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RE: "I Got Downvoted!?! It's Not Fair! Can You Help Me???"

in #steem6 years ago

'Industrial scale'? The odd dozen users, most of whom don't have huge voting power and risk retaliation. It's all a personal choice by people who think Steem can be better than it currently is.

'Theft'? Here's a site that effectively gives you free money if people like what you do. They can also decide you are over-rewarded and reduce the rewards. No criminal action involved. It's how Steem was designed.

You got caught out and you're not exactly winning friends.


At what? I hope you are not threatening anyone. That's a dangerous path

I'm voting for those who do this good work. I would flag anyway and I still often do without rewards.

What's your 'point' (if we are adding quotes things)?

His point is that he has no idea how anything works in a "decentralized" environment.

He wants his cake and eat it too.