STEEMIT: This is the sort of exposure that would catapult STEEM/STEEMIT Stratospheric..!!

in #steem8 years ago (edited)


Floyd Mayweather and BITCOIN.png

Floyd Mayweather on Instagram

I know this Instagram Post has been brought up before, but I wanted to highlight it once again.

For the one's who missed it, here is the Instagram link....

~~~ embed:BXD4KDqgX3x/?hl=en&taken-by=floydmayweather instagram metadata:QlhENEtEcWdYM3gvP2hsPWVuJnRha2VuLWJ5PWZsb3lkbWF5d2VhdGhlcg== ~~~
Credit: Instagram/floydmayweather


This is the sort of exposure that would catapult STEEM/STEEMIT Stratospheric..!!

Just look at the numbers..!!

Thanks again for reading.




Shared on twitter. If you are on twitter please #RETWEET..!! #FloydMayweather. Stephen

Now show a screenshot of THIS on Twitter with the almost $3 you made of just Sharing a screenshot of his Instagram posrt! Show how Steemit is like teh last place whre media can end up and be compiled, to make money by creating value by scooping uo all the worlds information ans news and compiling into steemit pists like this

Just man wow $3 off a comment with all the info a twete or IG post has, showing that to people on twotter will make them jelous and jump to steemit so fast
when steemit has al the big power users peopel will come here no coubt

social media has always been a game about who can get teh most value oput of the social media accounts and steemit is the only place that directly pays uyou, we have such an incredibel network tyhat makes rthat posible so much technology and a whole ecosystem that has appeared ovr the last year vry quickly so mcuh value created from nothing! its very creative and very mystical when you think about all the peopel steemit will support soon!

steem blockchain will create SO many jobs we wont need Universal basic income, it will be Universal Basic Steemit Income where people can all Blog to make money, and in the future peopel wil be submitting more than just blogs, all teh wordpress blogger will come and fil in the spaces of all the infrmation arbitrage theyw ill have the latest news of the day posted as it come sout, so it will be competitive to blog ...well, everyone who has the followers will get even more followers so start posting high quality content while you can easily do it still! It will become more competiotive in here!

Anyone with a few grand in steem will be ina great place, even a few hundred in steem wil seem grat when it double sor triples, so make sur eyou have as much stem as you can save up becaise steems increase in price wil go up more than a lotof crypto currencies

Many altcoins dont have much going for them but steem has the MOST complex ecosystem! Steem keeps being valuable to its users as other altcoins seem sketchy,and so steem will continue to be a safe haven for people trying to make passive income, people will dump other coins into steem as Bitcoin transaction fees remain $5 or more, so people will get sick of that, and all start using steemit to send and receive money around as we have a zero transaction fee system! and its fast! u can send stuff in 2 minutes for free, people switching to bitcoin cash JUSt for the lower fees will realize stem has the LOWEST fees and yeah steem just needs time to be developed and we wil have millions of users soon!

I've tried to spam Mayweather with tweets and comments just hoping by the slightest chance that he catches it and he is willing to check it out but he probably will not.

However in the end I'm sure that he will join steemit when it starts to get more exposure and it is out there in the public eye.

The pump for the STOX ico was absolutely crazy and it was all thanks for Mayweather and hopefully the same happens with steemit.

Just one huge star joining the site will lead to this chain reaction with millions of users joining the platform and either we rely on luck or the community tries to work together to get more publicity for steemit.

If everyone on Steemit who has a Twitter Account re-tweeted this tweet then I am sure it would spark interest. If Floyd Mayweather repeated what he did on Instagram on Steemit after he had accumulated a sizeable amount of STEEM, simply by promoting Steemit he would be a very, very, very, very, very, very rich man..!! It is all about leveraging what you already have. Stephen

That's amazing news. Any new exposure to crypto made by Floyd Mayweather can only boost entire cryptocurrency industry.

Did STOX go stratospheric? Surely all of Mayweather's posts get this many likes. Would be a boon but likely not worth what they paid him to do it

"Would be a boon but likely not worth what they paid him to do it". If Floyd Mayweather repeated what he did on Instagram on Steemit after he had accumulated a sizeable amount of STEEM, simply by promoting Steemit he would be a very, very, very, very, very, very rich man..!! It is all about leveraging what you already have. Stephen

One thing is shure; he like's Money ...

Informative post.. thanks for sharing stephen

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كان مفيد جدا

Just a matter of time before some famous person hops aboard.

I hope this will continue and bring positive feed back to whole

wow Floyd mayweather using those hashtag never knew about this now i have no doubt's left even not a 0.001% doubt that Crypto is the Future !!

Crypto world about to boom after that

Thanks for the link and yeah saw that Mayweather post on instagram that was crazy indeed :)

Yeah man i have been posting about Instagram and steemit! check my recent posts to see how easy it is to get instagram users attention from just posting screenshots of steemit onto your instagram account!

You can get a lot of attention for a cryptocurrency like Floyd Mayweather did on his Instagram to single handedly promote the STOX Ico and cause it to go up in price by a lot and he probably wons a large chunk of the XTOX network if he invested as much as he shows in that image! social media has allowed famous people to really capitalize on their fame now!