Steemit Surpasses Reddit In User Engagement!!! - Closing In On Top 10,000 in US Traffic Ranking!

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Wow that was fast.  The user engagement numbers keep climbing and we are now ahead of Reddit!  Incredible!

I've been following engagement numbers closely for Steemit because user growth and engagement are the two key metrics for the long term success of this content platform.  I posted updates for July 3rd and July 15th.  You can see the improvement in bounce rate from 40.2% to 34.8%, in avg. daily pageviews from 7.6 to 10.4 and avg. daily time on site from 11:09 minutes to 15:08 minutes.  All this in just about two weeks! 

In just a few months Steemit has surpassed Reddit in engagement according to Alexa!  This is no easy feat.  Remember Reddit has been around for over a decade and has accumulated tons of content over the years.  Some call Reddit the Front Page of the Internet and it's #9 in traffic ranking for the US.  The reality is Reddit is predominantly used by young males so it's not the Front Page of the Internet for everyone.  What about females?  Steemit has a much more balanced demographic profile!   There are an above average number of females on the website as we can see here:      

Let's compare Steemit to a website like Pinterest that is a popular content website for females.  It's an image-based platform as well so I expect very good engagement.  Pinterest is the #13 ranked website in the US.  Here are the numbers:

Sorry Pinterest.  Steemit WINS!     

Ok we compared a male-centric website Reddit and a female-centric website Pinterest, but what website can be considered the Front Page of the Internet for the general public these days?  Where are people if they aren't searching for something specific on Google?  I would say most people default to for general content.  I know the company and the user experience on the platform has been going downhill the past few years, but it's still #5 in traffic ranking in the US.  Let's see its engagement numbers.    

Sorry Yahoo.   Steemit WINS.  Again!

Hmmm... why can't Steemit become the real Front Page of the Internet?   Instead of Yahoo... or Reddit? Ok let's think bigger and compare it to one of the major social media companies Twitter, #7 in traffic ranking in the US.   

 Sorry Twitter. And Again. Steemit WINS!  

You know what?  The way Steemit is trending in engagement, the big behemoths of Google & Facebook better watch out.  They are our next targets!  

Avg. Daily Time on Google is 15:37 minutes so we are closing in on them.  Facebook is the ultimate target with avg. Daily Time on Site at 19:20 minutes.  With more great content and improvements in user experience, we might get there in no time!

Traffic Rankings Keep Surging! 

As you can see the traffic keeps surging ahead.  Just two weeks ago we cracked the Top 20,000 Ranking in the US.   Now we're on the doorsteps to being in the Top 10,000!  

Conclusion:   Despite the recent price declines and the complaints about bots, payouts and gaming, Steemit's long term fundamentals remain strong.  Yes there are always ways to improve the user experience on the platform and we should focus hard to make that happen, but when you look at the engagement numbers it's incredible to see where we already are.  So keep posting the great content!  Continue doing whatever you've been doing to make this platform engaging for users.  Remember not everyone is going to be active as writers or even participants.  Some people just want to read and discover good quality content.  People are clamoring for a new landing page for their Internet experience.  Yahoo is stale.   Reddit is immature.  Can Steemit be the gateway to the New Internet?

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Interesting. It's broken the top 5000 in some European countries, which is indeed impressive.

Engagement is looking good versus Reddit. However, do note that Reddit has many dozens of millions of casual users who would only browse for a bit. I don't know how this will play in the long run, but certainly Steemit's engagement numbers are off the charts for a brand new site.

It'll be interesting to see how or if Steemit will be adopted by the mainstream Reddit crowd. There's a couple of hundred million right there. From 43,000 it can only go up. The growth has slowed down a bit, temporarily, though.

Peopleactive steem coming out of a black 3 stripe "hole" like Чорно́биль in 86

Yes it will be interesting to know what it will look like when users are in the millions. Engagement may plateau, but then again more content will be generated so you never know. I was concerned about engagement numbers from the early stage in the thousands to now in the tens of thousands because of dilution, but it just keeps climbing. It's been a pleasant surprise so far.

I have the same question... what the numbers and ratios will be when members are >1mn.... But indeed, so far so good.

This is some great news and great numbers to look into.

In relevant discussion (and I do apologise for bringing it up in a comment section), I've tried my hand at investing a bunch of the SBD my first marketing material post got into new marketing campaigns and strategies. Steemit is being advertised on a large scale over at Reddit, but the first impression new users gets is sadly that of FUD and sour grapes. We need some real life positive experiences to give people a clearer image!

If you have a reddit account, no matter your status on Steemit - your role in marketing and public relations can be crucial right now.

Thanks, and let's keep the engagement and PR train rolling hard!

@steemrollin well i would say that we have more users here than in reddit isn't something strange, because reddit does not allows you to make money on every post right?
There are ways to monetize your content there, but they are fairly away from what we have here.
For me,steemit is just much better than reddit ;)

Niches will atomize and whales will develop their own niches/feeding-grounds of content.

Only thing that makes sense given the growth patterns of like platforms.

Beautiful research. I am WAY too ADHD to put much time into deep research like this. Glad there are minds like yours on here.


That is something i was thinking about, a month ago.
We had already seen back then the community growth in steemit, because it allows us to use it in so many ways, that users are still coming in.
And i dont think that it is going to stop.
We may see something much bigger than now, and i hope this is going to happen, more users here means more updates, more improvement.

How much of this is bots?

I've thought about this too and I'm not entirely sure. I'm not sure bot traffic hits the Steemit website because you can just run a client node and post to the Steem blockchain. I'd need confirmation on that.

I think you've missed one:

Very insightful! I definitely do see academic posts a lot more often around here than I do on reddit.

Yeah I thought of adding that.. but thx! The Steemit community is much more well educated!

Wait, doesn't it show the opposite?

Graduate School rate is higher for Steemit and marginally higher for College... there's no data on the other categories.

That CAN'T be accurate... That's a straight up statistical anomaly if real.

I average around 15hrs a day on SteemIT :)

Also, this explains a lot:

Because now, all of us work from home for making steemit quality content!

go back to school :)

I average way over 19 minutes a day on steemit. This place is going to blow the rest out of the water. And hardly any bullies on here to ruffle with. Love it

Im on 24/7 now. D idnt got logged out, went to store, visited my parrents... still logged in :)

I'm constantly reading articles and voting if they're worthy. Try to give a little advice. It's insane! I can't put it down!

Outstanding and amazing in itself! All for one and one for all! Thanks for the posting. Namaste :)

Agreed. Thanks!

If account creation was simplified we would pass 100k already!


Isn't it simple enough. The hardest part would be correctly writing down auto generated password.
Best to take photo with offline only photo maschine I guess

I'm thinking they're talking the reddit/facebook requirement.

Impressive! The rate of engagement is remarkable, but I think as more features are added it will go even further. Much higher in fact. Adding a robust Search function, customizable homepages, alerts, groups, following functions, etc. will make Steemit more appealing and promote more exploration, involvement, and contribution.

Great job Steemit team and community!

I agree there's still room for a lot of enhancements to make it even better!

Thanks for this thorough overview. The numbers look just great.

Steemit users are / should be more engaged, anyways. By definition because they own a part of a platform, in a way :)

Yes. Users being stakeholders definitely helps the engagement. Good point!

Basically the best thing you can do right now is buy steem and power up. thank me later

Buy steem? Is there a market for this already? :)

Steam baby! i mean STEEEM!!!!!

thats a nice start for a Betta steemit stage .. keep the Good work ...

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I really love seeing this website gain some momentum, time for us cryptocurrency enthusiasts to get some attention!

I don't know if it's just me. But it seems like every other day I receive a new tidbit of knowledge about Steemit that makes me want to go all in.

Then I calm down for a minute and BOOM - read an article like this

Reddit is killing Reddit. Particularly u/spez

Steemit will be soon on the top ten website on the world , thanks good statistics

Steemit is still very young, compared to Reddit. Because of the Steem that it provides to popular posts, it has a much bigger growth. But it will take some time till it has grown its unique niches, like Reddit has.

I agree. Still very young and there will be ups and downs. I do think the content here is unique and will definitely fill out some niches before broadening out.

And this is just the beginning. There are so many people that never heard of Steemit. It will change. Just a matter of time and Steemit will climb the letter

So Whales eats aliens for breakfast ? nice :D

This was expected. Reddit censure well known.

really awesome how is growing that community
I am very happy to participate every day 8]

Interesting ! Enjoy such success so far . When I signed up there were around 25k . I am one of those females who likes Pinterest a lot and after a few days testing out Steemit, I see myself going back more often for a few reasons , I will not list all but 3 of them , I do not mean to critisize
#1 : I am more of a visual person and prefer to read posts from people I follow and wish to know who follows me.
#2 : I like to know who I am dealing with , It is boring to see the same avatars with black shadows . It is easier for me to remember faces or symbols , not names . I hope you are working on improvements for this platform and a proper app.
#3 log in issues via Indonesia , therefore too complicated to upvote and stay on the platform

Earning money is attractive , not " everything " but hey I am so thankful to see 211 USD in value , a few days ago it said 259. I rather don't have a heart attack to see thousands :)
I am kind of curious to see how many would give up posting if you would stop payouts .

Thanks for pointing this out. I didn'nt know Steemit is doing THAT well :)

Btw how does it compare to Quora? It was my favorite website before. Now i'm on Steemit everyday :p

This is great news! Woot-woot!

Google and Facebook, watchout! We will conquer your world!

Thanks for the info @steemrollin!

You have to check the numbers when the initial hype is over. After that, we'll see if most users are still active and if new users numbers will keep increasing fast

i like your post
be my inspiring

Great to see the platform gathering steem. Im very excited about the future!

Excellent publication steem is the future of the world economy, is innovative and revolutionary

Looks like we go need something for the pain, something like VicoDance

Steemit is part of the new deal of the internet. Steemit will be around long after many of these "top" sites because it keeps people engaged in a whole new way. As it starts to 'click' for more people, I'll be busy on the platform eating popcorn and watching the launch.

I'm with you. Let's enjoy the ride.

I really like these type of stats. Really shows the growth has.

Wow, and this is just the beginning!

Yes indeed!

It is inevitable . A social media platform that has paying incentives to produce content and curate, is the new beginning of an exciting future. Steemit will gain traction in epic proportions moving forward.

Awsome Reddit is going down! Here we go Steemit!

nice job steemrollin :) This is what most steemians are looking for on how actively engaged are we compared to other platforms. sweet!!! Might give other social networks a scare when they realized this happened to them.

I agree. It's getting much harder to keep people engaged online, but we keep it real here so we can buck the trends and the other social networks better watch out!

Champ in bot engagement

Tremendous news! Looking forward to when Steemit over takes Google & Facebook :)

Wow! That really puts things into perspective...And to think that we at the very beginning stages of this movement...Heck, we are still in beta! lol Great post steemrollin:)

Thanks. Yes we're still very early. As long as the fundamentals are sound we're in good shape.

How much of this engagement is bots?

Thank you for this post! upvoted

Great data! Thanks for putting it together!

great development. the movement is on

Did you look at the mobile traffic ratings for FB and Twitter compared to Steemit? They're primarily mobile apps...

Good point. It would be good to analyze mobile. This still gives us a rough idea of engagement.

This is great news, thanks for putting this together and for helping to develop a new better economy

Welcome and yes it's the foundation for a better economy.

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