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RE: "Code Is Law (Only When I Want, Otherwise It's Abuse)" - The Shaming Syndicate Of Steemit - Our Own Brand of SJWs & Social Repression

in #steem7 years ago

The main reason there still exist so many issues is that there is no dedication department for whale abuse.


I agree. It certainly seems like even one full-time employee with some delegated stake could do huge work on this front.

But, then again, I'd hate to take them away from the ritual animal sacrifice keeping the site running properly the last week or so.

I mostly have not been digging into the pit of human trash recently, and instead, have been only focusing on things in my direct control, and trying to figure out how to best utilize my own energies. These human problems will continue on, as conflict is actually a driver of change. Without conflict and contrasting viewpoints, new things would not emerge. It's only when the system is improperly designed (as it appears so with the abuses of power), that it will fail. We almost need AI to take on the issue of whale abuse, as it appears that no human wants to go to war with a whale. In this, we see that Steemit is actually more similar to the real world of corruption, as we have not yet found a way to properly handle the human mind and all its frailties, illnesses and cancers.

"and instead, have been only focusing on things in my direct control"

I think this is a wise practice, generally speaking.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can change; and wisdom to know the difference."

"We almost need AI to take on the issue of whale abuse, as it appears that no human wants to go to war with a whale."

I guess an AI's inability to be monetarily threatened, or held hostage by reputation, might indeed be necessary.

Vote SkyNet/HAL in 2020.

"conflict is actually a driver of change" I've had that tucked into the back of my brain since I was whale attacked a month into the platform launch.....I'm back a year later and jumping into your bubble and will just focus on things in my direct control. I think Steemit will gain traction when Steemians start accumulating interesting and informative writers on their feeds... they will naturally continue to organically grow this ecosystem because their brains will know where to go to find the content it enjoys... at the moment Steemit is still about penny hustlers will work it's way out in the wash..... just keep sharing good info.....