Lost People You Thought Were Friends

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

             I appreciate the postings of a friend on FB.. She posted one with this title... ' Why We're Losing Friends to Politics. ' I'd say many can attest.  It's emotional out there.  So why the emotions?   My thought as to why?   We have a Government that used to be perceived as protectors of all Americans as they went about their days. We had a government that didn't tell us what to do but made sure the Civil Society was safe for us all to do what it was we wanted to do!!  Today, the Government demands to be the warden of all Americans.  And in order to be the warden, control must be exerted. How do you control 330 some odd million citizens?  You take their wealth. You make them slaves to the state. Create government agency after government agency and have the wealth producing private sector fund it all.  And there lies the emotion.  We care about our money. It's ours. This is a battle of The Haves vs The Have Nots...  The Private Sector vs The Government.   

With The Media in bed with the Have Nots, the Government, there is always a report of one group being the victim of something. Fake News as President Trump so nicely frames their voices for us . They ferment the hate in people. 

Within this FB piece is this quote by the author.  " If you support Donald Trump, that tells me a lot about where you stand on my humanity. It tells me you’re not particularly concerned about the times I was sexually harassed, about my right to reproductive choice, or about my fears for my Jewish community. It tells me I can’t feel safe sharing myself with you. And if I don’t feel safe, why would I call you a friend? " 

This person seems to think she's in danger because of who she is.  It's very sad to think people believe that America has no law, that the Civil Society is bankrupt. This is pervasive in our everyday life because of the Democrat Media.  If you aren't a Democrat she thinks your a Nazi, or a cold hearted thug. Somehow I'll bet she thinks only Democrats want to help those in need. Who promotes this hate? Six gigantic corporations choosing to support a Socialist future for America.

                                                                                                                        The Left needs lots of victims, so have something to say about everything.  Hyphenate Americans in every way possible.  Right now, right here, I'd like to tell every subset of humanity, in America, no hyphened human is any more special than any of the gadzillion other hyphened subsets of people.    I'd tell them that's the beauty of our Constitution, and our Country. Americans ALL HAVE THE SAME OPPORTUNITY.!!!  And our Government protects the Life, Liberty and Property OF EVERYONE!  We're one big group... AMERICANS.. 

l could go off on the Democrat Media about all this, but that's for another day. Suffice it to say that if a person were to believe what the Left is telling them these days, they'd think their lives are in danger every time they leave the house.  Don't wear purple, you'll get shot. 

Another part of the article stuck out, really hit the nail on the head. It was a tweet that went viral....Here it is..... 

Emily L. Hauser אלה אסתר

Someone on here recently tweeted something about "I haven't lost friends over politics, I've lost friends over morals" and I can't stop thinking about it. People think "politics" is this separate, supra-human thing, but it's your morals in action.

ABSOLUTELY!!  It is about morals.  I say this with resignation in my tone, it seems there's a disconnect between ethics and actions..  What action? Voting yourself a piece of someone elses' pocketbook without consent. A 51% vote to take wealth from 49%. 

Everyone is emotional about their money.  After all, what is money?  Is it not the time and effort you put in to create something of value?  Isn't money, in a way, the physical representation of the value society assigns to a person's time and effort?   So when a friend decides to not be your friend, and you happen to be a supporter of Capitalism with it's Free Markets, what does that say about your friend?  Do we really want friends who think the power to compel by force is good? Is using force to get what you want ethical?  I don't. The Left really believes they know best how to use your money and will stop at nothing to loot every penny. They'll look the other way at their action being ethical or not. 

 The Founders knew the power needed to be at the local level. Majority vote makes sense in the towns and cities where we live.  Strong communities means strong country.. 

So ask your friends if they believe in force against people? Ask them if they're spiritual people?  If they are true to themselves, maybe, just maybe they'll see the Light, that being a Democrat today, is being an unethical, immoral person.  Maybe, just maybe, they'll leave the Party of Hate and victimhood behind..  On that, I'll say, God Bless America and the Constitution.  

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://www.libertylightbrigade.com/lost-people-you-thought-were-friends/
 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

Your spam is really fucking annoying @hiroyamagishi aka @overall-servant aka @olaf123 and your spam-bot army. You spam everybody, we ask you to stop, you refuse to, We downvote you, you downvote us. This is not what Jesus would do with his Steem account.