This is a really well written piece Marly, good job! I feel like you've definitely brought up some great points regarding the key-areas we should be thinking about. Too many discussions about Steem's future revolve around 1-2 points, instead of taking them all into consideration like you've done.
More expansive thinking with how we should develop and innovate in these talks could help push us to the actual answer. The discussions are getting a bit stale, tbh. Thank you for providing a fresher opinion :)
Hey @stuffbyspencer! Thanks a lot for your feedback, and please apologize for not having gotten back to you earlier.
You touched an important point here: often we focus on only 1-2 targets while we lose the overall / big picture. Just look at the current trending page and you'll see what Steem is all about: crypto and development.
That's brilliant from a developer's standpoint, but will never ensure mainstream adoption for this platform. We need more support for mainstreamy communities on Steem (food, health music, sports,...) since those are the ones that will attract the average internet user.
Couldn't agree more. It's as if the current Steem community are just employees of Steem itself. We need curators, creators, comedians, writers... In a funny way, we even need people who make things we don't necessarily enjoy or like, for it to be truly mainstream.
I believe we'll get there. We already have the frameworks and early stages of many of the above stated communities, now they just need to grow. In due time, I'm sure :)