Not to belabor the point; but, the 'bot' system of voting usually costs people more in the long run. But, it's all free choice, so people have to discern what's best for them on this platform.
Best regards.
Not to belabor the point; but, the 'bot' system of voting usually costs people more in the long run. But, it's all free choice, so people have to discern what's best for them on this platform.
Best regards.
I think it can be valuable on occasion when there is something important to say, or promote, and it might be worth negative ROI in order to make HOT list, or trending..
Yes, I can see it being a promotional tool. However, the masses will let greed be their demise, and become 'addicted' to the bot. I've heard too many 'sad' stories about gullible people getting on the hook with these type 'money earners'.