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RE: Cambridge Meetup was a huge success

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for organising this. I wasn't sure how many were coming, but was pleasantly surprised by the turnout. Great to see Basil again. You did a great job with the weather. The conversation is always intense at these events and generally more positive that some might expect. When's the next one?


Me too, I was very impressed by the turnout. Astonished even. I had no idea who would be able to make it.

If anyone is up for it we could do another one to sort out the SPS ideas. 👍

I was wondering if it would be you, me and Basil, but it was great the others could make it too from far and wide. Just need to keep the enthusiasm going. I heard some of what you guys were plotting. You need to put something together for that.

Basil has a meeting this week with a director and other production people. It will be interesting to see what we can put together.

I'd would have liked to have seen that movie short that the Canadian chap made. I couldn't recall his name?

@brian-rhodes is the chap. I'm following him but he hasn't posted in a while?

I hope Brian comes back
He was really into it. I had good chats with him at Steemfest.

Yep, Brian wanted to hold a steemfest over in Canada last time.
Have you seen his YouTube channel?

Not checked on him recently. There's too much to keep up with

Tell me about it lol.

I really like the whole idea behind Obyte and Boinc.
Doing something useful with devices when they are idle is a win win.