STEEM Is A Social Media Blockchain: So Be Social!!!!

in #steem7 years ago

In my time on this site, I learned a great many things. One of the things that sticks out in my mind is how this place can be overwhelming.

When we first start on Steemit, the platform is a bit tricky. Unlike D.Tube and Zappl which are fairly familiar if one used the comparable social media sites, this contains a large learning curve. For many, it takes a while to figure out the wallet system alone. What is a SBD? Why is there STEEM and STEEM Power? How do I get either of them? These are all questions newcomers have.

Then we have navigating the site itself. This is a challenge which is hopefully being addressed. I will state that, at present, Steemit is one long feed of articles. This can make it a bit difficult to find anything. The tags helps a great deal although are mislabeled. Of course, if you are like me, you followed the world so your feed is fairly worthless. Nevertheless, it is manageable once you start to pare things down and learn some of the different aspects to the site.

It isn't only newcomers who get overwhelmed. Being here for some time created another dilemma for me: with so many great projects, where do I focus my attention. There are a lot of different things going on that it is easy to get lost in all there is to do. Everyone is looking for more help and, with this blockchain being so young, there are opportunities all around. At the same time, with tokens, we see, for the first time, the ability to finance a great many things.

Hence I head is spinning like a newcomer albeit for a different reason.

Yet there is one point that I must make to all newer people (and some older ones too).

STEEM is a blockchain that was designed to target the social media market. We see the content/reward system built into the blockchain that any app can take advantage of. So far, we have a handful of apps that align themselves well with the traditional social media sites. With each upgrade, all of them are improving and moving closer to being able to handle some serious traffic.

Of course, we know that this blockchain is at the forefront of introducing people to the tokenized world. Where else can people post, comment, and upvote while getting paid for doing it? (No I don't referring going on Facebook at work). Each time someone does something on this blockchain, it has a monetary value. Sure, when new and without much SP, it is a small number but it does grow over time.

We know that the opportunity for compensation is what brought a lot of people here. This only makes sense since many are on the traditional social media sites promoting STEEM (or the specific apps) as a place for one to do what he or she is already doing yet get paid for it. Since this is our marketing tactic, at this point, we should not shy away from it nor get upset when people arrive on here looking for money. It is what we told them was here. And it is...

However, there is another point that I need to stress. Even though this is a content/reward system, it is still a SOCIAL media blockchain. The apps that are on here are designed for people to interact. I was chatting with another member on here this morning and we discussed the fact that there are roughly 2 comments left on each post (on average). To me, that is tragic.

It is as if people forgot the "social" aspect of "social" media as soon as money entered the picture. I understand how this can happen yet it is the social aspect that entitles one to the money.

I am consistent in preaching people to comment, especially when new. There are a number of reasons for this.

A. People get to know you.

As I stated above, Steemit is a big stream of articles passing by. When one is new, especially if he or she arrived with no following, all posts are out on an island. How is anyone going to know you even exist let alone upvote your content? Yet I see this on a regular basis, some new person complaining that he or she didn't get any votes.

Here is the secret. Get commenting so people know you.

Also, in marketing it takes 7 contacts from a company before a prospect will even remember your company. The same holds true on here. If you leave one comment, do not expect the author to remember you. This is especially true if the person has a significant following. Those who get a ton of messages will get blurred together. Be consistent in your commenting along with putting up something that is applicable to the subject. I can tell you, a few words or a gif will not get you remembered by me. I would imagine the same holds true for others.

B. You Get Money

Newer people often complain about having little to no SP. That is true. If you do not have fiat to power up, this is a challenge. However, one way to move ahead is to comment a lot. I will let you in on a secret, whales and orcas upvote comments. It is amazing to watch the difference. You see a popular post with some of the heavy hitters and there will be comments that get more money than many posts. I received an upvote from a heavy hitter one day, it was worth 40 S.T.U. which, with SBD so high at the time, was worth well over $100.

I upvote most of the comments left on my posts. For that reason, I have a lot of comments typically left. I will alter the amount of upvote based upon the comment. I can tell you, depending upon my VP at that moment, many of my votes are worth .50-.60 STU which is over a dollar. Naturally, you are not going to retire off that but I write between 14-16 articles per week and I have many who comment on each one. It doesn't take a math genius to figure out how many votes they are getting.

There is money in commenting.

C. STEEM Needs It

There are many benefits to the system for having a large number of comments. To start, if my understanding of Google is correct, the bot it sends around cannot distinguish between the actual article and the comments. To the bot, it all is one piece on a webpage. This enhances the standing in the search rankings which is imperative. Online marketing is great but the only true way to grow is organic traffic from the search engines.

Also, comments create "conversations". This is the social aspect of the site. While there are other avenues to interact apart for the main site, this is a great way to help foster interaction. As I said, Steemit averages about two comments per post; if this is going to be a legitimate social media site, that number needs to grow by a factor of 10. Look at a site like Reddit and the number of comments it gets. Most posts that I see on there have 20-30 comments. There are actually conversations back and forth. The same is true on YouTube. Sure not every post has that but many do. That is what is needed her.

STEEM is a community. Just like when you move into a geographic area, you have the option of participating or isolating. If you stay in your house while never meeting anyone and complain about the fact nobody interacts with you, who's fault is that? Of course, if this goes on for a while, you could move out of that neighborhood and tell anyone who will listen how they were unwelcoming and rude there.

Isn't that what we see on here?

So get involved with the community. There are a group of people who, overall, understand how cryptocurrency and blockchain is going to change the world. We are at the early stages of this technology with mass adoption still a long way away. From an individual, carnal stand-point, this means, in my opinion, anyone on here now is going to profit handsomely over the next couple years. I hypothesize that those who are active will have their financial concerns removed.

Which brings up to the next point. From the humanistic view, we can make a radical difference. This community is different from what you encounter on the social media websites. If you come on here looking to post how crappy your life is like people do on Facebook, well all I can say is get ready to be alone. People here do not want to read about that. We all have issues; we all have down days; we all have families who are a pain in the ass.

What is being embraced here is the positive aspects of life that are natural and inherent in all of us. When one starts to realize there is success to be had here, even if it is not in hand as of yet, it motivates one to be bigger than him or herself. This is where interacting with others who are of like-mind and similar interests make a difference. Individually, it is tough to get much done. Yet, collectively, we can make tremendous headway.

And this occurs while sitting on top of one of the most powerful technologies the world has seen: blockchain.

So, in closing, if you want to be a negative nellie, moaning about the plight of your life, you can do that. If you want to isolate on here and expect everyone to come to you, that is your right. If you want to post stuff about how the future is horrible and we are all done for, there is nobody to stop you. If you want to be selfish and only concern yourself with the money you are getting out of this place, have at it.

However, all that will get you is shunned and alone. As I said, people on here see a bigger picture where the future impact that is enormous. Many people understand that resources are becoming available to not only end our own burdens financially, but also enrich the entire planet.

For those new, if you have a difficult time believing this, then I suggest you start commenting will run into a few of those people very quickly.

Be is a social site after all.

If you found this article to be helpful, please give it an upvote and a resteem.

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I always say, Steemit is still very small, I've seen that many people here came for money, others came for the freedom of the blokchain and the platform, but the vast majority is still to come. That means that even if you started on the wrong foot, if you did not talk to your neighbors, if you are not social, it is still not too late to start over, no matter how many mistakes you have made, the platform is still new.

Steemit is still in beta, and all the people that are currently participating, even the smallest fish in the ocean, are ahead of the large crowd of people that will be moving towards here in the future.

Absolutely @vieira.

We are still very early in this game. 600K for a social media site is nothing and that is registered users, bots, and duplicate accounts. We have 50K daily active which is nothing. Even a site with 5 million daily active users is not very big.

There is a lot of room for growth and we are going to get a lot bigger. STEEM will be much higher in the future.

Dethroning Facebook will take time but it will happen. Once Steemit (or a similar network we don't know of yet) becomes really fast, usable, doesn't censor and plus, pays users, Facebook is done!

I agree @cryptoeagle.

For FB to be on the radar, I think someone needs to build an app with the functionality of that site. So far, Steemit looks like it is taking on Reddit, which is fine since they have 250M+ users.

FB has a lot of things that we do not see on this blockchain...perhaps someone is working on an app like that as we speak.

Hello taskmaster, just published an update to the app. Now you will see up to 300 coins plus other goodies, such as charts, prices etc. More to come! Hope you like it! Regards

Excellent my friend...looking good....was able to add another coin to my list since you expanded it out to 300...PRS....been using that search interface to earn myself a few tokens.

I love how you have the price on the front screen.

Awesome additions....I will do a write up for you in the next day or so.....I am very impressed.

Couple questions:

A) you going to do an IOS version?
B) any thoughts on the compressing of the data so it doesnt slow down as coins are added?

Hi task,
The IOs version is on the way, that one is outsourced, I haven't even seen the demo myself yet.

Compression can't be done because the data is coming from an API we don't control, however for future updates we'll let the user decide how many coins they want to have available so they will be able to show more or less depending on what they need :) regards

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Are you kidding? Commenting, publishing, even voting the contents of other people, if you are russian you must use the tag #ru in your post, so that people in your country see what you publish, I'm sure if you made an eye to that tag you will find useful information to start here.

Before joining Steemit, I've only gone on fb once or twice each year. Mostly because the negativity in others make me stay away for the sake of my sanity. But coming across this, I found myself immersed in learning. I've never had to dig deep for information on navigating a social media site before Steemit. But this place is addictive. I've stayed well below 25% voting power a lot before because I was reading through so much articles I appreciated. The commenting, to my surprise, came easy. I'm socially inept but I found myself commenting way more than I did in all the years combined in fb. I didnt know of comments being a source of potential upvotes then but I commented because a lot of articles were open for discussion and not the shallow, ego-stroking kind. There's so much to do here, so much to read. It does take effort for anything, from growing the numbers to learning the dos and donts. But I think, in the end, the learning curve and hurdles will be what separates those in for the long haul and those who are just casually strolling by (for the money or out of curiosity).

I agree @unspeakableme.

There is a learning curve yet it is well worth the effort. Many come on here only to leave in frustration. At that point, it is sad to see but there are many more who are waiting to join. For the moment, all of us need to take advantage of it and power up. When the numbers start arriving, it could get a bit hectic.

That is another reason I am looking forward to communities.

For the moment, all of us need to take advantage of it and power up. When the numbers start arriving, it could get a bit hectic.

Very true. Though a lot feel that we're already a little late to the party, if we compare it to those after us, they'd be feeling they are late to the party. It's all relative. The price of steem is steeper than it was last year but considering it's still going up, now is still a good time to load up and power up. It seems like 2018 will see Steemit grow exponentially if this first quarter is any indication.

I wonder if they plan to officially integrate communities in the platform though? I find that most communities are formed on and discord and then linked back here. So I'm wondering if they plan to eventually make it like facebook were communities are part of the platform itself. It would be way easier to find communities that way instead of accidentally finding out about so and so community in posts.

I realized too early that leaving meaningful comments on blogs is one of the profitable ways to take on steemit. It is a social platform alright and how does one get attention from big-wigs like you ,except by comments. It's true talk that a lot of people earn tidy sums from comments alone and in the process gets noticed. I can say that for myself. Thank you for the reminder.

I applaud you @edith4angelseu.

You are one who tends to get a fair number of votes from me on a weekly basis. It is my pleasure to give them to you...I appreciate you reading what I write and the time you take to leave a thoughtful, appropriate message.

Thank you too. I appreciate you immensely

Liked the post, and followed.

I think Reddit just has more subtopics and corners to it, so the content doesn't seem so overwhelming.

I'm a new user (just a few days) and I feel...overwhelmed.

Every time I hit refresh I am swarmed with a ton of articles that, like you said, seem mislabeled. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that people put up to five tags on posts.

I'm still loving Steem and can't help but find myself on the site on and off all day.

Have a good day!

You are going to be in luck....

The communities that is going to be implemented, from what I understand, are based upon subreddits. So we will have that feature here too.

It is fairly obvious the developers are modeling this after reddit..not facebook. That is the target audience they want along with the bloggers.

That's interesting. Like I said, I'm still trying to figure it out, but when I first came I was hoping it was more like a Facebook. Not sure why, especially because I am a frequent redditor and there are plenty of similarities between the two sites.

I'm looking forward to the subtopics you mentioned! Thanks for the heads up

Feel free to ask any questions you have @gratefulforitall.

By the way, love the username. You will do real well on here with that.

Come back by again.

Wow. Thank you. I really needed to hear that!

I just posted my first blog a few days ago (still working on my introduceyourself) and it went completely unnoticed. Definitely discouraging to put so many hours into something and have 2-3 people look at it haha. But it doesn't do anything to take away my enthusiasm for the site. Currently working on the next quality post and looking into fonts, banners, etc. Your format looks great! I've gotten some inspiration from it.


The best post in the world, if nobody sees it, is an isolated work of art.

Make sure you are concentrating most of your efforts on marketing yourself via interaction. Then when you put up an epic post, there are people who will see it.

I'll be looking back at your reply when I need some inspiration.

Thank you.

This article resonates with me. I can't quite remeber exactly what you said, as I am on eSteem, but I will say this: the complaining is not unique to Steemit.

In my experience with YouTube, a lot of complainers complain, but are not willing to put the work in. There are educators on YouTube now who teach about how to grow on YouTube and only talk to the ones who are working, or they try to get people to start working.

I think that you are actually doing a very good job at this as well! :)

Also, is there any word on the Manna people?

As I was waiting to be verified, I watched a vid interviewing the co-founders of Steemit. Dan and Ned some of the most intelligent things Ive ever heard when it came to Social media crypro currents and back end design.
I was a great way.. because as they stated in the interview and you have reiterated in this post is
And I think Ive taken what they and you have said about sucess On Steemit,
We are a Audience for one another
If one doesnt really see that and your just dancing for a dime... well you know the gig...
what is the main Steemit motto....Come for the rewards, Stay for the Community~*
keep writing timely post such as this and wealth will be a loyal friend.

Wow...I would love to see that interview....I will have to search for that....

@dan and @ned together....those were the days I guess.

Thank you for your support.

This is one interview,
They are brilliant.
...they are not together? What happened?

That's one long ass yet insightful article you have written.

People in FB have to difficulty in socializing for all their contacts are mostly their real friend. But in Steem, we gotta step out of our comfort zone and start talking to strangers. This may causes people not as active engaging in new relationship.

Still, one has to social or have no success in here. To most steemians, social brings more benefit than authoring new post.

Task, you hit the nail on the head. I finally learned how to post a dtube video and all I asked people to do was comment if my video was buffering! I wasn't even asking for upvotes, just feedback. I have received a few upvotes but not a single comment. I had changed my video to 720p resolution and just wanted to make sure it looked good. Hopefully I get some feedback in the next couple of days. I just want to make sure it's not my ISP that is buffering my videos.

Anyway, great post as usual. I'll upvote in the morning, as I'm below 90% VP right now. Until your next post. Ciao 😎

What you say about comments on reddit, you need to take into account the posts you are seeing on reddit are the popular ones. There will always be forgotten post with zero comments' the same with YouTube, there will always be videos with less than 5 views. We never seen the movie because they are se deep is difficult to find them. But they are there.

About the number of users, you are totally right. Steemit is little. But I think it’s growing. And this concept (rewarding users for interaction) should eventually be the standard.

Once more proof why it I like swinging by your blog. Always the big picture. I love that a lot.

Commenting is indeed a fundamental tool that helped me to overcome making a one-man-show to connecting with others and start to move things.

What you say is consistent with what I have found out to be true. I see people on here obviously just trying to get money from comments but they can't even be bothered to offer anything real to the conversation. This is a shame because for me, just talking to people pays off. And it pays off in more than one way. I have gained a good amount of social capital on here and unlike the price of Steem and SBD, social capital doesn't fluctuate. The things people invest time on here matter to them, and they remember the people who contribute to it.

Ah, I'm glad I'm not the only one who "followed the world" upon joining, and now has a extremely (difficult) feed to think about sifting through.

Thank you for this article. I came to Steemit because a friend of mine told me I could make money through writing various things, but a lot of the reason I fell in love with the site was the community aspect.

It promotes positivity, which is something we need as a human race.

You are totally right! There are a lot of good points in your article. As you said, this is big ocean. Everyone wants to make money with this social blockchain. Most of the comments are written to get upvote. I see some comments not related to post, just spam. Anyway, I upvoted and resteemed your post because this is one of the most favorite post to date. You have mentioned problem of a lot of people has. Thanks for this impressive post. All the best. I think it is my longest comment ever :)

All the best. I think it is my longest comment ever :)

I am certain that you can top it @cemke.

Thanks for the upvote and resteem....I do appreciate it.

Thank you! I'm grateful to you.

Steem is very close to mass adoption , it already is adopted by crypto community . I haven't used fb , twitter much after joining Steem . All the information i need is available on Steem . Decentralize social media is the future !

Decentralize social media is the future !

I think this is a given at this point and a true statement. There is no turning back. Although I would add that decentralized is going to be everything, not just social media.

Have you invited any of your FB friends over? How did they respond?

I got positive feedback from friends .At first they get confused with the system , People need little assistance to begin with after that they fly Lol .

That is true. It is not an easy platform to learn.

But I commend got your friends over here. Most are not that successful....

People I mentioned this to either just brushed it off or they said something negative about cryptos...perhaps relatives of Jamie Dimon.

It isn't only newcomers who get overwhelmed. Being here for some time created another dilemma for me: with so many great projects, where do I focus my attention

YOU CAN say that again! This is one of the situations that make me VERY happy that I am so organized and have a touch of OCD. Every Sunday I sit for about 30-45 minutes and do my to-do lists... one for the house and one for steemit. I live off of these lists ALL week long.

LOL Can you be OCD for the both of us.

I couldnt sit down long enough to focus on a list for the entire week. Making one for the afternoon is tough enough.

I've had 49 years of practice to get the task done in record time- lol

I had 48 of avoiding it.....

I am pretty good at it by now. :)

Ah there is no need to be a negative ninny and complain about it! Just start doing it! That's my motto. The amount of energy spent complaining takes away from what you could be creating.

Great post. I think I realized this the first week I was here after reading some articles on how it works. yes the actual logistical workings of steemit take some time, but the community workings function just like they do in the real world!

Make connections, nurture those connections, share yourself, be vulnerable sometimes, and listen to others when they share themselves

So simple :) It's fun!

Yes it is is also profitable.

But that is the point, why cant making money be fun. We are taught that it is misery to work. It takes effort on doubt about that. However, it is a lot easier (and more fun) than many other ways to make money.

And there isnt the harassment you find elsewhere.

yep ,that lack of harassment is what surprises me the most. sad that that's surprising, but hey! social media can be like a shark tank lol!

having fun posting and making $$ without harassment! sounds like a good plan

Yes social media really has shown the lower stages of humanity.

Like they said, cyber muscles are the norm. People type stuff they wouldnt have the balls to say in person....

Anonymity makes it easy to be an ass...especially when the room is full of asses.

That is what is so exciting about here...people model behavior...we are social animals after all and few like to be ostracized by others....on here we have a behavioral norm forming that is the opposite of what is accepted over there.

Well said! True true.

Who wouldn't leave a comment on this post after reading that;). But in all seriousness you make a great point about steemit being social media so we need to socialize. I have been amazed at the quality of conversations I have been able to have on here. Couldn't agree more the more effort and time we put into the community the more we will all get out of it.

Thank you @bowentroyer.

I guess this couldn't be considered subliminal messaging?

there are roughly 2 comments left on each post (on average)

I’m guessing that this is true overall since it includes so many newbie posts that might not even be read by anyone, let alone upvoted or commented.

It would be helpful if one of the many developers here came up with a way that we could filter posts to for instance learn the average comments per post statistics of posters with a reputation of 50 or higher or a minimum of 350 SP and subsets like that. As is, we get results for tons of posts from people with a rep of 25 and 15 SP, useful stats up to a point but almost worthless beyond that.

Yeah I dont know if they break things down in that way. I have seen people breaking things down by reputation so there is that avenue.

Filters is something that is sorely needed on the steemit in general. There is really no way to filter out anything to isolate what you are looking for. Heck it is even tough to find something I wrote myself a while back that I want to reference.

The problem, to me and from my point of view only, is that most people see this as a job rather than leisure...

...but Steemit motto is "Money Talks" so...

Steemians seems to have made their own joined for the money, stayed for the community.

Yeah... heck I joined for the money as well, but my mind shifted as I understood the work at hand here... now I love getting rewards but I love so much else... like reading Task's post... the guy is enlightened :P

Ever since I stumbled on his posts I have been an engager not just a follower ever since. He completely destroyed me with the Personal Demons post! I couldn't believe I was an emotional wreck after that.

He has great insights and my mentality of Steemit completely changed as well when I saw that instead of scrambling for upvotes what I should be after is building relationships.

Having authentic human interactions without the expectation for upvotes. A lot are all centered into a WIFM.

Would you be interested in joining the promo-steem community? I think you would be a valuable member there.

Its not just a job, it is an adventure.

Sure they come here for the money....that is what we tell people in our marketing so we cant deny that point.

Of course, most find that it takes on a bigger we see people starting to find their way into different niches that work for them.

This is the value of it....and the progression most of us go through.

Today I felt dicouraged and decided to ask for help. Just after I wrote the blog I saw your blog and you made me remember why I like it here. Thank you for that!

You are right about commenting and replying. I had already some great conversations that gave me insight and I learned so much. I learned on facebook not to reply anymore in an open community because of trolls and hate. I only found that behaviour here ones and that was resolved quickly. For so far the social interaction I find here is genuine and friendly. I agree that when you never interact you don't find it and it makes the steem it experience less interesting.

Thank you for the comment @barbaarseevelien.

It does help to be reminded of what we are doing on here. What you recounted, I heard numerous times about FB...that it is a lot of trollers and haters.

This is a much better behavior...the fact that our compensation is tied to how well we play with others lifts the way people behave. This is why I think the negativity and other stuff you see on other sites is shunned.

I think it is true what you say about the financial rewards. I remember facebook being positive but slowly that changed. I think clickbait and ruthlessly advertising has also something to do with the 'decline' and there was no real way for people to curate the content. A lot of negativity takes away the fun.

I strongly believe Steemit will surpass facebook in the future. The platform is growing geometrically. I so much believe in the future of this platform. Infact, I made a post on why I feel people should invest in their Steem Power on this platform

What amazes me is the developers are not even concerned about Facebook. They are modeling, from what I read, to take on Reddit. Even the name tells us that. Perhaps someone is starting a Steembook app.

As for the SP, I agree completely. Those that do, will be very happy in a year or so in my opinion.

To the planktons and minions that we are mentoring in @steemitfamilyph we are always stressing the need to build relationships and comment on the work of others. Build a reputation of leaving good comments and increase your visibility.

We encourage them to join different groups, talk to different people, find their niche and those that have the same wavelength and interests and engage them. No matter how far they swim away they know that they have a home with us. An Ohana.

We have a very talented Photographer has his own blog outside of steemit. Is at the level of juliank and allmonitors but does not engage well. Aside from joining the photocontest comments rarely, give one line sentences. He has been here for almost a month now but has now swam away from the nurturing grounds and has started complaining he isn't getting recognition.

We tried our best to tell him it times, some commitment to connect and establish relationships. He can expect that he posts and amazing photo and people would just upvote it by the merit. We have so many talented photographers here and the difference is the engagement, the socialization.

He doesn't have the time or patience to put the effort and that is the reason why. He is not social.

So those who are the influencers and successful here are those that not only create good content but also engage their followers.

If you engage them, they will come.

Incidentally this made me laugh. I no longer get paid to Facebook at work but now I am paid to Steemit at work hahahha.

Where else can people post, comment, and upvote while getting paid for doing it? (No I don't referring going on Facebook at work).

I know you already said that you have so many projects you are eyeing but would you and @spiritualmax be interested in being part of the promo-steem project and community?

Tell him does he do any marketing for his photography in real life? This is marketing. We engage in our readers...that is how we market ourselves as content creators whether it is video, pictures, or articles we are posting. There is no way people are going to know we exist without engaging them.

Yes I have been guilty of being a steemian when at work. I dont know since I dont use it but I think the company I work for blocked facebook at work.

Just one more reason to get on steemit...companies havent blocked it like Facebook.

True and we already had the talk and it will be his choice.

Lol yeah I'm using the site and IT has yet to flag it haha.

I've actually very much followed your lead in this.
Every post I make, I 100% upvote all of my thoughtful comments and reply with my own thoughts and ideas. This often leads to conversation, but at the very least it fills out my posts with appropriate Googlable keywords that will help bring new people to the platform.

I really want to encourage people to come to my posts and chat, and I really like the small community I've found around me. At this point I very much make more money through commenting than posting, but eventually that will turn... and then eventually after that I'll make more curating than posting.

I would easily spend 90% of my time on Steem commenting, not to make money, but because I'm actually super interested in the articles and photos people post. This platform is easily one trillion times more interesting to me than the emotional and negative posts on FB and Reddit, and the highly curated images on Instagram. I honestly feel like Steem rewards effort... and I really like that about this platform.

P.S) That photo at the top is pretty hilarious. I've seen millions of people look at their phone, but never quite that joyfully.

They are reading about the Vice token. LOL

Hahahaha, that's the best!

I am glad you are here aussueninja.

I think your experience is reflective of what is being created here. There are so many who had similar experiences on those sites that I think this is a welcome relief. As we grow, I only hope that it isnt ruined by the trolls that will inevitably arrive. The one saving grace is people who are here earlier will have the SP while the trolls wont be able to amass much. Anything they do will be downvoted competely.

You are right to focus upon community and commenting in my view. The money on the posts will come as time goes by. Month after month, you will find what you did builds upon last month's activities. Couple a few of them together and suddenly you find results.

It honestly takes effort and work, but the overall time, in terms of months isnt that great. It does take a lot of hours on here interacting. But it beats going and spending hours on FB or the like.

Exactly! I spent so much time on Instagram just feeling down on myself because I wasn't as good as the people I was watching or as popular as others... there really is something evilly addictive and it feels like everyone is chasing that impossible pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. "I'll be happier when I have 1000 followers on Insta", etc.

The community here is so supportive and so engaging. All my friends here aren't making anything, but we love each others work, and eventually it'll work out.

I've actually been worried about the attention span of the younger generations... all those other social media sites encourage fleeting attention... but Steem actively encourages everyone to put effort into their work. That is the most amazing gift it can give the world.

That is the magic here...there is a ton of quality content. Unlike other areas of the web which is just a lot of junk. I mean everyone loves cat videos but how many of them does YouTube really need? There are millions on there.

We see people actually putting together quality stuff on here that exhibits their knowledge and creativity.

All my friends here aren't making anything, but we love each others work, and eventually it'll work out.

I take exception to this. They werent making anything on instagram and other they are making little....FOR THE MOMENT. Even when an empty account, there is some value in the upvote. And one comment that is upvoted by another , receives some SP, no matter who small.

And from there it grows.

I have been here 5 months and am amazed at the people who think they should go from a zero account to 10K in 30 days. What ever happened to giving a year to a venture before pulling the plug? If this was a business (if we used that mindset) wouldnt one be more involved and willing to give it a longer time frame?

I guess the old adage that if there is no skin in the game, it is easy to walk away.

Of course you're right. I've actually made more here on Steem than I ever thought possible. It's hard not to compare yourself to the Whales who make hundreds of dollars per post... but it's easy to forget that they were building up their followers and their SP while there was no one on the platform and they were never sure if they were wasting their time or not.

Not only did I make zero dollars from Instagram, but I was also advertised to constantly.... very, very easy to walk away from that platform. Same with Twitter. I'll probably never get rid of FB completely, it's got a decade of memories...

$$$ made from first post... $.03

Social Media without Ads....Priceless.

Yes I tend to defend the whales...few seem to recall what they went through. People want to point out that they could buy in at 6 or 7 cents....yeah but would you if the price went from $2 to 6 cents? I saw people on here saying that when the price was 85 you think they were buying? Nope just complaining.

People think it comes easy...the whales had an opportunity and they took it. Just like there is opportunity now for everyone who is on here. The question is how many are taking it.

Based upon the numbers about 50K taking advantage...550K missing it.

It feels nice knowing that each pertinent comment contributes to the growth of this platform and indirectly to the success of the blockchain. This sense of building something that will change the world is amazing :)

Yes @calatorilmiop.

I believe everything that is done on here adds to the growth. We see people posting the stats on a daily and weekly basis. Just showing up is adding one to the regular user list if he or she does anything. Commenting, upvoting, and posting is all logged. We are growing in each area on a weekly basis it seems. That does not happen unless people come on here and engage. The more that happens, the better off this place will be.

The size of the site in terms of pages, and what is on the page, grows. If I understand Google correctly, they love that.

I've been a writer and blogger for some years and I can't begin to emphasize how important comments are to bloggers. In fact that gives me some ideas about commenting for minnows, but I'll have to flesh it out I think.

In short, I very rapidly came to see the importance of commenting here on Steemit, not only the initial comment, but actually creating conversations - and I have to say it is the most powerful aspect of this site when you're just getting started.

Not only does commenting pay better, but I typically get more response to my comments vs my posts, so for the time being at least I'm focusing most of my energy here on commenting.

Thanks for the reminder @taskmaster4450

All you say is true. It is also a way for the author to remember you.

You keep appearing on my posts, I cant get rid of you. LOL

I am not sure if it takes on greater meaning on steemit versus other places but it is imperative. New people should spend 80% of their time for the first couple months just commenting.

That would do them very well to build up an account.

I'm trying to become memorable without the gimmicky use of gif's or the like :p

I think it may have greater meaning here simply because of the way the platform is designed in regards to rewards/reputation. In any case, I am following your thoughts as well, spending a good 90% of my time commenting. It is helping my account, but I'm finding it has an even greater benefit - I'm getting to know those people who I follow and comment regularly. And some of them may even be getting to know me as I try to make the comments conversational rather than simply one-off's. Well, it seems the right thing to do in any case and makes Steemit more fun for me.

Screw being consistent....that is more important and will make you memorable.

Yes commenting enables us to determine who to follow and who not to....lets be honest, there are some real pieces of work on here who I wouldnt follow on a bet....and the nice thing is to find out.

People tend to be overt with their doesnt take long in looking through the comment lot to see how they are....

Good one is to be followed...bad to be avoided. It is that simple for me.

I'm definitely becoming more consistent now that I have a handle on the basics of the platform. And hopefully after months of being consistent I can also become memorable - in a good way.

And yes, I've already come across some of these pieces of work in my short time here. The good thing is that the good seems to outweigh the bad here by a long-shot, at least that's my impression so far. And as you said good = followed, bad = avoided. And it's that simple to do as well.

Off to do a school pick-up and then gymnastics. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Excellent article. Under it, well, you just can not leave a comment. I absolutely agree with you. Commenting is the best way to start your life on Steemit. That's why I advise all my acquaintances who are just beginning to comment a lot. Good luck to you and Good.

Отличная статья. Под ней ну просто нельзя не оставить комментария. Я абсолютно с Вами согласен. Комментирование – лучший способ начать свою жизнь на Steemit. Вот почему я советую всем своим знакомым, которые только начинают, много комментировать. Удачи Вам и Добра.

You only get out of Steem what you put into it. If you do garbage posts then don't expect too much. Comment and engage. It is important and the more you do it the better are your chances of developing new friendships. If you only put in two hours a day, don't expect much either. Work it like it was a second job. You need to until you get stablished.

It helps to get addicted to steemit.

Then stopping after two hours is impossible.

This is a very encouraging post, and I'm glad that so many people have seen it! I agree that commenting is the key to success on the Steemit platform, for beginners. I make sure to comment meaningful comments on every post that I can that I also have an interest in.

Thanks again for sharing!

A very motivational post and I think you are right. It's probably a bit early to compare the average comments on a post with something like Reddit and Facebook, but I guess we have to start at some point.

So it's fitting that this here will be my first comment.

Never been a social media user myself, but I believe Steemit is very interesting and deserves more reach, even from people who wouldn't normally use something like this.

Keep it up!

Awwwww yeah, steemit is the new social videogame and we're all getting paid to play. Added bonus of getting to know new people, learning new things, and having fun.

That's pretty awesome about google adding value to posts with comments

I’ve seen posts with double digit upvoting, but no comments. I’ve always wondered how that’s possible. I comment as much as I can! It’s the best way to get to know people here on Steemit!

Totally agree @taskmaster4450. I'm always try to talk about that with my fellows Brazilians friends whose want to start here in Steemit. As like any other social community we need to be social, we need to talk, create content not only writing articles but also commenting on other posts and that, for me, is the key behind everything. I always try to comment as much as possible in the platform because I think that is the key of value plus the writing articles.

This is true, but what makes things worse is, that out of the average 2 comments, one is spam/begging and the other one is a bot. ;) If it´s true what they say, that money brings out the dark side of humans, then this is what we are seeing here. It´s most certainly not the case with your comments (and the ones you are receiving), but if you have a look around, you can get the impression sometimes. So lets try to change things and be a positive example - I hear you... :)

So what you are saying is that it zero useful comments. LOL

That sounds about right.

Yeah there are going to be a few...I have encountered some @atmosblack who simply cannot let go of that negativity. They have to hold onto the mentality conditioned by the banksters. I cant fault them, it is powerful. Sadly, they fall to recognize the power of what they are on at this moment.

Blockchain is powerful and is going to clean the clocks of many entities. There isnt much that can stand in the way of decentralization. In fact, nothing can.

And we are quickly moving towards that world. When people learn there is no monitoring, censoring, and or advertisements plus they can get paid, I think the floodgates will open.

Yeah and in fact the real revolution is even deeper in a way. To make decentralization a reality, people have to loose their (imaginary) control and with that their (imaginary) power. This is a huge step for humanity!
I have listened to some Dan & Stan Larimer stuff lately - also about DACs - and was imagining the steps it would take for corporations to become a decentralized autonomic corporation/community.
I´m working for a medium sized training institute (in the educational field) where I´m responsible for the marketing/social media etc. So I was imagining going to my boss to propose to make our institute a DAC and what this will take. Just a thought experiment you know... To be honest, I couldn´t come up with one alternative reality/universe, where he said "Great idea! I will give up my power and control and making this shit decentralized!" lol Believe me, I tried, but gave up after simulation of the 1746th universe, were he told me, that I have gone completely crazy! ;) ...and I´m just talking about one tiny company - imagine the fear of all the people in big corporations, that define themselves over the power they have over other people and money! Yes, this is the biggest step in the history of humans, but it will also be the hardest one and we have to prepare that it will become dirty, when people with power fear to loose their most beloved possession. Thanks @taskmaster4450 - this dialogue already proofed that there is value here! :)

I see what you are saying and agree with you. We both know the power isnt going to be given up voluntarily. That is why I laugh when I read people saying that Zuckerberg could just start a token on his own. I say, year but it wont be decentralized. They say why not? LOL he nor Wall Street will give up the control. Decentralized means marky mark cant censor or do whatever he wants.

Banksters, governments, whoever gets in the way of blockchain will be crushed. That is the power of these types of networks. The innovation is just too great.

As for your boss, he will either give it up or have it taken. I am going to guess have it taken since he has no clue what is coming.

When I first started steemit, I had a lot of curiosity about what steamit steamit was about and steemit power was my curiosity about it and I think steemit is a great site for expressing your opinion and what is a great platform for online income I love steemit

I think the place for good income in the social media site is steemit.

It took me months to figure out what you have outlined here! Minnows...listen to this. The secret is in the comments!

Thank you so much again for re-iterating this fact. Comments are the easiest way to get attention on this platform, that is the social aspect. It is also the easiest and fastest way to earn.

wow!amazing post ..i appreciate your post,,thanks for sharing this of luck.

Most of the time on steemit I'm mostly making and upvoting comments.

I can't blog that well, I can't blabber away forever or repeat topics to be succesful in that field, but commenting comes easy. Too bad it isn't that visible like posts thus not so rewarding like the latter.

I don't understand why some people eventually leave steemit.

Good Information Thanks bro @taskmaster4450

facebook is a good cumminaction for the people
we get news and talk to friend by it
thanks for sharing

And I see you everywhere I go lol

Social platform has reduce the distance of world so we should all be a social nice blog helpful keep it up all the best for future visit my blog also

@ taskmaster Good Information Thanks bro..Then we have navigating the site itself. This is a challenge which is hopefully being addressed. I will state that, at present, Steemit is one long feed of articles. This can make it a bit difficult to find anything.

@taskmaster excellent work very well detailed. It will help me promote the platform for its clarity of concepts

Great information dear.... i like this.
facebook is most important for social media
i wait your next information, and i want you good

Hello! Thoughts from your post are very similar to the idea of my post. I'm glad that beginners and advanced users of Steemit have the same opinion on some things ! I see the support in your post. There are many articles on how to become popular here. Tell your secret? I am a newbie, I could use such knowledge) Thanks in advance!

wall i think i am socal i made friends talk to people everydad new people .. so i think i am doing my best

Look at a site like Reddit and the number of comments it gets. Most posts that I see on there have 20-30 comments.

But @taskmaster4450, Reddit is a harassment site with creepy moderators.

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