2.02%.
The final thing that I wanted to mention is this number: 8819
That is the total number of people who are Minnow (around 500SP) or above.
My friends, that is called being an early adopter....
If you found this article informative, please give it an upvote and resteem.
I am less than 1 SP away from 10M vests, will become a dolphin tonight when I do my daily power up. Woot!
congrats on the achievement. Can not believe there are less than 10,000 dolphins.
100% upvote as an early congrats on that @preparedwombat.
You deserve it. I find you to be one of the more consistent posters on here....you are regularly on here adding to this blockchain on a daily basis. I always appreciate your comments in my posts...you really help to stimulate the conversation and carry it along. Sadly, most do not follow but that is a challenge we have in general with the STEEM blockchain.
The next chart that I post when I do the updates will have you as one moving into the Dolphin category from Minnow. It was a long road but now you joined us.
Of course, the tenfolding nature of STEEM means that it is an even longer trek to Orca....
50K, here we come.
Huh! I thought about you as a Dolphin since I joined... Keep stumbling on your account when on commenting rounds and you're always on top of your game.
Congrats man! One day I'll join you :)
Congratulations @preparedwombat..that's exciting news! Good for you:) I'm looking forward to the day when I'm standing in those shoes; or swimming in that pond, I should say :) Cheers!
Oh, I thought you were a dolphin! Nevertheless, congrats on your achievement!
I am working hard towards that goal of becoming a minnow (>500 SP) and become an early adopter.
I am deploying all possible avenues of gaining SP at my disposal - posting, investing, leasing!
Good to see these very encouraging numbers. Yes, it sure looks like Steemit is working as "planned"! Good news for everyone, whales included, even if some haven't realized it yet.
I highly suggest having a look at this article by @lextenebris which has some deeper and very interesting commentary on a similar topic.
It suggests that many of the whales at the top of the eco-system would be losing mvest because they're taking it out, not reinvesting it in the community (at least that's what I got out of the read).
Let me know what you think. :)
Edit: Upvoting for visibility. Its important work that they've done.
Thanks @holoz0r. I will give it a read.
And if they are cashing out, how does that change things. The fact they are powering down means that their SP is weakened, hence making the rest of the community stronger. People complain whales have all the power. If a Whale sells his/her stake and leaves, isnt that person eliminated from the reward pool?
I'm interested to see what can be done with data from the top 200 accounts in terms of % of the reward pool obtained versus the (aggregate) percentage of the reward pool is given to those not within the top 200.
So let's say a whale gets 0.8% of the reward pool in any given week, is their growth potential (if they were to reinvest the liquid rewards) equal, or more than that of a minnow?
I would wager that it would be more. My hypothesis on such a trend would be as follows:
(This would be on the basis of reputation number alone, and the size of vests following them)
I don't have the SQL / database smarts to pull the data, but I think it would be fascinating to see.
Yeah I lack the skills to pill info from the blockchain also.
One point to remember, is MVests get more expensive with time even if the price does not change. One buying in today versus a year ago is going to pay more for the MVest than the one a year age even if the price is identical. That is one advantage to being in early and staying in.
You are correct in that a Whale could cash out and buy back in...just like someone else can come in with a large stake if he or she wanted and become an instant Whale.
However, the sell out, buy in game at these levels is a risky move. Some might get it right but if they miss, it is costly. The worst thing to do is to sell while believing the price will be cheaper to buy in and have it run on you. This easily could happen.
I am not sure I follow you about the reputation...that is not based on MVests...if one powers down, he or she maintains the reputation.
You don't need to be a whale to abuse the system. Actually, it is easier for smaller accounts to abuse the system, because they go under the radar and/or tolerated.
All you have to do is to post, comment, and self vote 10 times a day and you'll see returns to your capital that no other legal investment would provide, only for a limited time of course.
That is until the whole currency and the platform crashes. I disapprove of this type of behavior, but the system allows it. It's a %65 Million USD per year problem, if you do the math. All of that cash comes from the Steem/Steem Power holders that don't abuse the system.
This is a good point. Whales cashing out is actually bad news. That means that big investors are losing their faith in the system and selling their stake off slowly.
My thoughts exactly, @taskmaster4450. The big guys are cashing out and even transisto has talked about being a bag holder.
That's technically not what I've shown.
What I've shown is that funds transfers are primarily (by target) moving into the top 200 accounts by SP not out of. I pointedly did not make any analysis of the magnitude of any of those transfers, primarily because I couldn't come up with a good way to actually present that much information in a meaningful way.
I'm still considering that.
The overall level of liquidity in the pool of investiture appears to be static, for the most part. It doesn't appear as if a lot of that value is being transferred out of the chain – it's just sitting there.
Not doing much.
Just sitting there.
Hello, @taskmaster4450!
Im glad to see precise information.
What shocked me is the increase of inactive accounts, whats your opinion on that?... finally, it doesnt matter how much power the Whales have, if more people is leaving the platform in relation of the one adopting it, Steem would have problems to grow... A month ago, Steemit was in the top 500 in USA sites, now is pulling back to 750.
Also Vice abandoned the SMT proyect, and EOS is coming with a much better platform to develope social media (now that @dan and @ned are publicly divorced, thats no good news)....
I love Steem, i have invested, im sure it is still going to grow this year... but, im concerned about all this people leaving the proyect, becoming inactive... whats your opinion on that?
Anways, as usual, thanks for your info!
Vice decided to fork the blockchain...why? I have no idea. Perhaps they felt it better to be their own STEEM. Is it a blow? Perhaps. Although it might be best that way since the stigma of that in force on here could drive other legitimate entities away.
The number of daily active users continues to grow over time so that is what is important. I am not sure what the inactives are to begin with, so I cant really comment on them. I do not know what @arcange used to determine when one is inactive.
Nevertheless, it is normal. How many accounts does Facebook have compared to the number of true users? Same with Reddit. YouTube? We see that all over the place. The difference is , I believe, some of the inactives, might come back. Looking at the total, there are some tokens in their accounts. They might someday wake up and realize they have a little money on this blockchain.
As for EOS, that is going to be interesting. I dont think Dan ever intended to have them compete. @ned and him fighting isnt a healthy thing and I do not know what is behind it. Nevertheless, in spite of it all, I dont think @dan is really after @ned anyway...he has his eyes set on Vitalik and ethereum.
People think blockchains compete because we are reared in a competitive mindset. Let me ask you, if you are a developer who creates a business on STEEM, and there is no problem with functionality, i.e. your transactions are getting through, are you going to move your business? Especially since EOS could well be a completely different language from steem. Do you see D.Tube suddenly up and moving?
I think at the end of the day, the people who are here are going to remain here....EOS might well be a top blockchain too but there is no reason, if development keeps up, why STEEM wont be one also.
Nice to read you, @taskmaster4450!
It is true about the account inactivity, and it also works to keep up the STEEM value: lots of tokens burned in inactive accounts. I think the platforms that have already being designed in the STEEM blockchain, for sure will remain... ive heard from the creator of D.Tube that he migth move to the SMT model to run an ICO, and thats good news even tho it is a little bit confusing how SMT tokens will interact with the price and value of the STEEM token...
What is is true, is that new devolopers of social media would chose the best machine to build upon, and that would be EOS for sure. I've being researching all the possible info about @ned and @dan, you know, "to protect my investment", and @dan publiccly said that EOS would be the ground level of making "more and better social media". Remember that he built STEEM to convert users to his proyect (learning the lesson of BitShares with technology adoption) and he will do the exact same model with EOS... Also, he is being really critical about the governance upon steem (the bots, the self-vote, the whales, the token distribution, etc...).
The advantage of STEEM is the first-move... I think June-July will be a desicive month for the Social Media in the blockchain, with the release of APPICS and EOS. APPICS, if they manage to accomplish what they promise, to make the blockchain acccesible and understandable to "average-joe" they migth have the first killer-app in the blockchain.... So thats what i think STEEM will still be growing this year, but, 2019-2020 will determine weather if EOS or STEEM will become the mass-adoption social media in the blockchain.
Of course, we still have to see which proyects emerge with EOS and with SMT... Nothing have being said with EOS, and, apart from APPICS, i havent seen any exiting proyects coming this year for the SMT.
So, we will see :)
I love your content, man! ill come to post more often.
I have a second gaming account. I have seen huge surge of let's players vomiting one or two videos in a week or two. They get couple of 0.01 upvotes. I think so many of them are just trying to fish without effort. They don't look for others content whilest their own content seems to be very very mainstreamish games. My other account grows slower & slower and I have so far seen to be able grab maybe like one of the new users. Early december in D.tube I couldn't even find gameplay videos. Also people that have been attracted from youtube have not yet attracted investors.
This is definitely good news and it is so much better than the last report that I read. I believe that more power should be given to dolphins who have genuine intention to make this platform even better. Today we have two economies and I hope Steemit would not have the same path.
It is moving in that direction. I post this at intervals, well I only did it a few times...but I will continue to show what moves are taking place. Over the longer term, in spite of times where there might be a reversal, I see this trend continuing. The reward pool simply is going to ensure that. As more people join, the red fish and minnow pool gets stronger. This means, as numbers, they will overwhelm the reward pool and end up taking the vast percentage of it. Thus, their accounts as a total, will grow faster as a percentage of the whole.
This is a fascinating and heartening post, my friend. Sometimes it's good to see the numbers to stop from getting discouraged.
Well, this gives hope to new comers to the platform. At least I can be a testimony to this. Gradually in the last few days I have been making progress even as a red fish.
And you will keep making progress @lordjames as long as you keep working at it. Everything on the STEEM network compounds. The point you are at today is a much different starting point than where you were a month ago. This is the big secret. Everyone wants to start at the top. Consistent activity builds upon itself to ensure growth.
The rewards build right in line with that. Over time, your voting power, as long as you power up, increases meaning you become more valuable to the system.
Give it 3 or 4 months and you will be much higher than you are today.
Still seems like there is an 80/20 split. Whales + Orcas = 80%. Moreover, by looking at the charts you provide, it seems like there are only 300 accounts that are classified as Whales or Orcas, and close to 750,000 or 800,000 other Steemit accounts. That means that, out of a platform quickly growing to 1 million total users, 300 accounts control 80% of the wealth. That just seems incredibly inequitable to me. I hope it is changing.
Am I missing something here? I'm trying to work with the numbers you provide.
Of course they do...they are the early adopters...the ones who took the risk early on when Steemit was far from a sure thing. There was a time, from what I read, back in March of last year, where there was talk that STEEM would not make it. So I have no problem with them profiting handsomely.
As for your question look at this...
On October 26th, Whale and Orcas controled 84%....a bit over 90 days later 82%...now two weeks after that...just shy of 81%...
This will continue as the masses start to join and the reward pool is eaten by newer accounts. The more they post, the less there will be for the Whales due to the sheer volume of people.
I agree that it appears to have the makings of a positive trend. However, I'm not quite as ready to buy into the "early adopter" argument. I have no doubt that many of the Whales got in early and took a big risk when the price of Steem was quite low. And I applaud them for that. However, as I understand it, there is not a strict correlation between "time on Steemit" and "wealth" (as measured by SP). For example, the price of Steem right now is about $4.50. And, as you point out in one of your earlier comments, a Whale needs 500K SP. So if someone was willing (and able), couldn't they just "buy" their way into Whale status and then influence the future direction of Steemit so that they could profit? For example, what if Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan secretly signed up for Steemit and spent $1 million to become a Steemit Whale? As I understand it, there is no correlation between wealth and reputation, either, with some Whales having a lowly 25 reputation, so "time on Steemit" or "time spent getting upvotes" is not a factor. So it's not necessarily the case that "early adopter" status is a necessary or sufficient to become a Whale, right?
Yes someone could buy into Whale status if they were willing to invest $2.2M...if someone put that much into a platform like this, dont you think they deserve such status?
And most Whales were early adopters....few have bought in of late that I know of. Of the few I looked up, all were in mid 2016....
As for the correlation, there is absolutely a huge correlation between time on steemit and wealth AS LONG AS ONE IS ACTIVE. The entire system is based upon contribution to the ecosystem. Those who are here longer, and active, will contribute more. The newer ones have their contributions reflected in their accounts. Over time, as people maintain consistency and put the compounding nature of this blockchain to work, their accounts grow.
And the numbers are showing that. Each time I run this, the lower ranks, Red Fish and Minnows grow. While it might not be fast enough for some, it is altering the landscape (and we are still on the manual sign up system).
Reputation has nothing directly to do with wealth. As one powers down, the wealth decrease but reputation remains the same. By the same token, one with a big accoung who upsets everyone will have a low rep but huge wealth.
Of course, Dimon, if he did invest $2.2M into SP, he best get active on here to get a return. If he isnt, he should just buy that on the open market and hold STEEM. SP is meant to be used to increase the worth of the ecosystem, in turn, generating more wealth for oneself.
I am not sure how long a trend is needed to convince people...this has taken place over the last year plus that I researched it and it continues. Of course, it makes sense...get 1M active daily users on here and the Whales flopping around will be a minor ripple as compared to the tidal wave it causes now.
It may continue to decrease, but watch me calculate the actual USD amount 😁
Steem market cap is 1,123mln. 81% from that amount is $910mln. That amount belongs to the 300 richest steemonians. Which results in just above $3mln per user. To my opinion that is a very nice amount for early adopters. I would say it is time for an ethical discussion about if such high amounts are really fair?
Also knowing that these orcas and whales week easily make a lot more money in the near future.
To my opinion at least some of these millions should be used to attract and hold new users.
Why should it?
STEEM is a system based upon the contribution to the STEEM blockchain. The ones who are in that group contributed greatly...a lot more than any of the newer people.
The truth is what people cannot handle...one's account reflects exactly the worth of what one contributed to this blockchain. People can argue that all they want but the reality is the ones arguing it are those who have not contributed anything. I have yet to see someone with 10,000 posts state that the system is unfair and does not reward content. Never. Yet I see people who have a few hundred or maybe a thousand posts claim that.
You want to have an ethical discussion about a blockchain you are on for less than two months and have contributed 188 posts. Not to be an ass, but come back when you have 5K or 10K posts and tell me if you have the same viewpoint.
What people cannot handle is that STEEM is not broken. Sure there are a few things that need work but the overall system is not unfair. It is true it is not evenly distributed but, the white paper never guaranteed that. It did guarantee rewards for each person who contributes to the blockchain whether it be time or money. And the more time on contributed to this blockchain, the more wealth one builds.
People are too accustomed to hand holding...wanting more handed to them. That is the culture the banksters created...it is one of dependence.
There is nothing to stop someone from posting 20-30 quality comments a day...over 90 days, that will significantly impact ones account positively.
That is why I tell newer people the proper path is commenting....do that and your following will build plus one gets paid for those comments...
That is how one can build an account.
You're not an ass. I really appreciate your honesty.
You have a fair point that the total value of ones account is the result of your accumulated actions and the rewards you received.
At this moment I'm not complaining about steemit. I still have a strong believe in the whole concept. And I think in time I can just earn a little money by posting and commenting.
But besides earning money via posts and comments I think I can also earn money in a few different ways. My background is economic/mathematics. And I think I can come up with some nice tricks. Let's just assume I will be able to come up with something that earns me a lot of money, then my own conscious makes me ask myself if I can live with that?
So perhaps this is just a very personal thing? I guess I should just give it a try to earn some bucks. If it works I can always take some time to think of I will continue earning money with tricks.
I hope this clarifies my earlier post? Feel free for any further discussion!
Make 3 million and try to live in finland, you will be disappointed.
I've heard Finland is expensive. But is it so expensive. I would think that $75k is more then enough to live 1 year. Then $3mln lets you survive for 40 years.
Give me $3mln and I try it myself 😋😜😎
That is really pretty awsome. I do watch some of them power down and the funny thing is they are bringing more in a week thsn they are able to power down sometimes. Its crazy but awesome at the same time.
I imagine it certainly will fluctuate from time to time. There will be weeks where the numbers reverse and the Whales power grows. However, as an overall trend, when looked at over a 90 day period, I feel certain it is a trend that will continue as more people join this blockchain. Simply put, they cannot post enough to maintain their position. The reward pool is going to be eaten up by newer people...
Which is great because it will kick off the network effect.
Signed up late 2016 and I'm still swimming with the Redfishes.
Started from the bottom and I'm still f**kin here.
Perhaps 880 posts since Septembers 2016 has something to do with it.
That's a show of a change in focus. I got tired of spending the time creating good content when I watched my wife’s half passed photos slaughter my posts.
However, if I would've stuck it out I wouldn't be bitching, but I also wouldn’t have been able to buy our new house on a shit credit score had Inot focused in trading.
Apologies for my ramble. I'm bored and ran out of things to argue with myself about.
Excellent work as always. It makes me happy to see that things have been evening out and the whales aren't playing games like they used to.
They are still playing games...that has not changed. And they still wield a great deal of influence. The big thing is that the Whales lost more than 7% of their power in 2017 and it looks like it will be an even bigger amount in 2018. The distribution is spreading out. Part of it will be Whales cashing out for huge profits....that makes sense.
The other part is the number of Red Fish and Minnows that start posting each day. Once we have a couple million people on this blockchain, the sheer numbers will overwhelm the Whales....even with their VP, it will be impossible to maintain their standing as a percentage of the whole.
In time. a whale causing a stir will only be a ripple.
🙏 Thank you
Can i ask a question? What does delegating 100 sp do for you?
Delegating your SP is another way to say lending or borrowing.
If you delegate 100 SP for X amount of time you will be absent that SP from your account till your delegation time frame comes to an end.
Every delegation service I’ve seen offers their own reward amounts either in SBD/STEEM, Upvotes or Resteems.
@taskmaster4450, you are a great Steemit advocate. And you always love to back up your claims with figures.
The recent figures show a reduction in the control of whales. That's a good thing.
But do those figures tell all the story? I think there is more to it. And more must be done to maintain confidence in the platform. Kudos to the Steemit team by the way. But more must be done
Hahaha, never pictured myself as a tiny red fish in a bowl! Thanks for the update on steemit oceanography!
It is amazing how our self-image can change from moment-to-moment. LOL
This is very interesting post as I can do quite some things with the numbers. But first a question, cause as newbie I don't even know the SP range power group. Can someone post a table?
First I see an increase of 74k inactive users. I hope this has to do with the definition of inactive? Otherwise steemit is losing users very, very quickly in only 15 days 😳.
I tried to figure out why whales lose VP. I can think of at least 2 things, first already mentioned they are powering down and cashing. Secondly, what about some of them (or even most) are voting bots or just receiving most of their reward via curation? Then the authors will always gain more.
I would love to see these numbers again within a few months.
Red fish under 500 SP
Minnow 500 SP
Dolphins 5000 SP
Orca 50K SP
Whale 500K SP
That is rough estimates since the levels are actually based upon MVests not SP, but it is close enough.
As for the loss of VP, it most certainly is one powering down, at least this move. This is going to happen from time to time. The second one you mentioned could be true. I havent look at the Whale list to see what percent of the Whales are bots. There is also the issue of delegation. I do not know what the system does with delegation. I believe if a Whale gives you 100K SP, it is still shown as the Whales, yet you benefit. So when @ned delegates a bunch of SP to Zappl (500K), he created another Whale but it is one that is using the SP to upvote users on that application..the same as D.Tube who got 1M SP.
So there are some things in place to spread the SP around.
What do you think would happen if the whales suddenly powered down and took everything out?
And a bit off topic here and on the off chance you might know the answer, but if you become a dead fish, what do you have to do to return to being a living fish?
If the Whales all powered down and took everything out, the Orcas and Dolphins would suddenly become a lot more powerful. The price of STEEM would head lower most likely but would not crash since only 1/13th would be dumped each week. However, that is enough to put a lot of selling pressure on the token price. It would be a rough few months. Of course, if the price got low enough, I know a number of people like myself who would go on a buying spree.
I dont know how @arcange gets the inactive list...I do not know what one does to get on there. I presume just start posting, commenting, and upvoting and earning some SBD or STEEM and one is active.
That is just a guess though.
Interesting. I never really thought how the power down process would act as a buffer to stop a sudden crash. STEEM had been well thought out.
My daughter turned into a dead fish when she wasn't active and despite being pretty active since, her steemitboard still shows her as one, months later. Maybe she'll have to reach minnow status before it changes now.
Thanks for keeping us up to date month to month on these stats.
Incremental movement toward equality is better than no movement at all. I will continue looking forward to these month to month to watch the trend. Thanks!
Well it really isnt that incremental when you think about it.
A 1.5% decrease in two weeks is a huge amount over the course of a year, if it held at that. I am not saying it will but when you consider a 39% move, that would be a serious hit. We should see, annually, around a 7%-10% decline in the Whales percentage of the total....as more people sign on and take from the reward pool, the Whales share goes down.
well when you put it that way ... ;) yeah it does add up. who knows what the behavior of the whales will be!
Also regarding this
I would be really interested if you could write a post explaining this a bit more- ie what may happen as more people join.
i have heard it said that steem value/price will also go up so perhaps our earnings wont change that much, but do you think, on the whole, for the average steemian, they will earn less? curious for your thoughts.
It is impossible to say.
We are looking at the user growth rate (actually the active user growth rate) versus the pricing action as determined by the market. Since we know the pricing action tends never to be reflective of what is going on, it either races ahead or lags, we know it wont be constant.
If I had to guess, I believe at a certain point, pricing action will race ahead of the user rate because markets get excited easily. Also, I feel STEEM is under priced at this point so a move ahead is warranted in my opinion.
What those rates look like is anyone's guess. However, we know there is an update being tested out so the system can be scaled so obviously the developers are well aware of this.
Logic says that as more takes place on the blockchain i.e. more users, transactions, posting, etc....the higher the price should go. I would imagine this will offset any lose due to dilution of the reward pool. However, there could be fluctuations where that is not true. For instances, if a bunch of users all sign on quickly after the process is automated, start posting immediately, and collecting from the reward pool without the market even noticing, then you might have an inversion of what I proposed.
In essence, the daily reward pool is set in the blockchain. What is coming out is coming out. Now there are roughly 60K active users sharing in that pool....imagine what happens when there are 600K or 6M....or perhaps 60M.
Huge difference in the amount paid on each post.
yes, this will have significant effects. thank you for your detailed reply! also, it would be interesting to see the stats on active users who buy into steemit (from their own pockets) when they get on steemit. if the stats were high in favorability, i presume steem value would go higher correlating with more users, but i am not sure a lot of people actually buy in. as you say, the markets are variable and excitable and often not because of anything, really.
What is this update being tested out? I think i have missed it.
thanks, again.
Even for those buying in, it gets more difficult as the price of STEEM moves higher. At $4.50, it takes $4500 to get 1,000 SP. I bought most of my stuff at between $.80 and $1.30....a big difference.
What happens when STEEM is $10 and it takes $10K to get 1,000 SP...or $20K or $50K...
We quickly are moving out of the realm of the average buyer to accumulate any SP...and people who are going to dump $100K into STEEM most likely arent posters but investors so they wouldnt be on here anyway.
As for the update, here is my post....
yes... that is my perspective as well- it is truly inaccessible for most. the early adopters are quite advantageous at this point! :) thanks for sharing the link. i'll go look now.
interesting. Let's see how it will end up
You really think your 8 word comment is worth $1.87 when the article is not worthy of an upvote?
Oh this is fixin to get good.
Yes, he does. shakes head
Steemcleaners needs to hit him as spam...I hope someone reports him.
I think there is 1 SBD offered for that...a way for someone to add a bit to his/her account.
You are right.
The numbers do not lie. It is working and it will continue to be building into what we all want it to be. A place for the peoples of the world that is second to none.
Thank you for your continued fact gathering and reporting.
You are welcome @francisk.
It is working...slowly but it is. Although a 1.5% drop in two weeks is pretty hefty. One Whale powering down was the cause so that could be skewing things slightly.
But over time, each new SP that ends up in your account is one that doesnt enter the Whale's and makes your VP that much more powerful.
GJ, does or could the Steemit account powerdown have something to do with this shift in voting power?
Voting Power is directly tied to Steem Power so yes, when one powers down, the amount of voting power also decreases.
It is the same with delegation. When on delegates a certain amount of SP to another, the sending accounts is reduced in terms of VP while the receiving account will increase by the same amount.
In this case, we arent talking about VP directly, although you are correct, it does tie in. This is just the MVest balance which ties into the votes. I believe the decline in Whale MVests was one powering down...
motivational post for red fishes and minnows to keep pushing and active on steemit. Thanks.
Does anyone have a link that shows at what point you go from minnow to dolphin etc?
I think this is because of the new users who are coming in.
So, the number of new users is increasing all time, that's why their percentage increased.
But, whales number is limited so their percentage decreased.
Thanks a lot for sharing these info, it helpful :D
Your statistic could also mean, that whales cashed out some of their money. There are on average more power downs than power ups. While minnows are poorer are building their accounts, rich are cashing out.
Those numbers give me motivation to get 500 SP or more. It doesn't seem really difficult and once those SP accumulated, you're clearly in the top of the platform!
Less than 10,000 users are there. I didn’t know I was so early in the game.
wow..that's a great analysis,like this post
thanks @taskmaster4450
Yeah. I had to throw back to the Jan 31st post and sure your predictions and observations are becoming reality.
I strongly believe that for any platform to thrive, that platform has to has a considerable form of stability.
I would liken the "excess" power that the whales had and still have is Bullish.
Now with the reduction or loosing power, the platform is steadily arriving at stability and it would give the upcoming ones an environment to thrive.
nice learning post sir
hey good post your all post so informative...thanks for sharing...
That is amazing analysis...You done your job with data that is really hard working...go ahead and break a leg for your job.
I notice too , thanks for the analysis and explanation
Thank you for this post, very interesting information! =)
Wonderful work, i know it's not easy coming up with such statistics. Keep up the good work.
Interesting update
With the negative sign attached with whales it's really a subject of concern.
"orcas" represent which category?
Orcas are those with 50K SP. They answered that in the comments above. Thanks
This is a thorough analysis. I read your last analysis in January 31st and I must say that the whales are really gradually losing their power.
This was really informative and I have upvoted and resteemed it for others to see....Thanks boss
very informativee post...helpfull for us...thanks sir
thanks for the information ... if i see i will upvote and resteem ..
very excellent👌👌👌
well i am just trying to understand ... really
A well documented truth.
I love to know that MVest is starting to spread to other classes like minnows, dolphins, and orca.
I’d like to learn more about mv too. I’m scanning the comments gathering info.
Excellent analysis. I am very pleased with the rapid increase in the number of all Steem users.
wow !i was need this news,thank you for shareing.
Thank You @taskmaster4450 I love looking at these Stats and it helps understand even more why I am glad I am an Early Adopter..........
Daily Learn some new from your post. Love to read it.
Btw amazing to see that 0.005% of the steemit users owns 63% of all the money. Could this potentially be one of the big issues why steemit will never become mainstream?
To start, do you mean Steemit or STEEM?
And why do you think it will never become mainstream?
Sorry I don't understand your question. Steem is the currency for social media platform steemit, correct?
It's mostly my gut feeling why I think it will not become mainstream. But let me try to sum up a few reasons :
1 to difficult. Most steemonians only have very limited knowledge about steemit.
2 for a lot of people it looks like it is impossible to earn money.
Combine 1&2 and it could result in users stopping after a few weeks.
3 scams, spammers and other annoying stuff
4 this one I like best, but probably will never happen. Create a Facebook alike social media and use the profit (advertising income) to pay out to all contributing users. This could be huge. At least in my dreams 😂😋😎
You’re looking for Sola. They pay in sol. They look a little like Instagram. They advertise on the platform to make $.
Steemit is waaaaaaaay better.
You got to be kidding me. Someone stole my idea 😥😋
what do you mean about this data?
the profitable or what?
The percentage of decline or increase of the total since the end of last month.
And there is the power of steemit and the community. The community votes and decides what they want and don't want and can make change. However it does have to be an overwhelming amount of support but this goes to show that each and everyone of you has a voice here!
I thought minnows are the first kind of fish that one starts out as. Here i could see two more fish types. So, basically at how much steempower one is classified as red fish and at how much steem power one is classified as Minnow? Just curious because i want to know if i am a red fish or minnow.
When from an ocean few bucket of water is taken out it doesnot effect the water quantity in ocean. So is the case here too. A deduction of -1.5% doesnot effect the whales at all. But still there is a hope that the below are also growing and are growing a little bit faster.
1.5% in two weeks is a significant change in power no matter what the water is like....
As for the levels, please read the comments, the answer is 5 spots above your post.
I love these reports, please keep doing them. People need to see that the system is working as designed.
It's always nice to see that all hope is not lost on Steemit. New users will still go away though, because they will not agree with the numbers, and then complain in a few years that they still can't get anything.