Decentralisation = more bickering
Because everyone has an opinion and we may never agree.
Yep, and as I say, anyone can argue the colour of something. Many people are here, it doesn't make them knowledgeable on all matters concerning Steem.
We are not catering for the diversity.
I disagree. We are increasingly are but people are yet to realize that in order to have niche support, niche interest areas need to power up. Can't expect crypto enthusiasts to support poetry that they are not interested in - and even that happens here from time to time.
It's just a mixed feeling of negativity and positivity at this point for me but I think I'm managing them well.
it is good to learn how to cope and never rely on anyone else for your emotional needs.
P.s I might have stopped reading at the 5-6 paragraph. Short attention span.
Most do. it is why most won't benefit from long-term investments.
Are there stats to back this? I came here in July 2018. 90% of the communities I left are not existing. New ones have not sprung up. The little diversity we enjoy is due dapps and they did not have stake when they started but they had brilliant applications and projects, which were mostly funded by steemit. So about the point of crypto enthusiasts not wanting to fund poetry communities or whatsoever community, I say it is in their best interest. They have more to lose. And if you ask me most of them have stopped playing a critical role in the development of this ecosystem. Dapps have been doing that. They don't want diversity, they want to earn (I want to earn too) but is that the most important thing?
Posted using Partiko Android
You might say, but they might disagree. See the issue? As said, if people want to support niche, they need to get support for niche. Often that means building up stake or attracting stake that is interested.
Who do you think are supporting the Dapps? It isn't only Steemit Inc Stake.
Not only steemit inc but theirs have had the most impact (and I'm all about impact).
Going back to the talk about diversity(because whatever stakeholders do with their stake is their business. We all have different agendas). Yes you might say steem has become more diverse, we have quite a number of things we can do here now: gamble, write, game, e.t.c but when it comes to the blogging sphere which is fundamental core of this ecosystem I don't think we have done well. That's because the communities are dying. If you can mention 20 active communities on this platform that are have an average of 50 member that are active at least 4 times a week I will end this argument and accept everything you have said. Around this time last year I could mention more than 20 and I was only a newbie then. If people can not find niches within the blogging sphere where they can create then chances of having a more diverse ecosystem is low because everything will happen in isolate. For the past 10months here its still the same set of authors saying the same set of things. When a name pops up on my timeline I can predict what he or she might be saying (and that's explains my short attention span), who and who will be in their comment section and what they are most likely going to be saying too? Does this mean there are no new authors writing consumable contents? do people even care about content? If you were to start a new anonymous account today do you think it will grow significantly in the next 2-3months? If not then where does the diversity stem from?
There is a proposal to tweak the system to improve content discovery. Well, I don't have an opinion on that anymore.
I'm basically a content creator (not stakeholder, although I do have stake). I have stake because I create content (daily) and that is my priority. I think the happiest people on this blockchain are those who don't concern themselves with steem politics. I know a guy on dtube who basically just post videos. He doesn't interact with anybody and he is good (he even earns more than I do). Maybe that should be my focus because steem is fundamentally is just a tool.
Posted using Partiko Android
You seem to have a very narrow view of what a community is I think. If you want to look at communities, you have to look at every application as well. Also, blogging is an aspect of the blockchain and where it started, not where it will necessarily end up. It isn't a fundamental, the blockchain is.
They are dead because they didn't have stake, because they can't earn enough. It is all economical, not community.
I have been on here for almost 2 and half years and I am yet to join a community because, communities are always going to come and go and on steem , those without stake backing them will disappear faster than those with. Steem is a city, cities are incredibly hard to kill even though the inhabitants can be very diverse and change massively across generations.
Yes. Because I know enough about the platform and not only would I be earning from some posts, I would buy in. The people who aren't willing to buy into the platform are going to find themselves dry as the pool shrinks. Of course, SMTs can be the earners.
You haven't worked this out yet?
The blockchain is a blank sheet. What is built on it gives it value. Same with dapps. You might have a killer app but if no one uses it, it is rubbish. And no, communities are not dapps or application. Communities are the people who use these said things. They matter more than the blockchain or dapps. Why are developers from other block chains moving here? For the blockchain or people who use the blockchain?
Unfortunately yes. It meant more to me. That's why i did not power down all i earned. That's why i did not shitpost my way to the top (i could), that's why I hope someday when i can i would invest in it because it meant more to me. Now it is just a tool. And what do people do with tools? They use it. It has no sentimental value, it is lifeless and most importantly just a tool.
Feeless transactions
Just remember what you said:
Feeless transaction is one of them. The community is also one of the major reasons. We have one of the most active blockchains and if you want to rule that out and say just feeless transaction, then well you can do that. It is, in essence, just an opinion.
That's because i skimmed through. Most of it talked about price and buying steem/building stake (this is not the first time I'm hearing this and i bet it won't be the last either) which still for me, is a narrow way of building on steem and on any block chain. Yes for those who plan to be wealthy and have a lot of control here that is the route (for now). The funny thing this is a decentralised blockchain. Control is the least thing anyone should be gaming for. My prediction is that in the nearest future when or if steem thrives the control line would be blurred and unimportant to the end users, like what is obtainable in centralised platforms today. I don't know the people behind Twitter. I only know Mark because he was a billionaire who created Facebook. All the politicking that we see happening on our timeline would mostly be hidden. And quite frankly I don't want to part of those people saddled with the responsible of determining what and how things happen on the basic level (because of the millions of people who would be using the blockchain will not care about stake or steem. They would simply want to use steem to game, pay for stuff, etc) and it will be a lofty dream because most whales and steemit inc are already in the race. What most of us can do is just play checkup. More wealthy individuals (the investors we clamour for)will come in and buy twice the stake you and i earned/bought in 20years. Banking on relationships we've built here won't help either because money determines everything in the financial world. So it is a futile pursuit. That's why i feel our goals are different. I may never buy steem but i certainly will earn enough to become a dolphin or orca in 5-years. Why? Because of social mining. It is the future. Big players will buy, small players will earn. Are you a big player? Are willing to buy 20 million steem if it was on the table now? Wealthy people or people of influence don't stake their way to the top. They buy it all. Google can buy all the available steem and have major control over this blockchain. Steem is decentralised but stake based and easy to infrutiate. A tech giant like Google can buy steemit inc--the only company saddled with the responsibility of creating codes for the blockchain, vote their witnesses to the top 20 and the rest is history.
Certainly you will be rich if you continue to build your stake and things goes well for steem but having influence and control would be so much harder in the future.
A decentralised blockchain of centralised companies--thats the future of steem. My prediction. I know that undermines your vision of the role of stakeholders in the future of steem. They will play their part but it is not their game to play well except they are willing to buy +20million steem but how possible is that for an individual when steem might be in double or triple figures when the inflation is close to zero?