A comment came not long ago questioning why people don't post here in the same way they would at Facebook as it would be much easier to get upvotes from friends and family.
This is true, it would be except they would also have to hold significant value to create value and most people aren't inviting in their friends and family with significant value to build that circle. Also, it means that there is a circle and they already exist, as jerks.
The other component of the comment was that it is difficult to make inroads here unless one has some kind of specialized skill or uniqueness. This is also true but, my argument is that every has their own specific perspective and if they work out and learn how to present it, everyone is potentially interesting to someone.
The problem is that this speaks of a larger issue at hand,which is that people somehow expect earning here should be easy, similar to posting to facebook but getting paid. For some, it might work that way (or looks like it does from the outside) but for most, that approach is very unlikely to get any significant traction. The reason is pretty simple.
Facebook already offer it for free so why would someone pay another person for it? I know that they aren't directly paying from their own wallet but, it is still coming out of a pool they have stake over and the person getting curated is getting paid directly.
I think it is time to put this idea of, Do what you do on other social medias and get paid to bed, 6 feet under as for the most part, it just isn't true. Sure the odd random, short post gets highly upvoted but, if every post an account provides is like that, it isn't going to attract long-term supporters as people have already had enough of that kind of behavior on the other social medias.
This is the same with the challenge posts (that I hate being nominated) as it is kind of like those chain letters that say that unless it gets forwarded to 5 people, it will be seven years of bad sex. This kind of content although currently getting some reward, will begin losing engagement over time as for the most part, it just gets tedious. It becomes content filler. At the moment, it is an okay way to build a new account but it won't last.
At least for me, I want to find content that has some substance to it. I am not saying that it has to be war and Peace length, what I mean is I want something that speaks from heart and experience, new perspectives and ideas, something that I can chew on and even possibly learn something from. And when I say learn, I don't mean rehashed articles or textbook biology lessons, they are useless to me and unless you are a very, very good spinner, transparent.
The bar to earning on content is going to increase massively as mainstreaming happens because as the general public come in, they are likely going to have to actually invest something which means, being more discerning with their voting. They are going to be less likely to upvote someone random picture about visiting a city as no matter how good the picture is, they are now thinking about their future. They can go to Instagram for free, why would they think that it is the way to their investment growing here? This content discernment will attract professional talent in even the smallest niches.
It is obviously more complicated than this but once someone feels invested on the platform they start to engage and once they engage, they start to invest more time, effort and mental power into understanding and once that happens, they learn what it is to be here and how important community, distribution and the importance of who has that distribution is.
That is the Steem hook, Engagement.
Look at how many people take this place seriously and feel that they can actually make a difference here in the future even if they do not hold a lot of stake yet. Watch the people that engage well and the content they produce and you will find that the best content producers and the ones who get quality engagement are also the most knowledgeable about the platform itself and how other people interact with it.
Some are specialized like the developers who understand the code, some specialized in marketing themselves, understanding human nature, observing the interactions or networking. The highest earners here are either early birds, external investors or, specialized in what they do or present in their niche.
As said, this is much like the real world and in the real world, most jobs don't pay someone to post status updates to Facebook, pictures to Instagram or tweets. Sure, there are those jobs too but, it is a tiny fraction of the total users.
Steem people need to stop 'advertising' that this is, Facebook with Money because it is not, it is very very different. Perhaps if there was a comparison, it is like a multiple media publishing house and each post is a submission to the editors as to whether they want to buy the rights or, pass. The curators are the editors remember and when it comes to a publishing house, they don't randomly chose like what happens here. This isn't social media with money, it is something else very, very different and if we plant the right seeds, and tend the garden well, the harvest will be plentiful and be able to feed everyone.
When it comes to content, you are free to post whatever you like as there is no censorship but, you are entitled to no return whether that is on quality provided or effort sunk. You want people to support you, you are going to have to show that you are worth supporting.
Goodnight. Comment replies will likely wait until tomorrow on this one.
[ a Steem original ]
Oh, Resteem this otherwise you will have bad sex for 7 years (If you are married, this doesn't affect you). At least my wife is hot though.
thinking this is facebook and treating it as facebook is a mistake that seems pretty common. more common is coming here and wanting to be able to treat this like they should get an income stream without investing any money to seed their account. instant gratification is wanted without any real investment.
ah man telling us that if we dont resteem we will have bad sex for 7 years is nasty, so I had to resteem so I don't get the curse of @tarazkp. Such a pity i couldnt put a comment in the resteem lo.
there are many awesome people engaging on steemit, but the bot activity far out weights the human. If engagement is the hook i fear people will be disappointed when they see the level of bots.
I must borrow this passage from you
"Some are specialized like the developers who understand the code, some specialized in marketing themselves, understanding human nature, observing the interactions or networking. The highest earners here are either early birds, external investors or, specialized in what they do or present in their niche."
I dont get why people think they have a right to great payouts. Just like an actor going to Hollywood shouldn't expect to strike a leading role and get rich and famous over night. I blogged online for a long time before coming to steemit and it took me longer to monetize it. I dont expect to do better on steemit with less effort. I expect to do better with more effort.
I think this is the thing that so many don't get, more effort is required. Too many see a few people earning very highly with minimal input and think that it is possible fora ll. Too many spend their time doing the work they think is right but never exploring what else there is. People spend their time on steemit without realising that there is a whole ecosystem that is not on the chain.
This is the hardest I have ever thrown myself into something yet I have failed to adjust to the code like many others have. You can use a hammer to build a house or tear one down and the code is just a tool. Too many are only seeing the tearing down aspect as the way to use it. Time to try some new ways and see if the long-term potentials can be salvaged. It isn't going to be pretty.
There is a bit of that whole social media vibe here though. I didn't really see it at first, but now that I've started to fall into habits, I do. This isn't like Facebook, (Facebook sucks) this is like Tumblr or LiveJournal or any of those other social blogging services. We do need to make friends and fans. We need followers.
When I got here, I thought I was going to post entirely different things. I thought I was going to possibly do some gaming (which I haven't done in a while) and talk about that, and do posts about programming and science. I definately need to post about science more, but I quickly learned that this is not the place I thought it was, and that I needed to do some experimentation with posts to see what I was going to post.
When I decided to write a bit, and I got an amazing payout from Curie, I thought "You know what? I can do this!" I had almost wanted to cry when I got that. I was so fucking astonished. The next few chapters were put out primarily just because I felt like I had to push myself for the amount that I had gotten from Curie.
But then I realized once again, I was wrong, and people don't reward you for quality content, or effort. Maybe a little. Books don't work well here. People get disinterested. I still want to finish my book though, and actually start another. I'm just a little demotivated right now, because I know I'll probably only get $1 or so. Maybe less.
This place is weird. It's it's own thing. Everyone has their own reasons for upvoting things. Many don't seek out the most amazing content to reward. Hell I can't even get people in chat to link me to any good posts they've seen when my VP is high and I'm worried I don't have the time to curate. I mostly get linked to shit, if anyone links me to anything at all.
I never thought this place was going to be easy, but I never thought it was going to be this hard.
Every time I hear someone complain about Trending here I think about what the Livejournal Top page was like. Is like, I just went and looked at it, because I have no sense of self-preservation. The #1 article on there right now is titled "Tom Hiddleston Takes His Cute Spaniel Puppy, Bobby, For A Walk." I'm not kidding, and it goes downhill from there. I think I'd rather have Haejin.
I don't think it even existed the last time I was there. Or I don't remember it. I'm not even sure if they had communities when I first had an account there. Like almost 20 years ago I think.
They added it a couple years after I started - maybe 2006 or so? Like Trending, everyone who was seriously using the service figured out in about ten seconds that they need never look at it.
We might have just uncovered something we didn't intend to. Steemit is still in beta, and they spent time making a trending page, that has never worked on any platform, rather than building something actually useful to try to find good content. -.-
Meanwhile, LiveJournal took until 2006 to implement a similar feature.
Let's say that you work on your book part time and get a few dollars here or there. perhaps later, you will have a book that has been semi-financed. As far as other content goes, have fun, use it to learn about the platform or whatever you are interested in. I think that the way to engage people is to get them to understand more about the platform. Then they will fight for it.
Semi-financed with a first draft on the blockchain... Means no publisher will likely want to touch it, unless somehow it becomes a super popular series.
But it got me started. That's what I'm most thankful for.
You know, and the money. The money for the first chapter/part was AWESOME.
What I find is that the more I write, the more I can write. I am not saying the writing gets better though :D
To me one of the biggest problems with steemit is what you like to call the circle jerk. There still remains no other way than knowing people to get people to notice your posts, other than having a high amount of up votes, which won't really get your post noticed, but rather call in people who are after easy money.
It also appears steemit noticed that people aren't getting views but still getting up votes so they decided to fix it: removed the view counter. The most stereotypical engineering move ever. It is such a stupid way of fixing the problem that it is almost funny.
I've always regarded steem as a blogging platform despite the ever increasing amount of bs status updates pouring in. However, with steemit they either have no idea how to or are not willing to fix the issue of "findability" of content. Content just seems to disappear into the void and no one ever saw it or heard of it unless people expected to see it appear.
I've been blogging for 1½ years on blogger also and even though I do it in Finnish, I still have thousands of views each month of which about 40% are returning visitors. Therefore, about 60% are always new visitors and I don't need to try to find them. And the worst part is, I've actually wrote more posts on steemit than on blogger...
The counter was broken and needed to be fixed (counted every refresh including from poster) but was better than nothing.
This will change with new front-ends. it isn't actually Steemit's job, there's is to make sure the chain can perform imo.
btw, how come you don't come into steem.chat?
I don't really care for yet another place to keep up with and when I was there in the beginning it was only a place to try to get ones posts up voted. Not sure how it is nowadays.
A place to talk and have a little bit of fun. If interested, hit me up under the same name.
I agree with everything you said including that of your wife being hot @tarazkp.
I have thought about this comparison between facebook and steemit and it is not working anymore. My reason being apart from upvotes which is similar to likes, I don't see any other similarities. I may not be looking closely though.
Steemit is more of a blog like blogger or word press than facebook. It is built like a blog despite the audience being members of the community. I see the comparison as a marketing strategy only and it is no longer useful. Steemit is not facebook.
As long as content is king know steemit then it is not facebook. as long as genuine interaction is supposedly more important than random upvotes, steemit is not facebook.
But then again, human behavior on facebook and on steemit don't not differ much because the comparison between the two makes it easy for newbies to think they can do it like they do on facebook.
I think it is time, we live the facebook analogy alone and focus on making the platform stand as an innovation not a better copy of facebook. This also includes apps such as Dtube, dsound, steepshot, which all have comparisons like they are imitations. They are not.
When the marketers of these apps can find a better way to market them without mentioning YouTube, sound cloud, or instagram, we will get somewhere.
well, I am getting married end of next month so... not resteeming since it apparently would not make a difference...
and I think you make a good point but trying to explain steem to outsiders is so very hard... so using the facebook analogy with money is something they can relate to.
It needs to be refined but its a way to get started and they need to know they will not be rich overnight
No no no.... you must resteem!
They say that if you put a marble in a jar for every time you have sex in the first year, and take one out every time after the first year, you will never run out of marbles. You really should resteem, you really don't want to risk having an empty jar....
Yeah, it is complicated to explain, even when they are already here.
Is the 7 year thing a guarantee? Been married a while and the promise of bad sex vs. no sex seams alluring. Definitely NOT going to resteem. LOL. But seriously, I love the conversation here.
Admittedly I’m a bit thick, so to read your comment about it’s ”so very hard to explain Steem to outsiders” actually gives me hope. Please keep tring.
With all due respect, (a fancy way to say I respect you, but I am going to disagree with you)
In my opinion, this should be an easy and friendly site where people can casually post or make a deep, long article. The payment is selected through the wisdom of the crowd. Most people ignore it, some like it and some dislike it. Let's assume it is upvoted or downvoted by those with strong reactions. At the end of a week, the Authors gets to keep the rewards. That's it. All there is to it.
No good Internet Business wants to reduce engagement. :)
Most of the content creators here are overpaid not underpaid when you compare Steem to any outside monetized paper or internet content provider. They feel underpaid because they are comparing themselves to others here, when they should be considering what they will be getting paid if they leave this arena.
I always enjoy your point of view even when I disagree. :) Cheers.
Almost in bed and on phone but... disagree on the disagree.
Not because you are wrong but because I am not saying that every post need be "worthy" but, if someone's every post is like facebook and they expect engagement and a reward, it isn't going to work for them. Thinking it is or saying that is the way it is is setting them up for failure.
Earning means competition is a factor and that will eventually put quality or the best fake of quality in the top earners. At least organic earners.
Relative wealth is always fun since people always keep raising their living standard and expectations haha. Doesn't matter how good things get humans always of course will look for something better. This is what makes life fun I guess. That things always is getting better. As you say Steemit users are overpaid for sure!
And even with that it's not the currency Token that is the real value. It's just the oil to make things more smooth when building up quality relationships with other humans. The oil works as a sign of: I trust you. Anyone that realize that Time and Attention is the true currency will start rich and abundant and from there you can't go any higher only add quality value and more fun!
Btw, i think it was in Eddie Murphys, RAW.
"I mean no offence, but your sister is a slut"
This is what came to mind :D
Hahaha. That is why I clarified what I meant by All due respect. Because sometimes I am a troll, I have to notify people when I am serious. haha.
At least with me, keep me guessing as i like the challenge. ;)
Yes! I Agree! Do not compare this on FB! But lets admit that Steemit is better than FB or other social media platform. And steemit, once you post after 7 days can not be deleted as it was on blockchain!
Couldn't agree more. I curate for the Steemitworldmap and often see some well written posts full of factual information about a place but no heart or personality. It's just like reading wiki or the official tourist board website which sadly provides little incentive for me to visit the place they're writing about. Even if you're writing about say London or Paris or New York where many people have been before, put your own spin on it, write about it through your eyes and experience and make it your post. That's what makes good content.
BTW, what really caught my eye with this post, wasn't the actual post itself (well, it was at the beginning) but the fact that you've declined payout on all your own comments. It's little things like these that reflects a person's view and value on Steemit.
Many are from wikis unfortunately :/
Most came because they didn't want to risk bad sex ;)
Declining payout is a silly thing really that shouldn't be necessary but so many still claim 'for visibility'. Declining means they can upvote for visibility without taking from the pool. I don't upvote my own comments anyway...
Not because I'm worried about bad sex or anything horrible like that! :D
It's an important statement. An I agree.
I didn't say it would improve your sex life either :P
People are advertising it as facebook with money? And chain letters cursing you with 7 years of bad sex? I am pretty good at hiding under rocks! XD
The challenge posts were originally started to encourage people to get into the habit of posting every day when they felt they had nothing to write about, and when you used the tags also helped get new friends/followers if you happen to be in similar kind of subject areas. Saturation and being here for any length of time probably makes it more annoying than anything else now though.
Someone could probably make an interface like Facebook where people could post stupid status updates (unless Zappl is already providing that?) that would do all right. And then we really, really just need some interface somewhere to provide some awesome filters XD
That's exactly what I think will happen. A filter layer. You'll have blogit, musicIt and catvideosIt.com
Lol catvideosit 🤣 it's been happening already with all the front ends that exist now, I'm just waiting on something kinda GPlusish (because I love the circles filters)
Exactly! It's funny I just blogged about this!
As I 'edited' the challenge posts are actually a current good way to get some traction but, that'll change in time. The filters are coming.
I think that people who don’t see this as a self-evident truth are in serious denial. The Steem inflation rate is now less than 9% annually but new account creation, even before the upcoming fast enrollment framework, is growing by more than 9% per month. Steem is going to become much harder to earn but few seem to grasp that fact, or the implications of it.
By the way, Seven Years of Bad Sex sounds like a great title for a novella. Or a band name.
Due to system complexity, most fail to understand how the mechanics work at even the basic level yet expect to earn. It is like understanding how the buttons on an ATM works but have no idea about how to put money into a bank account.
Actually, yeah, it would. Perhaps a sitcom. :)
I look at this place more like the anti-Facebook. No advertisements, very little in the way of viral content, and you’re very unlikely to be “friends” with your family and people you haven’t seen since high school. But to me the most important distinction is that it’s long form content and your audience presumably has an attention span that exceeds the length of a tweet. I see a lot of people on here saying that they are here because they don’t like Facebook. I think it’s more that Facebook has such a monopoly on everyone’s internet time that any kind of content creation that isn’t on there is some kind of competition to it.
Yes! I Agree! Do not compare this on FB! But lets admit that Steemit is better than FB or other social media platform. And steemit, once you post after 7 days can not be deleted as it was on blockchain!
Rest assured that if Steem were to go mainstream most new users would be ordinary people migrating from other social medias and mostly be upvoting people in their own social circles just like on other social medias or on Steem now. The onboarding masses will not be upvoting only the best in every possible niche because they think that will be good for the platform. No, they will upvote to earn and that will involve doing pretty much the same thing that already goes on: upvoting people who they know will upvote them back. How many people will pay, say $10 for an account on Steem taking all the trouble of creating that account just to be able to "curate quality content" at their own expense. Not many. How many will pay for their account as an initial investment and compete for upvotes and expect to make more money than they spend? Not many. As a business model that looks like a pyramid scheme very few people are not smart enough to avoid. Steem accounts will have to remain free of charge to create and easy to come by if any mainstreaming is to be expected.
For STEEM to have any real world value, corporations will have to buy Steem Power or rent it to buy influence on the platform to promote themselves and their products in the real world. What kind of content will they upvote? That will depend on the product or the company in question and the specific community they will be using their Steem Power in. For example, a camera manufacturer with a lot of SP might organize photography contests to reward the best photos and to get more people into photography and their gear in particular.
Until then, the value of STEEM is merely speculative and reflects the general ongoing cryptomania and the expectation that corporations will buy pay for Steem Power to attract the attention of the crowds.
This is where the money will come from, will they be upvoting like normal people? unlikely. This means that the people earning here will have to attract those with stake but for the most part, the mainstream crowd will not have bought in.
It will be decentralized authority rather than centralized authority who shape the content.
Yes, the mainstream crowd will not have much in the way of stake. Because that will probably be the case, they will not earn much, either, except for a few talented content creators. They will, however, be what attracts the corporations. There has to be something it it for them. If the opportunity to earn money will be limited with stiff competition, then it has to be the social interaction. Steemit, Inc is doing exactly the right thing by making sure the back end is capable of handling the onboarding of the masses and creating developer-friendly interface on top of the node interfaces. After that, it will be up to third parties to create all the sexy and snazzy front ends for the end user to fall in love with.
By the way, I think much of the confusion as to what Steem is at the moment is caused by the fact that all the potential use cases of Steem the blockchain are yet unknown.
Yeah, most will never know what is powering them.
Yep, as more are born, more will be born. It is the way I write too. :)
I also made that mistake of inviting those facebook addicts thinking if they put the same effort they put in facebook here, they will be fine. But it takes more than that, and they just couldn't 'survive'.
I believe Steemit is about bringing something, maybe nit totally unique but some worthy, your expertise. Posting your pouting pictures and telling us about your day, everyday is not worth people's time here. The world already has enough platforms for that. Not sure steemit will make any sense with that...i can't just invite all my neighbour and we will start posting random shits and circle jerking.
I must admit i have evolved much and my thinking of what steemit and should be have changed. And definitely the contents.
Lol, here that ultimatum won't work much. Reconstructing it, it will be like...
Content will not be the game of the future. The real value is the humans and connect with them. That will say your goal is that every connection you make will turn into a 100 year long win-win side by side partnership. If you have 1000 people like that by your side your life will be amazing. The future world is going towards more niche based content. People want extremely targeted content towards their own taste and interest.
The early days was the feed that just gave you a bunch of random stuff you clicked follow on, then we got the machine learning crap, now we are getting to the final stage where we are back to Tribes again but instead of it being offline it's now online. Instead of making content for the mainstream we are making targeted content to 1 person. And since 1 person can be sitting on a high reputation and has monetary Token value ready it's worth it to speak to 1 person again. That will say we are back to the good old Tribe days but using it globally in a more effective way.
For a relationship to be formed, then you have to provide a niched based, targeted content (like you said) that someone can relate with.
It is about constantly adding value to someone's live through your content (content again) leading to a kinda connection.
Engagements and human connections are very important, that can be made easy (without necessarily circle jerking or hustling for it) with good contents.
Yes just as you said! But I suppose it's still a very new thing for us humans to do this connection with others online. But we now have an easy way to form connections with high level investors. That is what makes this time truly fascinating to live in.
Sent in a memo of course :P
Exactly 😂
That was something wrong with a lot of the communities that I started out. The way that they would invite people is, it is like Facebook, put up a Selfie and get upvoted, don't worry communities will be your first circle jerk lesson as even if you don't like the content of someone you are required to upvote their content because all posts in today's list needs to be commented, upvoted and resteemed even if it is shit.
Those gets old fast and I love the idea of choice and freedom so I remove myself from such situations.
I see those mythology and barbarians and roman stuff that reads like a textbook and it just bores me. If you are going to write about those I want some personality, I want something that is yours and not just a paraphrasing of some material you found online.
I'm on the fence with travel blogs sometimes they are really good and makes us feel we are in an exotic place but most of the time it feels so cookie-cutter or so fake like that 2nd highest voting power in the platform travel blogger who circle jerks 60 accounts a week.
I know that quality and taste is subjective to each person though so let other people write and the world of Steemit is big enough to find content that you like and if you feel something with insane rewards does not justify it then you can flag it.
I know exactly what you mean. Circle jerking communists that wants everyone to be rewarded the same and always posts the same boring predictable crap. It's simple actually. We humans want to follow a cool personal brand. Something real and authentic. Something with some depth and taste. Something exciting. Something that has real care added. Same reason Charles Bukowski is popular. He has real novelty and developed a real cool interesting drunk personality.
We do not just want Wikipedia content we want something new that ties together with a cool personal brand. A nice spin on something. Doesn't have to be overly complicated. Travel blogs are mostly boring since it's mainly photos and we all have a smartphone these days and can see a place ourself in 2 seconds. Yes I also have the Instagram app! It's not super original or interesting. If they would add deep novelty real text then it would be just fine. Since real deep content is there. It's telling a story or whatever. Do something new!
I feel the same about those communities. I am supposed to upvote (like) a post i found interesting.
I also agree with travel posts. I have some awesone ones. More like taking you places you have been or would never be. And with some good narration. There are other themes like challenge, daily log and others that little 'substance'. Then again, that is subjective.
Flagging is not for everyone (that is one issue i have with steemit). Else it will be like starting a war you already lost.
I'm not taking any chances resteamed twice BRB have to go see the wife and make sure disclaimer is valid
OK i'm good
I think that the newer people will have a better success rate then the people that have been on here awhile . the newer people ,like me, are still in the learning stage as far as content goes . Of course the people with a nich will always have a place . but the single photo type or meme will be left behind . and those that cannot adapt will find themselves falling behind . we will see the direction this goes and it will be interesting . preparing for an unknown future is a challenge but than the future has always been unknown.
Content that doesn't have any real form of care will for sure be left behind. Because people expect to be treated better these days. I also think that we are just getting started and that we may see a fine strong middle class in a year or two once people are becoming more settled and developed deeper stronger relationships.
Smart Media Tokens will help out greatly with that since it will add more incentive to engage in the comment section. Since you will have the ability to earn more Tokens. I was very sad a couple years ago seeing that YouTube removed the video response feature. They have made the whole platform more Alien and inhumane. Very happy Steemit came a long at a great time.
A middle class here would make a world of difference . Its just so hard to get there without some type of self investment . A lot of people struggle to even put $50-$100 a month into it , I can attest to that . So that means that there are a hole bunch that can't even do that . I have a long term outlook and pass out what I can . Most of the people in my circle have the same outlook . And I am surrounded by good people . I can't ask for anything better then that . This is the beginning and I am proud to be a small part of it
Smart people take Bank loans to get ahead. OPM all the way baby use others peoples money. Yes as you said there is harder without an investment but people that want to get ahead use a combination of outbuy and work hard and smart. That is a strategy sure to work in a capitalist society. We created Banks so we wouldn't have to worry about money but just about the work!
work hard and smart I agree that is the key to success . and no different here on Steemit. :)
There are lots of opportunities here but it is going to require some lateral thinking and behavioural adaption
Quite right it is not a paying Facebook site. Who would want that. If i saw crap like that I would flag it. Could you imagine a large family group just upvoting themselves and not participating on the platform. My wife is on here now but I will help her but that is it. She must go find her niche on the far side. I have taken your advice and will start writing about my experiences in the sales environment of a big company that I worked for. I could write books on it and most people wont believe half of it. You have to find where you sit here and specialize and be entertaining. You have to entertain your followers and it is that simple. Night Taraz.
You are very observant. The real facts that you describe here points out very clearly to various 'groups' on steemit at present. The investors, the new users who rely on bots, the challenge masters, those who try to 'fool' their followers. Then there is the dedicated writer who creates magic each time and gets a fat curie vote but this person does not write frequently.
As for inviting people over here, I still have contact with writers and editors from other sites like wikinut and helium and squidoo but when I tell them about steemit, they are put off by the crypto concept. Some are not able to understand it at all and that's a real shame.
They will wait until their bank directs them how.
Bad sex? Hmm an awkward morning is better than a lonely night. Is there a deadline for the resteem? 😱😱
Anyway, Steemit is definitely not like FB. However, in a way, the Steem blockchain is similar because you can connect different applications to it just like you can login to multiple outside applications with your FB account.
No deadline for resteem I think...
I think this post does a good job of giving an objective perspective of earning prospects and work to be done for a newbie like me. Thank you.
However, I think that the fundamental issue transcends just steemit. A lot of people generally expect geometric returns on new commercial platforms, especially when they are internet based. It is almost as though they expect that a value-creation algorithm is already running and they just need to waltz in and tap into the current.
I think that as far as being intentional goes, more work needs to be done and this would then be reflected in how engaging the proceeds of our soul work is.
I totally agree with you. The idea that Steemit is Facebook on the blockchain is totally flawed. I think with more improvements it could get there one day, but in its current state, they are two completely different animals. Steemit is more like Blooger with immediate rewards. Much of the interaction still happens outside of Steemit.
This is true. I started out with short posts, got no interest and gave up for three weeks. I came back to have a second look and found some articles of interest to read, something I hadn't done since school really.
I have learned that getting people to notice my posts is still hard, but I'm working much harder at searching inside myself for material that matters and putting it forward as detailed, factual & striking as possible.
So feel free to check out some of my stuff and criticise and resteem if you think it could go somewhere
People connect with what they find meaning in. However, the value also lays in getting what is inside out, it is cathartic.
I will drop by sometimes.
You need to talk to stinc abut that one, their whole advert is "get paid to write on a social network site"
It is a true statement if someone has a network. Most don't bother to build one.
Well I am talking to you now. :-)
So Steemit could be Facebook with money if a group family and friends each invested 1K in STEEM then created a large circle jerk where they all up voted each others vacation and baby pictures?
Yeah, it's not "Facebook with Money," and I never expected it to be so. It's circa early 2000's "social blogging" with Steem in lieu of "e-props."
Mistake number one people make: Thinking Steemit is magically like some kind of "job" they are going to get significant earnings from.
WRONG: I have been on 50-odd sites that offered (monetary) rewards for content, and ALL were dominate by a few hundred people who did pretty well, and everyone else made a buck or two. But everyone thinks they can be "the exception."
Mistake number 1 is an outgrowth of idiots who go around pitching Jeff Berwick's by now infamous "$30,000 post" as being representative of what we do on Steemit. Which is about as realistic as calling $30Mn "representative" of the lottery. The lottery, in which thousands of people win $3, every day, for getting three of six numbers right.
People ask the wrong questions; make the wrong assumptions.
They should be asking "Will what I do next — post, comment, vote — help this ecosystem grow and thrive?" and have faith that if that ecosystem IS growing and thriving, then they'll be rewarded fairly.
Yeah. I know. Good luck with that...
Alright people, if you don't upvote my reply, you'll have seven years of BAD SEX! Let's go! LOL
...is that every has their own specific perspective...
should be
...is that everybody has his or her own specific perspective...
In my opinion, Steemit is a much better platform compared to Facebook, although the two sites have their Pros and Cons. Steemit lacks the video call and other features that Facebook has. However, Compensation for good content on the Steem platform is the real game changer here, and the fact that not just any shabby content creator can earn off his or her post motivates us all to get better and better every day. The last time I logged into my Facebook account was probably two months ago- probably because it's very uninteresting, and I'm also been constantly chased by scammers and "spiritualists" on the platform. However, I'm always active on Steemit platform. A bad sex for 7 years?haha...come on
This is really true. You cannot avoid it.
Good evening, @tarazkp, you have a lot to say
This platform is complex and at some point much more interesting.
Your post is the best @tarazkp
Please give me a follow and upvote my first post, and I will give you a follow in return!
so true. so much truth here...great post
i clicked this to see how you were linking content to bad sex :)
This isn't Facebook - primarily because everything here is public and for the whole world to see for all eternity - but this isn't strictly some "quality content" platform, either. This is what its users make of it.
To me this feels pretty much like any blogging platform with money. I've used Blogspot for blogging for fun with friends for years. We'd write posts and comment on each other's posts to entertain each other. The company that ran the platform sold advertising space and pocketed the profits. There is nothing wrong with getting paid for writing the sort of mediocre posts and comments people on social medias write. You see the value in having a social network doing that is not primarily in the stellar content they produce but in the attention paid by those people collectively. That is worth something. Not much per person but something anyway. The users of other social medias see none of the financial value whereas here they get paid in proportion to their popularity. The market cap of Facebook is about $400 billion and the number of users is around two billion. That translates into the average user being worth about $200 at most. It's not much different here. But even if you made, let's say, only a couple of hundred per year by posting here and not some other social media or blogging platform, it would still be the smart thing to do.
Also, without the masses coming on board, powering up and supporting content any "quality content" producer will remain at the mercy of the whim of a few individuals.
Here is a miserable statistic, if accurate...
15% of comments are human?!
Unsure if i agree about the challenges i just started one last week myself and have been blown away by how many people have joined in - in my mind its a good way to get to know steemians better. And for me I am not going to have a lot of time for steemit over summer so its a good way to keep writing content. I think it attracts newer users though who struggle with coming up with content ideas.
Noted - i wont nominate you for any future challenges @tarazkp
buena suerte
es muy verdad lo que dices, estoy completamente de acuerdo con tigo
The person who told me about steemit acctually sold me that 'facebook with money' idea too. But the reality is other. A real effort is needed to develop quality content. Also I'm already maturing in what kind of posts I'm voting for. And yes, I've advertised steemit in that way too... I admit it. The things is that sometimes one need to use as example something that people know about, but I always say: ...but you need to write good stuff, not posting the photos of your visit to your grandma hahaha (I actually said that to a friend).
Aww great article. I totally agree, I love encouraging new people to join Steemit, but I always warn them, it takes a lot of work! Engagement is key!
Not because I'm worried about bad sex or anything horrible like that! :D
It's an important statement. And, I agree.
Excellent comparison with the publishing house. That's true. I often repeat this, that no one will give you your voice just for 1 photo, selfie etc. Money is rarely easy. And if you're really aiming for growth here, without bots and scams, then work on your content first. Come up with your idea, your style. Find the main theme, the connecting thread in your blog. And work. It's really NOT Facebook. This is Steemit, a place for creative people, a place for interesting messages, a place where you come not only To Get. But also To Give. Carry value to the community.