Also correct! But then, a better idea would be to code in the STEEM protocol the possibility to have a limited amount of free down votes, so that the people are encourage to flag the spam (free in the sense that they should not consume voting power)
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I support that idea. Basically if there could be separate voting power pools - one for upvoted, and one for downvotes - that would do the trick.
Yes, this can work. Also, rewards and transfers should not be available for people with low reputation... this would make the Steemit a completely different world. Imagine, ... reputation <50? No transfers possible! Or, ... reputation <25? All posts set to "decline payout"! 😀
That part won't fly :)
I don't think it would matter how many Free downvotes I had. I just went past the 500SP and my downvote would knock off a whopping $0.100 of a spammers payout. A person with 50SP may get lucky and be able to knock off a whopping $0.001 of a spam payout. So more downvotes are not going to help anyone other that the people with a lot of SP because then they would be able to downvote your account into the ground and not cost them a single penny. So free downvote=really really bad idea.