Steemit user signup have been trending higher and have breached the 1000 new user per day level yesterday in spectacular style!!
We all knew it was coming but didn't expect it would jump so quickly; the word of Steemit has been going viral in all areas that i am apart of it seems the multiplying effect is really kicking in (1 users tells 2 friends) and the crowd is coming towards us.
As Satoshi Nakamoto said: "WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet’s nest, and the swarm is headed towards us".
We won't blame WikiLeaks for our success but i think huge credit should go to the development team for an awesome product and the community at large for their motivation and support.
A decentralised project does not necessarily have a marketing department but it is the member them selves that take up the challenge of introducing people to the platform and as a crypto currency project it is actually quite an easy sell; you could nearly go as far to say Steemit sells it self; all you need to do is point your target in the right directions and curiosity and usability takes over.
I personally introduced a new member to the platform late last night.. by this morning i received a text message from him informing me that he has sent out a dedicated email out to all his followers to make sure they are aware of Steem!; this is the beauty of network effect; of those people who received the email we will only see a portion of them show up here on Steem; but they will go forward and tell their own circle of friend; eventually everyone knows and the communication goes full circle to the people who initially resisted the urge; you can bet by the time that occurs they will have big feeling of regret for not jumping in head first.
Congratulation's Steemit and all the early members!
Steem is an awesome platform and could benefit a lot of people; be nice to them a get the word out.
Good Post!! Everyone, and I mean that, EVERYONE in the next 3-4 months are earlybirds in this...
We've all going to benefit.
The word is getting out there! Other social networks are coming:)
The entire world going to be completely changed.
Blockchain technology will be a revelation bigger than the internet itself.
I cant recall anything that is expanding so fast in so many facets of the world. I just hope the chaos can be kept under control because i am sure minds are ticking over at 1000 mph to derail this locomotive.
Awesomeee. Let's grow this baby BIIIG.
Yep congratz to us all. Goodbye MEDIUM!! lol
go go go go go !!! Let's steam down the yellow brick road of steem currency

It will be very fascinating to see what happens here over the next few months. How this site will compare to others like reddit, or even those that post "how to" articles, since it is that category that seems to be doing VERY well around here $$ wise.