Why did you decide to invest in moonSTEEM ?
What's the date you started your investment ? What's your current ROI (%) to date ?
Maybe a screenshot of your account tab
How's moonSTEEM performance in your opinion ? any other benefits or feedbacks ?What's the initial amount (STEEM) you have invested with @moonsteem ?
Happy to give my testimony-
Of course that didn't work out so my investment amounts to 26,811 STEEMI started with 30k STEEM but then wanted to recoup my losses via martingale over at @steem-bet ( very shady website, do not recommend )
I invested roughly 2 months ago. These guys know what they are doing. I'm literally trusting them with ALL the STEEM I got. Currently sitting at 2,479 Steem paid in Dividends (!!!)
Moonsteem is doing just fine. We need some more players, so hop over and get your share of the house profit ;)
Good post thanks for your information.
Posted using Partiko Android
Good post. Thank for your information.
Posted using Partiko Android