Yeah as I reread it, it made my heart skip a beat and I knew it wasnt true.
I dont disagree with people's right to do something. My point is that people engaging in the behavior they are, creating a "war" (they even use war analogies) creates the opportunity for an article like I described to be written. And then what would the outlook be like on here? I imagine the complaining would reach the moon....and it all would be self-inflicted.
Yes it can reward for content, but if it devolves into a full blown trolling site with bombs tossed back and forth, is it really any better than Facebook. Many have claimed that FB is nothing but a negative cesspit. Since I dont do much on there, I will take their word for it.
Again, what do we want this blockchain to be? Do we handle all our problems by banding together and preparing for "war"?
How many people is that going to attract to this site?