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RE: @sweetsssj is the largest abuser of last minute upvotes!

in #steem7 years ago

So why don't you just flag it then, that's what the 12 hours of only downvoting are for, no?

We have already seen all this shit about sweetsssj a ton of times now. You are taking the piss if you genuinely think that the answer to this is you getting paid 500 SBD from the reward pool for telling us all something we already knew, and that we lack the power to do anything about.

You have the power. So do it silently and stop raping the reward pool. You really have no reason to. If you want legitimate reasons to post that are worthy of rewards, I have no problem giving you ideas. I have many that would be good for someone like you. I wouldn't even want anything in return other than for you to stop taking the piss with these tiny posts that are full of shit we already knew, that are milking the reward pool unnecessarily.


You've been here long enough to know that flagging is a complete waste of voting power. If I'm going to flag, you better believe I'm going to recover those lost rewards somehow.

Also, dummy, as you can see I paid for all of these votes and will likely not earn more than I spent to have this pushed to the top of trending.

Somehow this profile is able to upvote their own post with only 200 Steem power and they receive around $9 SBD, how is this possible, I have around 700 sp and can only upvote myself around $0.21 SBD?bernie will you check out this post I have done on @twitternomore here:

The irony in this ...

Yeah, no kidding! So @barne734, I think you saw my comment on the other thread that it's just a sock puppet account from nextgen622, who is the one voting the twitternomore posts up.

Do you upvote a lot of things? Each time you upvote, it dilutes your future upvoting power temporarily. It's a little more complicated than this, but I think basically you recharge 20 100% upvotes each day. If you go over that, then it will take more than one day to recharge back to full upvoting power.

try 20- 100% UV/day and lmk how that works out for ya ;)
It's 11 by my calculations. But the recycle period on that would be right at 24 hours so they say 10 votes.

Doesn't upvoting someone else work the same as flagging? In that teh pool is fixed so by upvoting someone else you shift the percentage payouts?

I think the real problem on this site is that only a few people vote, most don't bother because they think their votes don't count (though they do in aggregate).

Maybe that's the question. How can people be encouraged to curate? My typical .001 curation rewards won't encourage it for returns, but people do it on Quora and Reddit for free because of engagement.

What's different? I really think if we had some sort of communities, it would help. The trending page is mostly crap, and if you're not interested in pumping the crypto of the day, it's boring. I've followed people who interested me, but most of them don't post that often because, you know, it's not worth it if you can't get exposure.

This! You are so on point. The barrier to getting a post worth anything for anyone’s with under 1000 SP is really going to hurt and make it so those whales are now super powerful and we need to retool the site so we can handle when YouTube and other social media start losing users to us. I think there are a lot of tweaks that would make this destination numero uno for a lot of people. But there are certainly things holding it back like the utter powerlessness of a user like me who has 500+ followers but can’t get a blog above $1 no matter what I do, what I write about, how I tag it and what time I post it. If we had groups we would have microenvironments that people could become involved in and it wouldn’t absolutely benefit the platform and all users current and future as a whole. Without a doubt. Upvoted and Followed.

Very well said have an upvote and follow me old mate

How can people be encouraged to curate?

If I could ask you to take a look at my recent post titled 'Steemit: The Curation Leagues' - This is my method, I offer prizes for doing it!

That's a great effort. Thanks for contributing.

are you going to join the fun?

Thats awesome man! At what point in a New Steemian career can they even offer that type of Blog contest or prize without at least having a good followings, reps, steem dollar/power/steem etc?

So far I've fckin spent approx 40 quids in time, shuffling on steemit.
Now I've realized it's loads of sh
t I want my money back.

Yeah, you can't get any visibility without votes, but you can't get votes without visibility. Obviously, the company line is you have to invest to power up, get a delegation, etc. I've also heard you had to produce qualify content, and that would certainly help, but judging by the trending page, it doesn't ALWAYS appear to be a requirement.

Seriously, you can get some traction without that by engaging with communities and promoting your work, but it's very tough because it takes a lot of skill, improvement, and endurance. That's why there are so many inactive users.

Anyway, I just throw a bit out here and there and hope that in a year or two the ship's still floating, and my account will be worth more. It's no get-quick-rich platform unless you enter into it funded with either money or a large base of followers.

This isn't necessarily a total criticism. My daddy always used to warn me that the world did not revolve around me. I'm just saying that people need to have the right expectations.

Beautifully said. I am in that slow riding boat. I can see the trend that people who have a good following from youtube can make it good on steemit. Hence why Im gonna start doing more parody skits on youtube in the long run in hopes of building a fan base. Its gonna take a lot of work and time. I will do it for fun or else I will feel burnt out when I see no quick progress. It should not be a get rich quick gimmick, here on steemit or on youtube.

So when you say that you will recover those lost rewards, what does that mean?

Sweetsssj appears to be recovering her lost rewards by upvoting accounts that cash out to the same account as she does, and I understand fully why you find this repulsive, because seems not just greedy, but also deceptive. But, at the end of the day, she's trying to recoup losses to inflation that this platform imposes on all STEEM holders.

  1. So, what's your method of keeping those rewards for yourself, and what makes your method morally superior to hers?

  2. And, if it is morally superior, why aren't you just teaching her to do it your way instead?

You could promote instead of self-voting if you want visibility.

We could make votes go down in value as posts age so day one votes at 100% are worth 100% but a last minute day six vote at 100% is only worth say 20%.

Dang Bernie. You are on a crusade. I couldnt help but laugh when you called "son of satire" dummy. Simple non expletive language. I like. I know you are against people like haijin and trevonj. Saw an old post where you flagged Dollarvigilante. I know I will be a whale one day. How do I give back to the community and not become a greedy son of a gun?

I do not consider the removal of rewards from abusers and the redistributing of reward funds to the rest of the community as a waste of voting power. Much to the contrary, I consider it the responsibility of high SP accounts such as yourself.

You have already recovered the rewards a million times over through selling your voting power that you are supposed to be using to reward quality content(and that you are still receiving curation rewards on your sold votes for doing so).

Also, you paid for these votes? I would have thought you had been here long enough to know that I am not as shortsighted as your average Steemit user. Yes, you might have paid for them. But you also sold them. So you bought them from yourself, meaning that you will earn;

  • The payout from this post.
  • The curation rewards from this post.
  • The SBD that was "spent" on purchasing the votes.

So, remind me again. What exactly did you pay?

That was rhetorical. I don't care for a wasteful back and forth. I want only for you to make an attempt to overcome your fear. It is clear you are afraid of looking as though you have lost; you are afraid of losing what you have accumulated; and you are afraid of not being the biggest fish in the pond forever.

It's time to grow up, Bernie. I know you are not half the cunt you purport yourself to be. When you are ready to challenge yourself, as a man does, and see if you can still be a winner without having to cheat, and perpetuate an economy of losers, then I will do, as a man does, and put all the bullshit you have done behind me and offer you my support to help you achieve that end.

Some of us have been in this space together for a long time now. Love it or hate it, we have become somewhat of a family, and STEEM our child that we are raising in the wrong fucking way. If we don't stop projecting the worst parts of us onto our baby, in its infancy, then I can assure you that what we raise into the world will be monstrous. I speak to a decade or two in the future in this instance, and I mean every word. Much like a natural child will be greatly impacted by events in their earliest years, so too will this network we call STEEM. If we start approving of shit that we should not right now, in a couple of years it will be the norm and there will be a far more abusive things going on that we are questioning; and so on and so forth until the very notion of community has been defeated.

However, if we can summon the courage to take a step forward and decide that we are going to try and do this the right way, and see if we can still achieve what we want, then perhaps the abuse that is stomped out in these early days will set a strong principle that will lead STEEM to a place of usefulness and benefit to the society of the future. Instead of just more of the fucking same.

The ONLYNOT my bots. bot of my own that I used was @randowhale. The rest of the large votes on this post are

I didn't read past that because I'm assuming it's pure bullshit just like the beginning of your ignorant rant. You need to get a clue, right now you haven't got one.

bot of yours that has upvoted this post, but several of your other accounts have. Also, I have seen no evidence that you are not transisto, and so for all I know they're fucking all you.Don't attempt to obfuscate the issue. @randowhale may or may not be the only

But either way it does not matter. I have said my piece, and I won't keep giving you more excuses to rape the reward pool via comment upvotes.

Also, we all know you read it. And your electing to pretend you did not only highlights my point. It is time to grow up, Bernie. And that means start living up to the responsibilities that come with being a highly influential member of an economy that determines the well-being of (soon)millions-- and their families.

Well you guys are having a swell time going on each other like. Well @son-of-satire I want you to know that I need help in what form.

I am afraid I do not understand. Can you elaborate?

The squeaky wheel right? I value people pointing it out. We need people that will take abuse to express their speech especially in order to highlight issues in Steemit. We all want this to be a fair place so I have no issue with this post especially if there was time put in to research and not taking drone pictures of a beach and the luxury resort you are at paid for by pointless blogs. It leaves a bad taste. On that I will always agree and the community needs to stop pushing these single posts so high with SP delegation. Maybe the delegation is turning out to be too easy to use to game the algo. Was Steemit designed to do that or are what we see artifacts of a flawed idea?

A good one here

You have a point of view. on my own view @berniesanders on his part is a jealousy. because our lovely sexy sweetsssj must on a win win situation on her part. it's that's true @son-of-satire? just only my opinion?