B's allocation is represented in mb (is this not a measure of speed rather than size? idk, not overly technically inclined beyond programming the clock on a VCR ;) ).
Here's the hammer that got me, represented as 3.6gb.
Thus, despite my lack of knowledge of who's who and what's what and how it all works, I got to see right off the bat what it's all about.
Sure I could buy my way up the food chain, still not worth the risk with these sharks floating around.
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It is data size. It is clearly indexed on stake, and it clearly has no kind of reasonable ceiling. The bar represents a time period.
Also, why is anyone afraid of sharks in a virtual world? If they represent a tangible threat, then we have got bigger problems than a bunch of racketeers. No, I'm not afraid to simply point out the salient to people. I have already written off my investment in this platform, and I am glad that I was able to draw something out that let me finally break a cycle of poverty.
Believe me, I would rather be concentrating on improving my content and getting it some attention ~>

~> rather than trying to figure all this stuff out ~>
One is fun, the other like work.
I like the work :)
Eh... guess I'm not fooling anyone. If I had the hardware I'd be balls deep in happiness to the point it wouldn't be considered work. Le Sigh.
be lurking round reddit
nice. yes, I was serious when I said i am moving on. I can't help but be wanting to know how people receive the content of this post.
If I am right about the bandwidth issue, we are going to see it happen within a few weeks.